Become famous

When you release your heart and your lungs, your eyes will be cast, and your eyes will suddenly light up.

It was a woman dressed as a martial clothes, with a short hair and a cool face, but it was difficult to cover her peerless face. Like a pearl-like eyelid, ice muscle snow skin, tight martial clothes, her impeccable curves reflect the flawless, straight chest, full thighs, and slender waist, full of sexy, but… …

Her sexiness is unattainable, like an iceberg.

Thousand Love King!

Runner-up in the Vermilion Bird Challenge.

With her strength, if she does not encounter the more perverted Lin Feng, she will be the champion in any Vermilion Bird Challenge, and she will be honored at the moment. However, many times it is a fortune, and it is unfortunate that Lin Feng is a lucky one.

Without Lin Feng, she would never exceed 70% with a ‘broken 1% St.’ success rate.

But now she has succeeded, although she lost her reputation, but in exchange for a truly powerful strength, and the future of infinitely bright roads.

“pā!” In the blink of an eye, Qianlianhuang appeared in front of Lin Feng.

The release of the heart and the thorns did not even see the thousand love kings raise their heads, it has already arrived, even in the vast sea of ​​thousands of love the sense of ability is extremely outstanding. Beautiful eyes Looking at Lin Feng, the two looked face to face, half smiled.

“Congratulations, finally broke 70% St.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

“It’s still not as good as you.” The words of Qianghuanghuang are simple and powerful. Compared with the release of the heart and the thorns, she can be more real sense to the aura hidden by Lin Feng.

The short words of the two people made the release of the heart and the thorns a bit stunned.

Broken 70% Saint?

Thousands of love kings reached the legendary ‘broken 70% St.’?

What is even more ridiculous is that she can let the arrogant Qianghuanghuang complete her 70% sacred strength, and she willingly say “still not you”?

Lin Feng’s strength, how strong! ?

“How do you know?” The thorns were blankly.

“Like you, don’t know each other.” Lin Feng said truthfully. Shrugging, “For the first time, I lost a lot.”

The release of the heart and the thorns nodded. Not surprising.

The young expert of their generation is aiming at the thousand love kings. Desperately catch up.

That is the existence of the most top grade aptitude.

“Only this is the first time.” The beautiful eyes of Qianlianhuang flashed. “I thought that the progress has been great this year, but the gap between you and me seems to have not only been narrowed, but it has been pulled a little farther.” The voice is grounded and sounded, with a loss of points. This time, the heart and the thorns are completely understood.

Lin Feng, more than a thousand love king!

Watched everyone’s eyes gathered. Lin Feng feels helpless and is waiting for the opening.

Suddenly ——

“Everyone is quiet!” A sound of deep like pressure, falling like a cloud.

It was still a joyful and noisy, instantaneous silence. Everyone vision gaze towards the source of the sound, suddenly saw a proud figure wearing a fiery red armor, standing tall on the huge screen, a pair of bright light flashing eyes like a flame burning bloom.

The momentum is extremely powerful.

“I am Yan Wang.” The voice is not heavy. It is a slap in the face, into everyone’s heart, it is difficult to calm down for a long time.

Yan Wang?

Who is Yan Wang!

That is to control the entire Vermilion Bird continent, the peak of the expert!

A breath of inspiration, most of the Martial Artists here have never seen the King of Fire. However, the name of Yan Wang is very popular. It has been deeply imprinted in the heart of every Martial Artist in Vermilion Bird, and no one knows about everybody. At this moment, the legendary character is standing in front of her eyes and standing alive!

“Wow, he is the King of Fire!”

“He is the boss of the embarrassed, and it is more powerful than the embarrassment!”

Thousands of loved ones cast their eyes and did not speak.

Lin Feng is a brow, and some don’t understand. I don’t know why Yan Wang is here to expose his identity.


Desolation –

“Hey!” A gaze came, Lin Feng and the distant king of Yan Wang met, and when the heart was awkward.

It seems that there is something about yourself?

“Here, I want to introduce someone to everyone.” The sound of Yan Wang sounded, and Lin Feng secretly thought was not good. At this moment, if you still don’t know what abacus the Yan Wang is playing, it would be too stupid. However, it was too late to react. According to the eyes of Yan Wang, tens of millions of eyes were on their own.

It is quite curious, including the Qianghuang Emperor, the release of the heart, and the thorns.

“It’s bad.” Lin Feng had no choice but to smile.

The words of the King of Fire, suddenly sounded around.

“he is the one……”

“Lin Feng !”

The sound was loud and caused a ripple.

Lin Feng is quite a headache, but it has become a target of the moment. I don’t want to show up.

The three thousand love kings are very reluctant to leave a little more, leaving room for vacancies.

“I believe everyone knows this time. This time, the winner of the Vermilion Bird Challenge is the winner of the previous tool refining division competition. Now the Vermilion Bird is the Vice President of the tool refining division.” Yan Wang with a smile of rarely, introduced “But there is something that you may not know yet.”

The sound is slowing down, but it is the appetite of everyone.

“The “Imperial Competition” held recently, everyone should be concerned.”

“In the preliminary round that just came to a close, Lin Feng defeated the demon Lord and became the seventh Martial Artist to be finalist in the final battle, one of the heirs of the Southern Territory!”


An absolute silence.

Everyone in the field was blind and stunned.

Ordinary Martial Artist is the one who knows no one, but the ‘Imperial Competition’ is clear, which is now the biggest battle in the southern region. The winner will become the owner of the southern region, Commander, the entire southern region, what? Status, how strong!

How many saints compared to each other, but they all lost one by one.

But Lin Feng, but the seventh Martial Artist who was finalist in the final battle, was extremely shocking!

In a blink of time ——

“Boom!~” broke out completely, and everyone talked and talked again and again.

This is the big news of a hundred percent!


“I heard that our Vermilion Bird Chapel is almost completely annihilated. Only Yan Wang is promoted by one person.”

“More than that, only a total of seven quotas, we Vermilion Bird continent accounted for two quota, the other eight continents only five quota, in other words, three continents can not get a quota.”

“This Lin Feng is too powerful. Just just break through the Saint Level and you will be able to stand out!”


Amazing hot discussion.

It’s completely different from the eyes of everyone.

Become famous.

Lin Feng shook his head, even if he didn’t want to be high-profile. However, Yan Wang took the opportunity to pull himself to his side. Then even the three thousand loved ones watched their own eyes. They are all very different, especially the thorns, and the mouth is made into an ‘o’ type.

“Big Brother Lin, you are too good!” Released mind 眸 completely shiny.

“Lin brother, you are really scared to death, one of the heirs of the Southern Territory!” Shakelessly shook his head. “I still want to compare with you. It is estimated that I will lose very badly.”

“The loss is very bad, it is not a level.” Thousands of lovers slowly opened, beautiful eyes flashed bright light, looking at Lin Feng. “You really defeated the Lord of the Devil?”

Lin Feng nodded lightly, “Fuck.”

Thousands of lovedulously smiled, “and modest.”

“It’s true.” Lin Feng spoke up.

Pour really isn’t modest, fight again, and you are not sure to defeat the demon Lord.

“Even if it is a fluke. It is quite a shame.” The beautiful eyes of the thousand loves are flashing. “How strong is his strength, Saint King’s first step, or middle?”

“Intermediate.” Lin Feng replied truthfully.

Light is exhaling, and Qianghuanghuang closes his eyes. Shake his head.

For a long time, it was the opening. “I thought that the distance was only a little farther away. I didn’t expect to open a whole layer.” Watched Lin Feng, beautiful eyes flashed too much mood swing, as if I wanted to see through it. Lin Feng is a little embarrassed to stare at it.

The release of the heart and the thorns have long been shackled.

Although the two do not know who the Lord is, but Saint King, but understand.

They, didn’t you get it wrong?

The demon Lord, is there a strength of Saint King?

Lin Feng, beat him! ?

Too shocking!

The shocking ones are more than the three of them. The Martial Artist is already boiling. The group flocked, and under the deliberate ‘propaganda’ of Yan Wang, Lin Feng has now become the hero of Vermilion Bird, and people hope that, after all, who does not want Martial Artist of his continent to become the owner of the southern region?

Lin Feng, became famous.

“Speak long, let’s go, find a place to tell you slowly.” Lin Feng watched three good rare treasure treasure, a helpless face.

Anyway, they can’t stop them anyway, and the emperor’s hegemony will continue, even if they don’t know it now, they will know it after seven days. At that time, I will become the real Emperor of the Southern Region. This road is already doomed.

Looking to the crowd excited and excited, Lin Feng looked at Yan Wang again and nodded.

In fact, Yan Wang’s intention is to understand, but even if he does not do this, he will not wait for the thin Vermilion Bird continent. After all, this is his starting point and the family. In addition, he became the head of the southern region, and he will treat himself like a country of hunting and treat him equally.

Since you are upset, you must be responsible for the end.

This is a man’s promise.

Four people are very fast and are leaving.

This is obviously not the place to talk, let alone Lin Feng does not like this high-profile.

However, from the beginning to the end, everyone has not noticed the Vermilion Bird Building in the distance. A middle-aged man who is not astonishing has been watching them, including Lin Feng, and even including Yan Wang. It was a man with a scum, and it looked a bit vicissitude and decadent. The glass in his hand was empty from beginning to end, but he did not know that he was drinking or he had never been full.

On his back, he slanted his back with a huge spear sheath, and the simple and unadorned colors looked extremely heavy.

In fact, if this is not a huge spear sheath, this middle-aged man can hardly attract anyone’s attention and give people a feeling…

Too ordinary.

“Guest, do you want to drink alcohol?” Xiaoji asked back, but it was lightly exclaimed.

“Just still there, where have you gone?” Xiao Eryi was confused, but he saw a shining star crystal on the table, and suddenly he stayed.

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