Chapter 18 is wrong?

Silent and silent.

In the field, only the voice of Emperor Sui was still surrounded, and everyone was shocked.

Lin Feng also felt a slight mistake, his eyes fell on the ancient face of the Emperor, and the four eyes looked at each other. From the clear eyes of the Emperor, he did not see any complicated emotions, and the smiling face seemed to There is a different kind of meaning, and I understand it in an instant.

And at this time –

“hehe ~ ~” cover one’s mouth and laugh, the Orange Palace is quite proud.

Although she did not know why the Emperor Sui would cast this inexplicable ‘yes’ vote, the result was not to be questioned.

4: 3!

Agree vote, win!

It means that the previous motion was approved, and she successfully kicked Lin Feng out of the game!

At this moment, Lu Wang’s face was also the smile of the rest of his life. Although the complexion of the King of Kings has not changed, the flashing eyes bright light is burning, which shows his heart feels at this moment. On the contrary, the inflammation king complexion is red, watched, and the bronze eyes are like the bronze eyes, and the blue veins are exposed.

He doesn’t understand at all!

To protect Lin Feng, it is awkward; at this moment, Lin Feng is under the abyss, or hey!

What exactly is going on?

Tightly clench one’s teeth, Yan Wang forced to suppress impulsive emotions.

He is very clear about the big Senior Brother. Everything is well thought out, and there will never be any mistakes. It is very similar to the character of Sui Emperor, winning in stability, never taking any risky behavior, sitting on Emperor. Position is definitely a great emperor!

But why is it?

At this moment, the yellow nitrogen and the sputum are very calm and seem to be for them. The result is not that important.

As the results fell, the scene was banging.

“4: 3, Lin Feng is out?”

“In other words, Lin Feng is not qualified to participate in the final battle?”

“It’s not that Lin Feng may have a nest with the devil’s singer, and it’s better to eliminate it.”

“That is, instead of letting an unknown and young Martial Artist sit in the position of the owner of the Southern Region, it would be better to let the highly respected expert of Yan Wang and Lu Wang be the emperor.”

“For me, I voted for it.”


There is a lot of hot discussion.

Falling in Lin Feng’s ear, I can understand what I have done.

This is a test for yourself!

same. Standing in the neutral position of Emperor Sui, there is nothing wrong with casting this vote in favor. Of course, the most important thing is to listen to the surroundings. The reaction of everyone at this moment is enough to see their own ‘distrust’. There are too many taking pleasures in other people’s misfortune and suspicion. Even if they can enter the decisive battle circle at this moment, I am afraid they will not change their hearts. idea.

On the contrary, now all the negative emotions are released, which is equivalent to putting the problem on the table.

This includes the situation that you may face if you are an adult queen in the future.

Right now is a chance to ‘simulate’.

“I want to tell me. Can anyone trust it?” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

At this moment, a sizzling, hot voice accompanied by the smug smile of the Orange Palace Lord, everything seems to turn the wind to the side that is not good for himself. But… now you are. Brat, who didn’t know anything in the past.

In this situation, I am fully capable of handling and qualified to deal with it.

Moreover, there are even more than one method.


“Rules is rules, no change.”

The owner of the Orange Palace is like a proud peacock, facing the cold corner of Lin Feng. Lightly open.

A light magnetic sound, exceptionally harsh.

“Who will let him be late!”

“That is, the game has the rules of the game.”

“if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, accept the result of the motion, brat.”


Behind the main body of the Orange Palace. There is a group of people.

Many are the saints who admire her, and some of them are members of the Orange Moon Palace. It is to look at the entire southern region, the influence of the Orange Moon Palace is also quite large, there are only four people in the Holy One, and the Orange Moon Palace, which does not include the Orange Palace.

Four, already a lot.

Be aware that the saints are generally left alone, or seclusion, or secluded and painstaking cultivation, regardless of the world.

All the sounds seemed to be unfavorable to Lin Feng, and everyone’s eyes were all focused on Lin Feng, including Yan Wang, including Sui Emperor, still with a faint smile, as if watching a good show, watching How will Lin Feng handle it.

If even this problem is not handled well, how can Commander be the entire southern domain?

Lin Feng smiled slightly, and the booth pupils burst out of shining bright light, looking directly at the Orange Palace. The fierce soul of the aura makes the orange complex’s main complexion slightly change, the sound is inexplicable and sharp, “What do you want to do?” The momentum, slightly weakened, and the two orange palaces behind the Orange Palace It is also a portrait of the enemy.

The atmosphere is extremely dignified.

Surroundings, all the saints screamed and watched the situation.

How is this going?

Is it possible, in such a crowded situation, Lin Feng dare to make a move directly? This is too much to put people in the eyes, here the saints are exceeding two hundred people, and even more emperor is present, Lin Feng dare to make a move is undoubtedly provoking the entire southern region!

He, dare to do this?

“It’s actually very simple.” Lin Feng finally spoke, with a look of laughter and laughter, but it was a speech that made everyone shocked.

“If you die, do you agree and disagree?” Lin Feng sounded light, but it was sounding, and his right hand almost picked up a Fire of Devour in an instant. “Almost forgot, the motion is you.” Proposed, you are dead… The motion is directly invalid.”

Everything is awkward, and everyone’s complexion changes dramatically.

Sui Emperor’s eyes were slightly bright and slightly surprised. At this time, the main complexion of the Orange Palace was already green and white, and the lovable body trembled slightly. “You, you!” The sounds are all stuttering, and face to face Lin Feng at the moment. It is the aura that feels terrifying, so powerful!

Even if there are more than two hundred people in the surrounding team, but at this moment, the Orange Palace Lord only feels cold all over the place, surroundedings even a helper.

She is completely isolated.

tread! tread! tread!

Lin Feng’s pace is not fast, but it is very steady, step by step approaching the Orange Palace.

As if a demon is slowly approaching, the Orange Palace Lord feels a bit of fear, the back bones are cold, and the flame in front of him is more and more fierce.


Slowly walking, the Fire of Devour in Lin Feng’s hands has already changed color, the star source is tightly bound, the Phoenix imprint on the forehead is already shining, the light pupils of the light light radiate all around completely lock the orange palace, the surrounding is quiet, everyone It was completely shocked.

Especially Lu Wang and Yu Wang, complexion is extremely ugly.

The lips are dead and cold, and the two are at the same time at the same time as the Orange Palace.

But are they dare to move?

Like a tight bow, a little move is a thunder, and there is no dare to scream at the surrounding people. In exchange for the ordinary Martial Artist, it has already been flocked at this moment, but the momentum of Lin Feng is too terrifying, and everyone will be Shocked, only the sound of the flame ‘哧哧’ is left in the air, like the fire of hell.

Lin Feng, what will happen?

He…do you dare to kill here?

In the hearts of everyone, there is a huge question mark, complexion 踌躇 踌躇 , , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

The owner of the Orange Palace, complexion pale and retreat, the surrounding people are escaping from the sacred, and it is a matter of high hang. Only the two Orange Moon Palace saints standing behind the main body of the Orange Palace, the complexion is frightened, but still firmly guards the Orange Palace.

When –

“Stand up!” On the left side of the main body of the Orange Palace, the clergy one’s teeth, violent shout.

The sound has just fallen, and an astonishing terrifying arsenal is in a blink of time. It is a flame, mixed with astonishing terrifying like a Phoenix flying, with the strongest star-source flash, Lin Feng Eyes bloom out terrifying severe light.

“Boom!~” terrifying cracking sound, instantly bursting.

When I was stunned, I was shocked by the entire challenge platform. Everyone was wide open.

The Orange Palace and the other Orange Moon Palace stalks evaded the refuge, and the surroundings were scattered. Peng! ~severe’s exploding cry, deafening, that is just the voice of the Orange Moon Palace, in the burning heat of the fire, instantly turned into nothing.

There is no bones!

Just, just such a strike.

How terrifying!

Although it is only the first step in Saint Level, it is a saint-level expert, and even Lin Feng move can’t take it! Even if he sacrificed the strongest defense, he could not escape the fate of soul flies away and scatters. His death is like a signal, but it is deeply shocked.

Lin Feng, really isn’t pretentious.

Instead, they really dare to stand on the opposite side of the entire southern domain.

He has this strength and has such timidity!

There is no half-sentence in the cold face, but the pressure on people is even better. In the meantime, Lin Feng’s hands are again a touch of Fire of Devour, the color gradually changes, and the star-shaped force wraps the fierce flame, so that the surroundings are in the heart of every saint.

No one dares to scream, for fear that the next terrifying flame is exploded towards yourself.

“Tread!” “Tread!” Lin Feng is still approaching, his eyes are on the head of the Orange Palace, who has already lost his color at the moment, and his heart seems to jump out of his throat. At this moment, the feeling of death is so close, watched in front of this black clothed youth, like the incarnation of death.

Despite being the peak of the Holy One, the Orange Palace Lord has no half-sense and can save his life in front of this terrifying killing god.

The most terrifying is that no one will stand up and help her at the moment.

“Wait, wait!” The Orange Palace Lord flustered.

Seeing Lin Feng’s eyelids suddenly brightened, the flames in his hands were more vigorous, and the orange lord’s main sense of soul flies away and scatters, even shouted, “I changed to vote against, no, I canceled the motion just now.” Everything fell, and the surrounding people suddenly opened their eyes.

The Orange Palace Lord, what?

Focusing on the eyes, the main complexion of the Orange Palace is a piece of blue and white, and the surroundings are full of ridicule and contempt. At this moment, she knows that she is completely lost. If Mang is stabbed, watched in front of Lin Feng, who still looks like a smile, the orange complex is complex red, I can’t wait to find a hole to drill down.

“I abstained.” The head of the Orange Palace gave up three words, and the red face was humiliating, and he jumped up and walked away.

Stay here again, just a laughing stock.

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