The fifteenth chapter of the nine songs Tianhe array

Sense, very deep!

Both pupils shine, now it is the ninth floor.

Top grade The ability of the eyelids is much stronger than the avatar. The sound of the bell seems to be only one sound, but the artistic conception that appears is different, and the aura contained in it is also very different. This sound is short and fast!

It’s like a horn blowing.

as predicted–

“Boom!~” like the Heavenly Thunder earthquake.

The surrounding water curtain instantaneously screams into the waves, and the rapid array of spurs makes the almost static still, suddenly it is rising winds, scudding clouds, like a gyro. The energy of the rich water brings a huge wave, just like the edge of the raging sea of ​​anger.

Jiuqu Tianhe Formation, really opened!

when! when! when!

The sound of the ancient bell is extremely bright.

Every impact makes the waves become rushed, terrifying, and might radiate all around.

Like the real nature of the divine might!

“Go!” Lin Feng fired Fireball Chi Lie in his hand and shouted to Wan Mo.

If these situations are hard-hitting, it will only be self-defeating. I know a little about the law. I know very well that this huge wave is really isn’t human being able to compete, maybe it can resist for a while, but in this ‘ancient clock array’, as long as the power is not exhausted, the waves will Will not stop.

Hard touch is the most stupid way.

Unless you have the strength of the far-exceeding array, if you can only find the flaws in the order!

“xiu!” is like a phantom, Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

The road has not changed. Every time the bell rings, it will make this new road open. As the movement moves and the road changes, it is like a small path, only enough. But it is the only ‘living path’.

Two people, run very fast.

Wan Mozhen was in the front, Lin Feng was behind, and he had his own tacit understanding.

Speed, determine the order of each other; strength, decide who stands in the back straight to the waves of this day; Lin Feng. Undoubtedly more suitable than Wan Mozhen. Despite the break, despite the desperate escape, Lin Feng’s eyes were bright and did not stop thinking.

Escape, just a matter of expediency!

“When! When!” in the ear, the bell was still loud, and Lin Feng’s lips were close.

“The launch of this law is bound to be related to the ‘bell’, and what I have seen outside is also a huge ancient clock.”

“The ancient phoenix sculpture, such as the bloody secret. The heart of this ancient clock, the ninety-nine is the ‘ancient clock’!”

Lin Feng eyes, the heart of the ponder.

The thief first smashed the king, and the same is true.

I am really isn’t 舜, I am able to find a way out in a short time, leaving this ancient clock. However, this method is too dangerous for itself, and it is likely to be swallowed up in this sky before it finds a way.

Yourself. Really isn’t master of the array.

Looking for the ‘Ancient Clock’ is the best way for you!


The sound of the bells resounded. It is regular.

The engravings above the ancient clock are also traceable. Lin Feng is very fortunate to enter this ‘ancient clock’ first is Wan Mozhen, not himself. If not, I am afraid I have no chance to see the huge ancient clock covered by the lineup!

Although only for a moment, I have already had a deep memory of the grain.

“Very important.”

“Help me save a lot of skills and time.”

Lin Feng secretly thought.

Bells. More and more urgent.

The pressure behind it is getting bigger and bigger, and the waves are coming and going. After a wave of waves, the speed is increasing, and the speed of owning is already. Lin Feng’s brow wrinkled slightly. Naturally, I can easily get rid of it at my own pace, but this is already the full speed of my brother.

Can’t be faster.

“Peace.” Lin Feng eyes flashing.

The ray of light, the avatar suddenly appeared in place, the hand holding amethyst spear, wearing a thunder armor, shiny thunder light covering the whole body, the sound of the smashed vault of heaven. When the husband was off, Wanfu was not open, facing the huge waves of tens of thousands of meters, and did not avoid the flash.


As standing on a narrow bridge.

“Ha!” Lin Feng violent shout, the eyes bright clear.

Independently withstand this unimaginable nature, the divine might, with no fear of resistance, there is no other way to think about it.

Only hard block!

Grit your teeth, and the speed is extremely high.

Not 100%, but has reached 120%, almost the extent of overdraft. He is really isn’t stupid, if not in the same day, how can he be alone, if not Lin Feng, he is definitely the deserved overlord of Yancheng.

“Damn!” Wan Mozhen was extremely angry.

Really isn’t angry with this ancient clock, not even angry with Lin Feng, but angry at himself.

Why is the strength still so weak!

Wind sighing and cranes calling , astonishing gas flame bursting is enough to prove that the world-shaking battle takes place at the end. At the moment, he is swaying in the line. He knows exactly where the ‘rules’ are. If Lin Feng is not doing anything, how can it be hard to deal with this big battle.

It was he who dragged Lin Feng.

“Ah!!!” The roar of extreme angry, Wan Mo愁both eyes blood red.

Then I want to speed up, but a heat wave is covered behind me. Just like a dose of clearing agent, Wan Mozhen suddenly calms down. “Call!~” Lightly breathed out, Wan Mozhen calmed down, and turned his head and nodded to Lin Feng, thanking him.

He is really too impulsive.

“Don’t be a mess.” Lin Feng whispered.

“The most important thing at the moment is to find a way out, and then I will talk about it later.” Lin Feng has a lot of eyes and has experienced so much. He knows how to understand what he is thinking, and how he feels about this change. It is normal.

“I understand.” Wan Mozhen snorted.

Trials and tribulations.

Lin Feng naturally does not have the idea of ​​throwing away.

Let’s go together!

“The grain.” Lin Feng brows up.

Right now, it is the most critical time, and there must be no mistakes.

After a period of galloping, the lines in front of the road have begun to cross-divide, like a maze. In the ear The bells are swaying, and the sound is getting more and more urgent. The sound is much louder than before. The really isn’t array is changed again, but it is closer to the ‘core’.

“One third.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

At the moment, I am in the ‘texture’. It is counted in the ancient clock below all the lines, one third of the position.

Before the bottom, the lines are clearly hovering, the various rhymes are straightforward and simple, even if it is small and complicated, but the goal is to hover up like spreading and soaring. Then reach a third of the location here. The texture has changed.

Or up, down, or in the middle.

Just like a maze, it is very confusing.

“Can’t choose the wrong one.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

At this moment, the avatar is also fighting and retreating, and the giant waves are trailing, keeping a certain distance. If you choose your own mistakes, you may have been blocked by going back.

Opportunity, only once!

“The bottom of the road!” Lin Feng both eyes Oh, just drink.

Wan Mozhen is are bright. Although the mind is slightly confused, but it does not hesitate, it is directly into it.

He has 100% trust in Lin Feng.

What is a companion?

What is Brother?

At the moment, Lin Feng and Wan Mozhen are the best interpretations.

Never give up, 100% trust!

Wan Mozhen went straight, and his heart was moving more and more. Although he had a road every time. However, it is constantly approaching the ‘ancient clock’. The sound of the bright bells circling in the ear is getting louder and louder. It seems as if it is ringing in front of my eyes.

Getting closer!

From the bottom of the tower, it has reached the upper middle of the tower.

At the moment, Lin Feng has a bad news.

Separate and exhausted.

“This is troublesome.” Lin Feng brows deeply.

Although it is only 10% away from peak at this moment, this 10% is harder than it is at this moment. The closer to the ancient clock. The louder the sound, the more intense it is, driving the sky and the waves, and exhausting all the strengths in a short time.

However, there is no choice at the moment.

I can only support myself. Beat a fight!

There is also a body.

The ontology has a lot of constraints compared to the casualness of the avatar.

After all, the ontology also takes into account another important task – to recognize the road.

Top grade’s nine-layered eyelids can see all the illusions in the break, without any hindrance, as long as you can recognize the ‘grain’, you can hover up. Circles and turns, as in a tower of mountains and seas.

Each turn is a song.

At the moment, I have reached the ninth song!

The same, the last one, the most profound one!

“Hey!” The bell rang in the mind, and the soul of Lin Feng was frightened, and the whole person trembled. This seems to be the most severe warning. It is the emergence of the biggest powerful ability of the ‘Ancient Bell’. It is not only for yourself, but also for the Wanxiong.

The complexion is a white, and the body that was created by Wan Mozhen is even more wounded.

Of course, there is no retreat now, and it has already been forced into Liangshan.

“This is troublesome.” Lin Feng complexion is ugly.

In the original calculation, the remaining star source strength of the ontology just reached the ‘peak’, but now enters the ‘top of the road’ of the last song. Every step of every bell makes the star power collapse, but it is Unexpected.

“What to do?!” Lin Feng’s eyes changed.

At the moment, it is in a state of extremes.

If you are at full speed, you will be able to reach ‘peak’ before the star power is exhausted, but you must move to the speed of Wan Mozhen.

At this speed, the result is… Tens of nine is a tragedy.

Very tangled.

This scene also falls in the heart of Wan Mozhen.

For many years, Brother’s feelings, Lin Feng’s personality, how can he not know, at this moment, it is because of him.

“Listen to me, Lin brother, let’s go first.” Wan Mozhen hesitated to open his mouth, said solemnly, “It’s better to live with the two people, but it’s better for you to survive. Anyway, I have nothing to worry about, and I die. No big deal. And you are different, you have great ability, you also have the power of self-protection, there is no need to accompany me to death.”

“Well, Wanxi, what do you think of me?” Lin Feng vehemently vetoed.

I know that Wan Mozhen has this determination and courage, but this kind of discarding the companion’s escape alone, how can he do it.

“I already understand your mind, but don’t be too principled.” Wan Mozhen refused to give up, and then advised, “With your strength, if you are not taking care of me, I have already arrived at the destination. Maybe it is dawn now. Opening the cloud, completely disintegrating this ancient array.”

Lin Feng blinked and wanted to speak.

Suddenly it is startled.

and many more!

Perhaps, is there still this way?


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