Chapter 16 We Win

The speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested.

Wan Mozhen’s words touched Lin Feng deeply.

Yeah, why didn’t you think of it?

The speed of the tens of thousands of brothers, I can’t think of myself to reach the peak one step ahead! Perhaps, there will be plenty of time to crack this big array. After all, I am really isn’t only one body, you can use the body to protect your brother, and you can find your way!

I should have thought of it!

But now…

“It’s not too late to make up for it!” Lin Feng looked bright and deep like and drank. “Wan brother, hold on for a while.”

When the voice falls, no more words, I know that I will understand my thoughts. When you are in a hurry, the body is covered with huge waves and the sky is igniting, and the body flashes the dawn opening the cloud. At this time, the avatar is like a string of arrows!

Xiu! Directly open the ontology and the omnipotent.

Speed, the ultimate fast!

Wan Mo’s eyes are so vast that at this moment I really see how fast Lin Feng is terrifying, far exceeding his imagination.

Is this the speed of Saint Level Martial Artist?

“Fortunately.” Lin Feng burning nodded.

“The avatar does not rely on the star source. If the body is strong enough to run out of star power, the speed will not drop too much.”

“It is absolutely possible to find the ancient clock before the physical strength is measured.”

Lin Feng eyelid flickering, the heart is sure.

One circle, another circle.

The Jiuqu Tianhe array does have a full nine songs.

Different from the ordinary formation, the essence of the Jiuqu Tianhe Formation is the ancient clock left by the ancient bells of ancient times. In fact, it is the lords of the Orange Palace in the past that can’t master the mystery of this ‘ancient clock’. It is only a generation passed down, passing the Jiuqu Tianhe array as the trump card to protect the Orange Moon Palace.

It’s hard to go deep into the Jiuqu Tianhe array!

It is the ordinary Saint King Level, and it is not necessarily possible to go deep into the nine songs.

Today, a Saint Level expert did it.

Lin Feng.

Thunder light flashes. Lin Feng crossed the obstacles and finally reached the ‘mountain’.

“Sure enough it is.” Lin Feng eyes burning, looking straight ahead. Nothing else exists, only an ancient clock stands out. The ancient clock is very large, and the engravings are clearly engraved on the top, far exceeding yourself more than a hundred times taller, but…

So huge. But it is extremely delicate.

The bells are very delicate, one circle, one side, one side, little by little, watched like a bell with iron hooks, Lin Feng is completely attracted.


This is definitely the top grade mystery.

“dang!” is another deafening voice. Lin Feng was in front of him.

The ancient clock in front was a blur, and Lin Feng bit his teeth and suddenly turned his head. Hey! The line of sight was clear and the Lin Feng complexion was a little slow. “It’s dangerous, almost stopped.” The eyes left from the deep bells, and Lin Feng’s heart condensed.

at the moment. Really isn’t cultivating.

My own body and my brother are still in dire straits.

Time is getting more and more urgent!

How can we let the huge waves stop and fall?

Lin Feng is in a hurry.

The situation is a disorder.

As the bell rang quickly, the waves of the sky were like the devil’s possession, and a wave covered the waves. Lin Feng complexion is pale and constantly resisting. Constantly retreating, but it is difficult to block the huge waves of the divine might. The speed of flying is extremely fast, just like the strength of the whole ancient gathering, which is more and more fierce.

I can’t resist it!

And then –

“Peng!” A booming strength slammed down, Lin Feng pressured lightly, his eyes fell to the side of Wan Mozhen, eyes bright. Not much to say. At this moment, Wan Mo’s mouth is bloody, and it has been overloaded for a long time. In addition, it is already a body that is not injured, and it is even more like a candle.

but. He did not give up, not to care.

The two eyes are four eyes, flashing with dazzling light, it is Brother who has to say more.

Today, together advance and retreat!


“Peng!” “Peng!” With the power of two people, the hard battle of the old divine might, such as the arm of the car.

At least, I worked hard and did not give up.

Even if the result is not good, at least no regrets.

Before the ancient clock.

Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, looking directly at the ancient clock changes.

when! when! when! The sound of a loud earthquake continued to ring in the depths of my heart. Lin Feng had already oozing blood at the corner of his mouth. The loss of the star power is completely resisted by the pure fleshly body and the will.

At the moment, can’t return!

Opportunities are all above the avatar.

However, how can we crack the secret of this ‘Ancient Clock’, how can we be rescued?

“whoever hung the bell on the tiger’s neck must untie it.”

“From beginning to end, all the secrets, everything, comes from this ancient clock.”

“It will never be wrong!”

Lin Feng’s affirmation.

My eyes fixed on this ancient clock, and my mind kept thinking.

Every moment, there are countless thoughts emerging in the mind, and then instantly rejected. In the ear ‘dāng dāng dāng ‘The voice is endless, like a mourning bell in the heart shuddering, the situation is getting more and more critical.


“If you come to the ontology, the opportunity is bound to be bigger!”

Lin Feng’s brows are tight.

With top grade nine-layered talk pupils, in terms of decryption and sense, it is far better than avatar.

However, on the contrary, many things are counterproductive, and the ontology is completely innocent. At present, we can only rely on the most intuitive judgment.

“When!~” is another sound of crisp sound, Lin Feng complexion slightly changed.

The wave encountered by the ontology was fierce and fierce. Every time it was close to a minute, the might was bigger. Before this, it was verified by yourself and Wan Mozhen. At this moment, I have no time to hesitate, and Wan Mozhen has exhausted all the strengths, and my body is also lingering.

I can’t wait for the next bell to arrive.

Desperate Huang Quan and enter the countdown.

“No choice.” Lin Feng closes his lips and clearly understands.

I have to fight myself!

Just look at how heaven’s will.

“The bell should be from the outside to the inside.”

“The louder the knock, the bigger the waves, the stronger the team’s strength, the stronger the force.”

“If I can stop it, the crisis will be eliminated.”

Lin Feng quickly galloped forward.

At this moment, I don’t care so much, even if the next time I was directly stunned, it doesn’t matter. In fact, my own body and my brother have not waited for the next bell, chance, only the last one!

Enter the ancient clock!

“Destroy the source of the bell.”

“The whole line will be completely destroyed. Even if the array method fails to crack, at least it can stop.”

“Must be done!”

Lin Feng eyes 粼粼 flash.

I have no choice.

Even if the chance of success is less than 50%, there is only one test.

The distance from the ancient clock is coming, Lin Feng took a deep breath, waiting to go straight into the ancient clock, but it was a moment.

“This is!?” Lin Feng looked up.

Close range. I am only able to sense a faint energy.

It is completely locked on the bell line, and the naked eye can’t see it at all, only so close to the barely sense. Aura energy from the bottom, slowly going over the bell line, as if the stream is flowing, but just reversed.

but. Just explained a problem!

“The chassis is down and the peak is up.”

“Aura’s energy is from the bottom up, and it’s where the power of the array is.”

“It’s no wonder that the more you go up, the closer you are to the ancient clock, the bigger the wave you have to bear.”


Lin Feng eyes.

In the blink of an eye, in the mind will melt through.

If you turn this ancient clock upside down, you can understand it clearly.

The most ‘clock bottom’. The force that is received is only the one at the bottom of the clock; the body of the bell, for example, falls into the second song, and it has to withstand the ‘force of the first and second songs’; To withstand the power of one to four songs.

Now that I am in the ninth song, it means to bear the power of the entire nine songs!

Clearly understand, just because this energy flows.

As if cultivating in general, there are specific rules.

“The bell rings. At the bottom.” Lin Feng looks bright.

“The direction of the bell is in the direction of the bell.”

“If you invise the invisible ‘knocker’, you can actually regard him as an ‘introduction’, a person who blew the horn in a war.”


Lin Feng’s mouth slightly raised.

At this moment, there is no need to hesitate any more. Although I have not cracked this ‘Jiuqu Ancient Clock Array’, I know at least the secret of the ancient clock. And how to use this ‘ancient clock’ in front of you to stop the pursuit of the endangered.

“Tread!” Lin Feng jumped up.

Despite the loss of star power, the amount of physical strength has not been lost.

Falling in the ancient clock peak, falling in the opposite direction of the bell. Lin Feng’s eyes are shining, and the amethyst spear blooms in the hand, exhausting the whole body strength and blasting a spear.

“Hey!~” crisp and sure sound.

In this huge ancient array, leisurely resounding.

the other side.

“Come on, Lin brother!” Wan Mozhen shouted in hysteria.

Drinking with glare, although he knows that Lin Feng will not leave him, but now that this situation is only the last bit of strength, he hopes to persuade Lin Feng not to be so stupid to accompany him to die. However, Lin Feng didn’t even say a word, and the pale complexion emerged with a firm will, exhausting the last star.

Show action by action.

To die, die together!

The hustle and bustle of the sky whizzed, and the momentum of the scorpion brought the strength of nature to the extreme.

Seeing Lin Feng’s star power is almost exhausted, and then unable to resist, Wan Mozhen has already closed his eyes in pain, deep guilt and self-blame come to mind, but can not bear to see the tragedy, can not bear to see the best Brother is buried here.


“Hey!” The crisp sound is loud and loud.

It seems as if the death penalty of the two men was pronounced.

Of course…

Time, one minute and one second passed.

The feeling of being swept away by the huge waves and drowning did not appear.

The body, as if in a calm environment, even the surrounding aura sense is gradually diminishing and disappearing.

what happened?

Wan Mozhen opened his eyes with some stunned eyes, watched in front, where there is still a little bit of waves, storms. At this moment, like Tian Qing, the surroundings are quiet, and the terrifying natural disaster seems to disappear in an instant, leaving only the black back, high and steep.


The watched Lin Feng was dull, and Lin Feng turned his head at the moment, and the two men looked at each other.

“We won.” Lin Feng smiled weakly and gave a thumbs up.

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