Chapter 26—The Secret of Taoyuan

“The greatest advantage of the witches is probably the existence of the witch.”

“The second time of the Lich battle ended with the demon retreat, seemingly flat, but the real winner is the witch, and the key to winning is the witch.”

“Experiencing the last big defeat, I want to come to the Yaozu no longer so recklessly impulsive, just from them to refer to the ‘Commander’, prepared for nearly three years can be seen in general. This embarrassing, far more difficult than the last time to fight more Moreover, it is said that the strength of the new Commander of the Yaozu is quite terrifying!”


Listening to the words of blasphemy, everyone nodded from time to time, Lin Feng is also looking flickering.

As the saying goes, listening to Jun’s words, winning ten years of books, his experience and qualifications are not comparable to any one of the saints here. The celestial lord recommended him to himself, for the most important one of the ‘left hand’, really isn’t casual recommendation.

“Yes, that’s right, we don’t have to be in a mess.” Lin Feng spoke openly.

“The reason why I chose the independence of the southern region on that day is to protect the body from the witches.” Lin Feng gaze at everyone, “Now today, it is even more unnecessary to do things for others, and to see the situation, and then move, Anyway, whether it is a witch or a demon, we will never take care of us in the same situation.”

“In addition, our southern region is in a place of partiality, although at the front line of the war, but…”

“The more dangerous, the safer it is.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are clear.

Really isn’t fight, but a lion and a tiger are fighting, no one will take care of the hedgehog next to it, even if it is just a claw to kill the hedgehog, but it may also be tied . This kind of unhelpful thing is in the case of unsuccessful wins. Lions and tigers don’t have any leisure.

The southern region is very safe.

“Lin Feng is right, this matter can be notified to the saints, but … for the time being kept secret.” 舜said resolutely.

The people nodded and answered, so the decision was not wrong, so as not to cause unnecessary panic.

“It’s only a few years, but it’s not necessarily for decades.” 舜said with a smile, “Everyone actually relaxes their mood. During this period, they try their best to enhance their strength, no matter how good they are, and also escape from good. Have many advantages and no disadvantages.”

Everyone’s eyes were bright and clear, and they all had their own calculations.

For other saints, in a few years, decades may not be useful, but for a few of them, perhaps during this period, they will be able to take it to the next level.

Breakthrough is a Saint King Level!

By then. Even if the Lich Wars are all winning, the Terran is defeated, and they can have self-protection.

after all. Saint King is already the Battle Spirit World pyramid peak.

After some hot discussion. The hearts of the people were clearly fixed.

Including Lin Feng himself also let go of his heart and have a clear judgment on the situation.

After discussion, they also performed their duties, appointing Huang Ni to replace Yu Wang as the king of the new continent. Lu Wang and Yan Wang are responsible for notifying the rest of the saints. After all, the network is wider, especially Lu Wang is exquisite. Nothing is worse than 舜.

And hey, I know it with my own voice, I don’t know what God is doing mysteriously.

The other has not changed much. The previous words are enough deterrent, if you take up three new fires. It may not be good, especially in this sensitive situation.

Four down and scattered. Leave a sly, face yourself and look at each other.

“I don’t know what position my brother wants to take?” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

I am also very curious about the thief who had been a hundred years ago. The bungee is cold, and the arbitrariness is also evil. There are not many words. I am thinking about what I can’t understand. Unlike Huang Ni, he can still have some understanding of him, hey, quite secretive.

When you vote from the front, it is hard to guess.

But one thing is certain, that is, he should be not malicious to himself.

“To deal with the ‘Orange Palace’.” 乩轲ice-cold voice, but the language is not astonishing, and Lin Feng instantly blinks. This statement can be described as being in the center of my heart. The Orange Palace is definitely the southern region at the moment. No, it should be said that it is a time bomb beside him.

After all, she is justified in the first battle through the emperor’s hegemony, and is qualified to serve in the Southern Region.

Similarly, it also has decision-making ability.

If she wants to move her, it will be irritating, and the ‘land’ of the Orange Palace is quite large, because the identity of the woman is a vast friendship, and many saints admire her. But if she doesn’t move her, it is very troublesome. If a mouse smashes the whole pot of soup, I will regret it.

From now on, I was going to deal with the ‘Orange Palace Lord’, but I did not expect that I would take the initiative.

“Why do you do this?” Lin Feng looked straight away, and at the moment he was more curious than the Orange Palace Lord. Because he is not the kind of person of Lu, his expert of arbitrariness and arbitrarily does not do this because he wants to shoot his own flattery.

“You don’t want to?”

Lin Feng shook his head. “I mean, why are you helping me?”

Rarely have a smile, faintly said, “You made a mistake, I am not helping you, just helping me discipline.”

Stopped talking, it is leaving.

Disciple ?

Lin Feng watched The back of the deaf, the eyes are in awe, but I don’t know what is going on? Who is the discriminating? What is the implicity of helping him discipline and helping himself? In the mind, as if there is something knotted, Lin Feng is puzzled.

Suddenly, bitter laughter again and again.

As I said, 乩轲 is really a strange person.


At least, he is standing on his side.

“How about chatting with you?”

“It’s weird.” Lin Feng’s gaze turned back from the direction of the cockroach and shook his head.

“Oh?” I was surprised.

“He said it was to help the discipline.” Lin Feng shrugged.

“Is it?” 舜said with a smile, a slight meal, patted Lin Feng’s shoulder. “It’s a good thing to stand on your side anyway. Don’t think so much, when he wants to say it will naturally Tell you, go, take you to a place.”

Lin Feng snorted. Look forward to 舜.

“A place that helps you a lot.” 舜burning like gaze.


Here, it is the cultivating place of Emperor Sui.

Gathering Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, rumors that Taoyuan itself is an ancient array, this is the best Land of Cultivation in the entire southern region. Lin Feng really isn’t coming to Taoyuan for the first time, but it is not familiar with the interior of Taoyuan, but it is not important. Anyway, it will be fine.

“In the future, you are the master of Taoyuan.” There is a bit of a sigh in the voice.

“No.” Lin Feng looked bright. “The Emperor Sui is alive and dead, and it is still unknown.”

Looking back, barely smile, “The master is probably already inauspicious, and this point has been hinted at the day.” He shook his head and looked at Lin Feng, slowly said. “Actually, this is the rules that the master has already passed down. If anyone is the owner of the southern domain in the future, he will take charge of Taoyuan.”

It turned out to be the case.

Lin Feng nodded. “I understand.”

For the time being, the owner of Taoyuan. There is nothing wrong with myself.

“So, the place where you want to take me is the only place where the owner of the Southern Region can enter?” Lin Feng looked bright.

Hey, he didn’t hide it, he said lightly, “Yes, so you didn’t bring you in when you came last time.” Bending, walking in a bamboo forest. The front view is a hallucination weird. “Here is the ‘Fan Bamboo Array’ and follow me.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are slightly bright, and the pace is followed.

Surroundings The scenery is a hallucination, which is very weird.

“Don’t underestimate this fanatic.” 舜said with a smile. “Even if the Saint King Level is an expert, it may not be able to pass here.”

Can you trap the Saint King Level?

One of Lin Feng’s hearts. Good said surprisingly, “So, Taoyuan is really an ancient array?”

“No, it is really isn’t ancient array.” The answer to Lin is beyond Lin Feng’s expectation. “Here, it is actually a cultivating cave.” Looking back at Lin Feng, blinking, “but really isn’t Ordinary people’s cultivating Dongfu, the master said that the Dongfu Master has already broken through Xuanyuan and became Starry Sky Expert.”


Starry Sky Expert’s cultivating Dongfu!

Lin Feng’s heart is like a suffocation.

What about astonishing!

“Unexpected?” 舜said with a smile, “In fact, these outside arrays are just the obstacles. Many of them were built by later people. The real Dongfu is only known to the masters of the southern regions of the past. I don’t know, remember to keep it secret.”

“I know.” Lin Feng complexion is right.

This is no small matter, the cultivating cave house left by Starry Sky Expert, if it is known that it will break the head.

No wonder so secret!

“Because of the existence of this cave house, the strength of Emperor Sui is in the forefront of the twelve saints.” Lin Feng said, Lin Feng listened, naturally understand. With such a good cultivating condition, the strength of Emperor Sui is naturally extraordinary.

“But the Emperor Sui was defeated by another saint in the same year.”

Lin Feng has a bright eye, good said surprisingly, “Who?”

If you can win the Supreme Emperor, the strength is definitely at the peak of the human race.

Looking back at Lin Feng, burning like gaze, “Cloud spear the Lord, a Divine Dragon in the Twelve Lords, seeing the Lord who is not at the end.” Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully, he heard it, except Beyond the Lord of the Nine Major Fields, the remaining three great saints of the twelve saints of the human being are the cloud spear lord, the celestial lord and the peach lord.

It turns out that the cloud spear is so strong!

“The master said that the spear technique of the cloud spear has already surpassed the level of the Saint King Level.” 舜lightly said, “When the master and the cloud spear the Lord, this war, I and the two Junior Brothers are still young, witnessed, all surprised. Heaven, the war, even the master is also defeated and convinced.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are shimmering and he is slightly confused.

I don’t know why I suddenly said this.

and many more!

Cloud spear lord! ?

Lin Feng complexion slammed into a change of mind, and he felt a stunned thought in his heart, and suddenly looked at him with surprise.

“Yes, it was this spear ‘cloudy’ that beat the master.” The voice of Luan fell straight into Lin Feng’s heart, and it was very shocking. “You are on the challenge table today, killing the last spear of the king!” The sound is burning. Falling, the eyes of the eyes are different.

Lin Feng, the shock of the heart!

The mysterious man who taught himself spear technique was rumored –

Cloud spear lord!

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