. Who is he?

Four people, two men and two women.

Looking for a secluded little restaurant is a talk of laughter.

There is not much difference in age, and there are many common topics. People are especially curious about the strength of Lin Feng. Lin Feng also did not hide too much, telling some experiences in the southern ancient domain, only to hear the three eyes of the eyes bright, but this is the time when the age is ignorant, especially the wilderness.

The Wuzu territory where the Wu people are located, the seven ancient areas where the ancients lived.

For Lin Feng himself, there is no curiosity and no curiosity, but the witches will go there sooner or later.

According to the calculation of Bei Mingyang on the same day, Zi Yao is in the ‘Women’s territory’. Although I don’t know how accurate it is, it is at least a hope, an opportunity. Unless you die, if you don’t spend much time and energy, you have to find Zi Yao back.

Because she is her own wife.

“Lin brother, do we want to go to the witches together?”

“Un un, I really want to see if the witch monsters are like 爹 !!!”

“This…” Lin Feng was a headache.

Qian Aihuang lightly said, “You are too weak, and you will only drag your legs.”

The sound is not heavy, but it is like a snake seven inches, so that the enthusiasm of the thorns and relief of the heart instantly fell, a look disappointed.

“Really isn’t like this.” Lin Feng explained even, “It’s just that I went to the Witch’s place for non-exploration, but I have something to do.” Watched three curious look, Lin Feng reluctantly said, “Real No, I am going to find my wife, according to the North Mingyang, she is in the territory of the Malay.”

“God stick!?”

Thousands of love kings and thorns nodded.

“So…not afraid that you are dragging your legs, but I am afraid that if you encounter danger, you will be tired of you.” Lin Feng lightly said.

“Big Brother Lin, I am not afraid of danger!”

“That is, we have nothing to do anyway.” The thorns raised their eyebrows and they were active at the moment.

See the two look like this. Lin Feng is also helpless.

Right now, it seems that I can’t promise, but once I promise, I have to provoke responsibility.

“Promise them.” Qian Lihuang watched Lin Feng, beautiful eyes light. “Look at the two of them. If you don’t agree with them, maybe after a few days, the two will go together and go wild.” Lin Feng laughed bitterly, Zhiqian Love King said nothing. These two people are really doing this kind of thing.

I am afraid that I will be guilty for a lifetime.

After all, this ‘topic’ is drawn by myself.

“Well, I promise you.” Lin Feng have no choice Nod.

“Yeah!” “Good!” The release of the heart and the thorns and the thorns of the palm of the hand, the four eyes of a pair of misunderstandings, but also do not look away, snorted. Let Lin Feng and Qianghuanghuang smile, but the two characters are very similar, they do not seem to grow up.

“When?” Qianlian Huang looked at Lin Feng.

“Not sure.” Lin Feng hesitated. Lightly said, “When you get to the position of the owner of the Southern Region, I am afraid it will be a little busy, at least half a year later.”

“Ah!” The release of the heart and the thorns, a disappointment, “so long…”

“Not long.” Qianlianhuang’s eyes are light. “You just took advantage of this time to improve your strength, especially life-saving ability.” Looks awe-inspiring, Qianghuanghuang said resolutely, “It is not a joke to enter the Wuzu territory, there is really isn’t human territory. Saint Level just just stepped into the expert field And already.”

Lin Feng nodded.

The experience of Qian Lianhuang does not match her age at all, far more mature than her heart and heart.

The ancients are also worthy, the witches are also good, Saint Level is really just a ‘beginning’.

“Hey.” The two were quite convinced of Qianshouhuang and nodded.

“I will definitely not be able to drag my legs, it must be stronger than that fellow!”

“What do you say!” blink of an eye, “I have the ability to compare!”

“Beyond, I am afraid that you will not!”


Watched Like a happy family, Lin Feng can’t smile.

The two are very similar to themselves and Yumo. From childhood, they have a doll, but luck is better than themselves and Yumo. It’s just that both of them are not pleasing to the eye, and they seem to be extremely disgusted with this affair. This road is still gone.

In the heart of the heart, squatting –

“Oh?” The eyebrows jumped, the chest was inexplicable, and Lin Feng suddenly turned his head.

At the gate of the restaurant, a middle-aged man about 1.9 m was walking in with a curtain. The dark eyes, a scum, look so decadent and peaceful, but the huge and simple and unadorned spear sheath behind them gives them a feeling of great heart.

Very heavy!

It’s like being on your own.

There is absolutely no mistake in that feeling. This middle-aged man is not a normal Martial Artist. Even if he doesn’t feel any aura in him, he is sure that his strength is hard to estimate, at least it is the expert of the demons!

Who is he?

Lin Feng’s eyes are burning and the bright light flashes away.

“What happened?” Qian Qinghuang looked at Lin Feng, beautiful eyes and passed through the middle-aged man. Although he was contemptuous, he did not find anything.

Even if her sense of strength is stronger, but the strength is still inferior to Lin Feng.

“Nothing.” Lin Feng smiled slightly and turned his head.

However, Yu Guang still pays attention to the middle-aged man. He only saw that he completely ignored the four of them. He was just sitting alone in the window. The dark eyes look out of the window, and there seems to be endless mourning and bleakness in the look. Pick up a wine cup but not even a drop of wine.


Despite this, Lin Feng did not relax his vigilance.

While talking and laughing with the three people, the other side of the heart always retains a point of jealousy, Yu Guang has been watching the movement of middle-aged men. Of course, he is like a living stone, just holding a wine glass in his hand, motionless watched outside the window, as if just looking at the scenery.

More and more strange!

Lin Feng noticed it, but did not speak.

There are two hours.

The enthusiasm of everyone, and the strength of each other, have many common topics. Although the release of the heart and the thorns are still buzzing from time to time, but this does not hinder this happy atmosphere, Qianlianhuang seems to be like an iceberg, but in reality it is only appearance, after the familiar, in fact, people are quite good.

No matter which one is the pride of the sky, it is not easy to make a friend.

now. A faint friendship has been quietly settled. For Lin Feng, a few friends are not a bad thing.

“It’s almost the same.” Lin Feng smiled and raised the jug, and there wasn’t a drop of wine left. Everyone talked about it. Lin Feng stretched out his left hand. Pointing at the compass, “Come, exchange the contact information. After half a year, we will make another appointment and enter the Wu ethnic group.”

Everyone is bound.

Very fast, leaving the contact information of the other three in the compass.

“See you in the first half of the year, Lin brother.” “When I see you, Big Brother Lin!~” The two sides are arguing and leaving, but there is no enmity. The beautiful eyes of Qianshuang looked at Lin Feng, and the gaze was a middle-aged man who was not far away. Lightly said, “Need help?”

Lin Feng shook his head in a smile. “Nothing.”

Qian Aihuang gently nodded, “That… I am gone.”

“Good.” Lin Feng said with a smile. “See you then.”

Watching the three leave, the smile on Lin Feng’s face slowly disappeared, and the eyes lingered.

At this time, there is no other person in the entire restaurant. Only myself and this middle-aged man are left, the atmosphere is quiet and unique.

“Wait for me?” Lin Feng walked to the middle-aged man and watched flickering.

Since it is unclear, it will simply open the door.

No echo, middle-aged men are still expressionless.

“Senior?” Lin Feng was amazed.

Did you guess wrong?

The thoughts in my heart just started. The middle-aged man has already got up, and the heavy spear sheath behind him has a ‘Qianlong’ sound, straight to the bottom. Lin Feng complexion is slightly different, and he can feel the feeling of heart-like feeling in the vicinity. The middle-aged man in front of him is very tall.

That is an imposing, a strength that is emitted by the heart.

He is really strong!

“Follow me.” The middle-aged man did not say the second sentence, but the figure disappeared.

Lin Feng has a slight glimpse of his heart, brows slightly wrinkle.

Where are you going?

What does he mean?

Lightly purse one’s lip Lip, Lin Feng did not hesitate for too long, the eyelids lightly followed. If this middle-aged man is malicious to himself, he has already made a move, and his strength is probably not something he can resist. But he didn’t do it, so it seems…

It seems to be really isn’t enemies.

And go and see.

Lin Feng is also a daring person, not afraid.

The speed is very fast.

It should be quite fast.

Do your best, just barely keep up.

“This is really isn’t his full speed.” Lin Feng looked ahead, the middle-aged man was calm, aura did not change, even exactly the same as before, still completely hidden. More terrifying is, where is his speed limit, he seems to know the general, just to maintain this point.

Strength, unfathomable.

“He is human?”

“Or is it an ancient expert?”

“Or… the demon change form?”

Lin Feng is very curious in her heart.

The middle-aged man feels too mysterious to himself, and he does not know why he came from.

Only the same can be sure –

He is very strong!

At least it’s the same as the 1st grade level expert with your grandfather, and even more terrifying!

“But why are you looking for me?” Lin Feng blinked, very curious, and he and the middle-aged man had never met, but he seemed to know himself, and every move was so casual. It is doubtful that the speed of middle-aged men has dropped, and Lin Feng has lightly slammed and looked around.

I am already a wilderness outside the human domain.

It is ridiculously deserted, without any signs of life, only a highland of rocks.

tread! The middle-aged man stopped and fell down, facing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also landed, eyes 粼粼.

Oh, that room –

“Boom!~” A bunch of Qi strength, bursting open.

The middle-aged man did not know when he had turned around. The eyes of the bright light radiate all around had the ultimate suffocation and were as tall as the sky.

Lin Feng, complexityion stop and change.

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