Chapter 19: The wind has changed

The departure of the Orange Palace Lord caused a scream.

Everyone vision gaze towards Lin Feng, full of stunned and alarming colors, but I don’t know what it is. Numerous eyes fell to the hustle and bustle, and the cockroaches still kept a light smile, as if everything that happened just was just a common dispute.

Lu Wang and Yu Wang complexion changed and changed, but they knew that Lin Feng could not be blocked.

Both are smart people, clearly understand the situation at the moment, if they dare to make more trouble, Lin Feng will use the slightest hesitation to point the finger at them, just like pointing to the Orange Palace. This smoke-filled power struggle, like the epitome of the emperor’s hegemony, has come to an end.

“I also abstained.” Lu Wang spoke openly.

Lin Feng looked at him and saw Lu Wang’s apology and smile. He smiled in his heart.

The quite acquaintance of the time is Junjie. Lu Wang will meet the wind and rudder. If he can’t stop himself, he will change the rapids and retreat. He wants to erase the bad impression just now. On the contrary, the king of the king is holding a fist, and clench one’s teeth is not reconciled and does not speak.

Different personalities, different things are different.

The motion has been cancelled.

The emperor of the Orange Palace and the king’s ‘abstain’, abandoned the final competition of the emperor.

On the court, the most famous isn’t the king of Lin Feng, and it is also the Emperor of the Emperor. It is the singularity of this person, the Lu Wang who shakes his head. No one knows Lin Feng’s strength better than him. No matter in Lin Lu’s series of deeds in Nanluzhou, he defeated the demon Lord. He clearly understood that Lin Feng is far better than him!

Instead of fighting for nothing, it is better to keep your face and fight for it in Lin Feng. Reverse the bad impression.

“I also choose to abstain.” Yellow nitrogen bears his hands, and the long hair fluttering in the wind. Smiled Lin Feng and nodded.

It is decided to stand on the side of Lin Feng, and he will continue to ‘attitude’.

What’s more, he is only a high-level of the saints, there is no need to blend.

In the field, there were only the Kings of Fire, the King of the Kings and the three of them, and the three levels of the Experts at the peak level of the Holy Spirit were also the big favorites in the previous battle for the Emperor. In the eyes of the three people, the bright light flashed, and the thoughts were uncertain. I have ideas.

Lin Feng vision gaze towards Sui Emperor, the latter is also looking forward to this, gently nodded.

The heart will lead the gods.

Time –

“Tread!” The right foot was lightly stepped, and in the horror of everyone, Lin Feng fell lightly on the challenge table. The three kings of Yan Wang were slightly horrified, but they did not know what happened, and the cockroaches showed a smile. Appreciative nodded.

“Come on one.”

“Or maybe… it’s okay to come together.”

Lin Feng’s indifferent opening, black clothed in the eyes of everyone is extremely cold.

Although with a smile, but this ‘arrogant’ words are really heart-warming, combined with the unscrupulous kill before, Lin Feng’s impression in the hearts of everyone has completely changed. It would be too stupid to see Lin Feng as an ordinary person.

Cold blood kills. I am proud of it!

At this moment, Lin Feng has already been marked with this mark in the hearts of everyone.

Or say…

This is the brand that Sui Emperor hopes to be printed in the hearts of all people. It is also the most compliant with the lord of the South.

“The third Lich battle is about to open.”

“The southern domain needs it. It is not the Emperor of Emperor Sui, but a… killing God!”

“One dares to compete with any inflation. An expert with absolute force and ignorance of everything, Commander across the South!”

Lin Feng’s eyes are clear and it’s already clear.

Emperor Sui, good intentions.

The first impression is very important, and it is about the confidence of everyone. Even if you sit on the position of the Lord of the Southern Region, it is unpopular and useful. As before Emperor Sui, although there is great prestige, there are lineage experts such as Yan Wang to support him, but there are still too many opposition voices in the southern region, and many influences are just around the corner.

Strength, very important!

Means are even more essential.

This is the road that Emperor Sui has carefully arranged for himself, the road to the emperor!

“Sure enough, it is recommended by the celestial lord, can help my strong left hand.” Lin Feng eyelid flickering, now the violent arrogance spread. Since you have to be a wicked person and have to make a gesture, then you will be more intense and more violent!

It doesn’t matter what kind of image you are in their hearts.

The important thing is to take control of the entire southern region. I don’t want to have the opposition voice of the Orange Palace.

This is very important.

Pick one!

Lin Feng is quite arrogant.

However, there are arrogant capital and strength.

No one in the room would make a questioning voice, even if the three kings of Yan, there is no feeling of being insulted at the moment. Just the opposite of the Orange Palace Lord, the strength of Lin Feng has long been affirmed by everyone, he really has real material.

The king looked up and seemed to have an idea to convey, but…

Yan Wang is already the first to speak.

“The first one, I am coming.” Yan Wang laughed and jumped into the challenge table.

The short five words, but the three-to-one plan completely veto, he is a straight temper, what to do if you want to do. Since I believe Lin Feng, I will hold it to the end. The reason why I did not abstain is because I lost without fighting. Really isn’t his style.

Even if Lin Feng is strong, but Yan Wang…

Still want to fight war!

Personally sense.

This is a firm mind of Martial Artist, the soul of Martial Artist.

This point, Yan Wang has, Lin Feng also has, but it is clear and profound. Watched In front of the Yan Wang, Lin Feng smiled slightly, although there were very few meetings, but since I first stepped into Vermilion Bird, I have heard the name of the King of Fire. I did not expect to stand on the same level.

Time to move to the world.

“No need to show mercy, Brother Lin.” Yan Wang burning like eyes, “When you fight, you will have a hard battle.”

“It’s just what I want, offended, Yan Wang.” Lin Feng’s flames flashed.

Two flames, igniting the challenge table.

Dragon fights!

Peng! Severe communication.

The two figures are interlaced, and the King Complex is slightly pale, falling one after another.

Lin Feng stopped the figure, floated and floated, and the flame in his hand was still awkward. The bright light’s burning eyes looked down on the Yan Wang, who fell on the challenge table, and did not continue to pursue. Hey! ~ When the flame is extinguished, the self-state of Lin Feng eyes disappears.

The outcome has been divided.

“I lost.” Yan Wang handcuffed the chest, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up.

“You let me win.” Lin Feng stepped on the challenge table and shook hands.

“haha!~” Yan Wang’s face is not only a little bit annoyed, but rather laughed loudly, “missing mulberry, got it. I didn’t expect the little brat that day, now it is a person, the only side, I have this in the southern domain. Wait for expert, what else to fear!”

As if talking to himself, it seems to tell everyone to listen.

Yan Wang’s mood is excellent, although he is defeated.

There is a lot of discussion in the surroundings. Just now this war was witnessed by everyone. Lin Feng’s strength was not a trick, and it took less than three strokes to defeat the king in absolute strength. These strengths are by no means the fake style of the Orange Palace Lord, but have real strength!

“Everyone should not listen to the words of the Orange Palace, the woman’s heart is speculative!” Yan Wang drank.

“Lin Feng is the Vermilion Bird Confucius. It is my inflammatory king who watched him step by step to improve his strength. This child aptitude is rare to see for thousands of years. It is definitely the genius that I human rarely have!”

“And I just discovered with war that Lin Feng is very powerful in the war with the demon Lord War, and the strength of the soul is quite weak.” Yan Wang burning like gaze, looking around all around, snapping chest, “Here, I Yan Wang is guaranteed by his life, Lin Feng and the demon Lord have no half-dollar relationship!”

Such as Hu Xiaoshan Lin, the words of the King of the King let the sages suddenly relieved, the only doubts in the heart are all lifted.

In the meantime, the saints underneath a singer.

“Orange House is really damn disgusting, and it is always here for the sake of selfish desires.”

“That is, the mother-in-law is a little bit swaying here to distort the facts, and we almost got a trap. Being trampled in public is really a big heart, deserve it!”

“Lin Feng is also too powerful, and there are injuries that are still so strong. Yan Wang will lose face as soon as he looks.”

“That is still used to say that people can beat the expert of the demon Lord!”

“Tch 啧, really does not deserve to be a rare aptitude for thousands of years.”


The wind has completely changed.

All kinds of sounds fell in the ear, and Lin Feng had a smile on his face.

It is the first bitter and sweet, if there is no such thing as the Orange Palace, there is no bureau where the Emperor is painstakingly managed. At this moment, the creation of the King will never be so successful and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There is no need to clarify what you want, and you don’t have to be sure about yourself. All of this is clearly visible.

I must thank Yan Wang and Emperor Sui.

But before that, there are still two last steps –


“I am not your opponent.” A pair of eagle eyes watched Lin Feng, and he said seven words, no longer speak. The meaning is already very clear, and the true strength of has seen Lin Feng, 乩轲 simply admit defeat, such a straightforward plus the black vote he just cast, when it caused a good impression.

“I didn’t expect others to be really good.”

“Yeah, I thought that the thief was alone, and acting is quite evil.”

“After all, a hundred years ago, he spent a short time, and then lived in seclusion. What is true about human beings is actually unknown.”

“Like, it’s a real man!”


Everyone agrees.

At the moment, the wind has completely changed. After the Yan Wang War, everyone is standing on the side of Lin Feng.

What to think and do, all stand in the position of Lin Feng, the change is extremely large. In contrast, the only remaining king in the moment has become the target of public criticism. Everyone has a gaze. The complexion of the king is ugly, but it is not a move. It is not a retreat. It is difficult on both sides.

The focus is on!

At this moment, Lin Feng climbed to the position of the Lord of the Southern Region, leaving only one obstacle in front.

Yu Wang!

He, what will he do?

Lin Feng looked at it, the bright light flashed, but it was quite curious.

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