Chapter 27—Stepping Star House

Everything is in vain.

In memory, the man with the huge spear sheath and the face of the scum, turned out to be the famous cloud spear lord!

“I should have guessed it.” Lin Feng was contemptuous.

Although he feels that he is a human expert, he is not sure.

Moreover, I have only heard the name of ‘cloud spear lord’, but what he looks like and what he is good at is not clear. I thought that ‘cloud spear’ is his name, and now it seems to be his spear, and the spear move he is good at.

“Clouds…” Lin Feng’s eyes narrowed.

This type of spear move is really strong, even if you don’t play all the might, it is so powerful.

However, at my own feeling this is still not the strongest spear move of the cloud spear lord.

Deep bottom!

“You don’t know the cloud spear lord?” It’s more surprising than Lin Feng’s observation.

Lianyun Spear’s signature spear move ‘yunqi’ was cast out, and thought that Lin Feng and Yun Spear had a close relationship, but did not expect Lin Feng to be ignorant.

“Now I know.” Lin Feng’s eyes are slightly embarrassing, but more curious.

Cloud spear The lord of this world, such as the wild crane, why should you teach yourself spear technique?

He is also a little surprised, “What the hell is going on?”

Lin Feng is also not concealing, that is, the first thing that met the cloud spear lord was heard, and the singer was amazed. “It turned out to be like this, get the personal guidance of the cloud spear lord…” Looking at the monsters, I usually look at Lin Feng. “You mean seven days. In seven days, have you learned the spear move ‘cloud up’ of the cloud spear?”

Deeply shocked.

If it is a normal spear move, it will not be shocked.

But this move cloud is really genuine. That spear is exactly the same as the spear that the cloud spear lord defeated Sui Emperor!

How is it possible to learn in just seven days!

“No.” Lin Feng shook his head. “I didn’t learn.”

I know my own things, although I have successfully displayed the ‘Cloud Start’, but in fact most of them are luck components, and now I can’t do anything to let myself show it again. Moreover, even before the killing of the king of spear, there is still a gap compared to the real ‘cloud up’.

“Just with the king of the war, the war was forced to a desperate situation. It was so inexplicably displayed.” Watched doubts, Lin Feng explained.

Suddenly nodded, “Even this is very bad, there is such a spear, in the future comprehend must tweet the results for half the effort, I believe that Lin Feng you very fast can master the essence of ‘cloud up’.”

“En.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Spreading this spear alone, and teaching learning are two concepts.

For himself, defeating the king of the king, winning the battle for the emperor. Being the owner of the Southern Region is far from being able to benefit from this spear. How strong is the strength of spear move ‘云起’? There is no need to doubt again enough to smooth out the difference between Saint Level and Saint King Level.

A spear of power. What about astonishing!

“And this. It is still the body to show.”

“If it is a separate show, might will definitely increase again.”

“At that time, with the strength of Saint Level, I don’t have to worry about the ordinary Saint King Level expert.”


Eyes, Lin Feng heart burning.

This is quite important for myself.

The so-called suicide of the ontology can’t be stopped for too long. Vermilion Bird will not be subject to backlash, but the consumption of the soul can not be compensated for in a moment. As we all know, the recovery speed of the soul’s strength is quite slow, and the stronger the ‘soul’, the slower the recovery speed!

Even the two majors of the savior and the king. The amount of this physical strength has long been overdrawn.

Now, any other enemy of the Saint King Level is coming, and I am afraid that I have trouble. After all, the strength of the avatar is just barely rivaling the Saint King initial expert. And the breakthrough Saint Level peak, reaching the Saint King Level is not so easy, in contrast, comprehend master this move ‘cloud up’ is much simpler.

Whether you are yourself or the owner of the Southern Region, you must have a strong strength.

To control the fate!

Finally, through the lost bamboo forest.

Quite large, the array is equally subtle.

Lin Feng did not remember the position, and did not need to remember. The array method changed all the time. To master the method of entering and leaving the bamboo forest, you are not in a hurry, you are the owner of the southern domain, and now control the real Taoyuan, these secrets will be known very fast.

In front, a piece of spiritual qi is pressing!

Lin Feng eyelid burning.

It is beautiful and beautiful, and countless light refractions cover this magical world. Qionglou Yuyu, a crystal-like palace shining and shining, it is hard to imagine that this would be a cave-like existence, completely different from what I imagined.

In the distance, it is even more mixed with strange colors, and even smells a strong flame.

Looking at it, it looks like a lotus flower in flames. It is very embossed in this colorful world, which makes people feel quite strange. However, it is not surprising that this is Starry Sky Expert’s cultivating cave.

After all, there are too many things that you don’t understand.

“Taiwan House.” Lin Feng is in front of the watched, it looks like a ‘mountain’, Soaring Dragon is a tiger-like depiction of three words, the concept is extremely profound. Each stroke, such as the iron-painted silver hook, seems to be drawn with the purest strength, with a strong flame color.

“It was the one left by Starry Sky Expert.” 舜lightly said.

“The master said that he is encouraging future generations to be able to set foot on the Starry Sky level like him.”

“It is called “Treading Star”.”

Flowing light in the eyes of your eyes.

Lin Feng’s heart is moving, the two men watched the three words, some are dull.

Indeed, who wouldn’t want to step into the legendary highm?

“He should be a fire element Martial Artist?” Lin Feng looked at him, lightly said.

“Listen to the master and mention it should be.” 舜recovered, smiled and shook his head, “but specifically, the master did not say it, you should know later.” Pointing at the tall layer of Qionglou Yuyu in front, blink of an eye Contempt, “All the secrets should be there, but there are layers of barriers I can’t pass.”


Lin Feng was curious and could see the all around of Qionglou Yuyu. It does have a layer of light like transparency.

If you nod your head thoughtfully, your heart is light.

“Go, I will bring you familiar with all around.” 舜said with a smile.

“Good.” Lin Feng responded.

Stepping on the Star House, the place is smaller than you think.

Lin Feng is also a sudden, for a smile, here is only a Martial Artist cultivating, but it is enough.

Moreover, the sparrow is small. Everything is complete.

For yourself, it is definitely a rare treasure land.

“钰狮山.” Lin Feng touched the ‘mountain’ that he had seen before. It was really close to the mountain and tasted like a lion. In front of the lion mountain, it is what I have seen before. The three dragons and phoenixes of the ‘Tianxingfu’ are the characters of the dragon and the phoenix.

It’s simple, but complicated, it’s rough and obscure.

Lin Feng looks at one of the first two big. Helpless shaking his head.

“If it is a thousand love, should you be familiar with it?” Lin Feng said lightly, although he has cracked a lot. But in fact, the comprehend and understanding of the law is not deep. The basics are weak. Watched that the film is very ‘singular’, it is like a book for yourself.

“Can’t read?” 舜said with a smile.

“Obviously.” Lin Feng shrugged.

“I also tens of thousands of years of meditation, only to understand the ‘fun bamboo array’.”

Tens of thousands of years?

Lin Feng smiled in his heart, how can he have so much time.

“Reassured, I don’t need to know, I just loved the law and loved it. So I will study it.” 舜lightly smiled, said, “I will teach you simple access, don’t need to drive the fans, just need to find the right path.” Yes.”

“So very good.” Lin Feng relaxed.

I really let myself spend so much time learning the law. It would be better to give up this step star house more.

After all, there is not only one way to increase your strength.

In addition to the lion mountain. In Qionglou Yuyu’s all around, there are still many stars.

This kind of spiritual qi is not only suitable for Martial Artist cultivating, but also the most suitable environment for cultivating star fruit. The rare star fruit outside is here to be seen, but there are not many rare ones, but it is quite pleasing to see and see.

A piece of flower is pleasant, life aura is rich.

In the middle, there is a mini pool like a round pool.

Lin Feng smiled and said that it was really like a small garden, but it was startled. Watched that the blue water of the blue water seems to have a different feeling. Suddenly the eyelids lit up and Lin Feng turned his head and looked at him, who was smiling at him at this time.

“Healing the pool.” 舜introduced, “Don’t look at it small enough for you to soak into the pool.”

“Do you know why no one picks the star fruit here?” 舜slowly said, “These stars are not expensive, but they are actually integrated with this ‘nurturing pool’ and give plenty of Life Energy.” Looking to Lin Feng, 舜The eyes are outstanding. “For you, the most useful thing in the eyes of the Star House is no more than a heart pool.”

“Go in, I believe I can help you recover from the very fast.” 舜said with a smile.

Lin Feng smiled and smiled.

I didn’t expect to have a skill at all. Before I was still squatting, how to make the ontology speed up the recovery process.

At the moment, this ‘nurturing heart pool’ is like a timely rain!

“Then I’m welcome.” Lin Feng’s bright light flashed in his eyes.

In the gaze of the gaze, the seriously injured body suddenly appeared, and still fell into a state of sleep. The body flashes lightly, and even if the body is soaked into the heart pool, the between is like a stone that stirs up a thousand layers of waves, and the green pool water is full of rich Life Energy, which completely wraps the body.

“哗!~” “hua la !~” The blisters are constantly emerging, and Lin Feng’s mouth is slightly.

Sense is quite profound and the healing effect is excellent!

Ontology, I believe that very fast can be cured.

“Like.” Lin Feng gave a thumbs up and praised him.

This stepping star house, just this ‘nurturing heart pool’, is quite awful.

“The real praise is still behind.” He smiled slightly. “How, can you continue?”

“Of course.” Lin Feng’s eyes were bright and the mood was excellent.

Watched The curiosity in front is even thicker, including the existence of the Fire Lotus Flower, and what kind of surprise will it give to the Star House?

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