The sixth chapter comes all without skill

Return to Silo County, Lin Clan.

After these days of operation, the relocation of the Qin family has been completed bits and pieces. Have no choice said that Patriarch Lin Biao’s work efficiency is quite high, Qin’s Chamber of Commerce very fast took root in the Ganlu District. Today’s Lin Clan is not only rich but also powerful.

The strongest force in the Ganlu District, ‘兀家’, has nowhere to be squeezed by Lin Clan.

The former top three in the Ganlu District, the Dragon Dragon Club and the Qingyun Building have long since disappeared. With the strong rise of Lin Feng and the attraction of many independent Martial Artists, Lin Clan can now officially enter the strongest family in Shiro County. The ranks are enough for those Giant wrench wrists.

In fact, no one will ignorant Lin Clan.

Who doesn’t know Lin Feng’s reputation now?

On power, for the tool refining division of the Union Vice President; on the strength, even killing the ancient three expert; in Shiluo County, even the County City master ‘Wang Mo’ must respect Lin Feng, not to mention those ordinary Martial Artist, It is not an exaggeration to say that Lin Clan is the strongest influence in the county.

It’s just one person who gets it, and the dog grows up.

“Well, then trouble the County City master to take care of.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

“Polite and polite, just raise your hand.” Wang Mo humbled his knees, the aunt’s arrival.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, and left with Yu Mo.

Lin Clan and Qin’s Chamber of Commerce have Wang Mo’s watch. There is no big problem. Wang Mu’s status in Shiluo County is equivalent to the number one leader, and he manages all affairs. As for the saint who is behind him, he speaks only one big one. The direction is not too much interference.

Although Wang Mo is a villain, he is a real villain.

Such a person is a little better, that is, as long as you are stronger than him, he will be faithful to do things for you, there will be no two hearts.

Because he is very smart.

After explaining the family, Lin Feng came to the tool refining division.

A feather ink does not go into the wild with himself, but in this with the South Palace Madam cultivation tool refining; the second one has something to find Nangong Madam to help. As the president of the tool refining division, Nangong Madam has great power and connections.

“You are looking for Emperor Sui?” Nangong Madam was astonished.

“Yes, I don’t know where to find it?” Lin Feng asked.

Nangong Madam shook his head gently. “Others can help you, but you can find the emperor’s place but you can’t help.” Xiumei light cluster, Nangong Madam muttered, “Yan Wangruo, I can help you know, but Yan Wang is now Taoyuan.”

“Taoyuan?” Lin Feng scorned.

Namdamdam nodded and said, “The cultivating place of Emperor Sui, only the discipline and the ancestors can enter.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are bright, “Is it also?”

“Possibly.” Nangong Madame lightly said, “The Emperor of the Sui Dynasty took the place of Emperor Sui. Today, even if you abdicate, you should be in Taoyuan.”

Lin Feng nodded. “How to get it?”

“I don’t know.” Nangong Madam shaking one’s head and said.

Lin Feng’s brows are slightly clustered.

Emperor Sui, he must see him. This is the first thing that the old man of the celestial body has to do. Nowadays, it is taking up this responsibility and taking up the responsibility of guarding the human race. I will be like the old man.

Do your best!


Nangong Madam doesn’t know, but Sui Emperor’s disciples and disciples should know!

Lin Feng’s eyes widened. “The president knows which disciplines under the Emperor’s seat can be found now?”

“This…” Nangong Madam was slightly indulged, said with hesitation. “The world of the saints, I don’t know much about the network of relationships. I only know that the kings of Jiuzhou in the southern region are all disciples under the emperor’s seat. Others are not very clear. ”

The king of Jiuzhou?

Lin Feng has a bright eye. Speaking and laughing, “many thanks and will say goodbye.”

Discontinued talking, it disappears like a gust of wind, causing Nangong Madam to be quite helpless.

King of Jiuzhou!

Yan Wang is one of them. There are eight other kings of Jiuzhou!

Lin Feng eyes, in the mind, when the appearance of Lu Wang figure, relatively speaking, he and Lu Wang are a little familiar. Sōu! The figure flashed, very fast into the tool refining division of the division of the transmission point, skilled operation, white light, is to leave.

South Luzhou.

With the strength of Lin Feng today, it is not difficult to find someone, especially the saint.

Even if the South Luzhou is a big land, it is the largest ‘continent’ of Vermilion Bird, but as long as you can find any saint, you can find Lu Wang by the way. It is as simple as that. At the moment of the Transmission Array, Lin Feng has found the first saint.

“I can’t think of it so easily.” Xiao smiled, Lin Feng blinked, and he rushed.

Despite being far apart, the sense is clear and free, and Lin Feng aura firmly locks the saint.

Of course…

“Hey?” The eyes are slightly bright.

Lin Feng scorned, “There is more than one.”

The saint who was first locked by aura was the most powerful and the sense was naturally clear. Then the sense of the few saints to the sense, the strength is inferior, but the number is quite a lot, Lin Feng secretly stunned, can not help but smile.

It doesn’t cost a skill to get it.

“And good, the more people find the king of Lu, the easier it is.” Xiao Feng did not care.

For myself, these saints, which were enough to make themselves look beyond their reach, are now and ordinary Martial Artist…

There is no difference.

Big hidden in the city.

The color clothing meeting, the influence throughout the southern region, is the strongest underground influence in the southern region.

The land of Jiuzhou has its Branch, such as the Tsing Yi Association of Huang Hezhou, the white clothed of Vermilion Bird, and so on. In fact, color clothing will not only exist in the southern region, but also exist in all major domains of the human world, and the background is quite tough. Tough, even if Lu Wang knew its existence, it still turned a blind eye.

Even if the Emperor was in the past, he did not plan to eradicate the color clothes.

At this time, the nine great saints of the colorful clothes will gather together to open the regular meeting.

However, as the president of the southern region, Yu Yu is a brows slightly wrinkle, inexplicably feels a cold back in the spine, I do not know which is a problem.

“President?” “President?” Several holy people lightly called.

“What’s the matter!” Yu Yu recovered, said solemnly.

“You…nothing, president?”

“Nothing.” Yu Yi waved his hand, said solemnly, “continue to say.”



Ember complexion is ugly.

Still the whole body is uncomfortable, it feels like being sneaked in the dark, extremely uncomfortable, even the eyelids are unable to beat.

Very upset.

“Hey?” Lin Feng stop and fall.

Looking at the stone house in the shape of an ordinary fortress in front, the area is not large, and the structure is not surprising. How to look is all plain. However, in this stone house, there are a full ten saints aura, the first stage, the middle stage are each exist, and there is even a high order for the saints.

Was it hidden in this inconspicuous stone house?

“Underground.” Lin Feng eyes, clear sense.

In the stone house, there are some ordinary Martial Artists, ranging from Star Sea Level Star King Level to rarely Star Territory Level. However, under the stone house, it is densely gathering countless experts. Even the weakest. Have the ability to Star Territory Level. And the strength is strong, it is the ten great saints.

Sense arrived, there are tens of thousands of aura!

Quite a strong strength.

“God is mysterious and seems to be unspeakable.” Lin Feng lightly said.

A gathering of normal saints. Why do you have to be so sneaky, look around all around, here is a crowded street, and the stream is constantly flowing.

“It’s fun.” Lin Feng smiled thoughtfully.

Stepping out of the footsteps, when entering the stone house.

Jewelry shop!

Lin Feng gazing all around, there are many guests who are choosing jewelry. Compared to other buildings, this stone house is not big. But only for the ‘jewelry shop’, it is quite luxurious. The inner layer, the outer layer, the upper layer, the lower layer…

This jewellery shop is obviously just a scorpion, selling goods. Inside is a ladder, the underground entrance is there, and several guards are guardless.

It seems that there is a ‘special condition’ to enter?

“Take it.” Lin Feng looked indifferent, freehand, and did not care, went straight to the underground entrance.

I don’t have time and waste time.

“Stand up!” The guard of the guard is expressionless, but there is a killing intent mountain road.


Lin Feng heart’s slightly startled.

These murderous aura, obviously not the ordinary Martial Artist can have, but just a gatekeeper?

“Go away.” Lin Feng faintly opened his mouth and waved.

In time, such as the flying sand, the Qi strength swept away, those guards groaned, and were directly flew away. Dozens of people seemed to be blown away by the wind, and all of them passed out in an instant. In the case of a mutation, let those who are choosing jewelry have a dumbstruck.

However, Lin Feng, completely ignored.

I have already left my hand, if not, they are so simple to stop fainting.

Sōu! The figure flashes slightly and enters the underground passage.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Go all the way.

The gates that were heavily locked were smashed, and the murderous aura’s Martial Artist was stunned. Lin Feng was like a gust of wind, and nothing could stop it.


“It’s really mysterious.”

“The trifling channel is actually a heavy guard. There are four or five roads in the light gate, and the defense is so cautious.”

“And, every Martial Artist here has such a strong murderous aura.

Lin Feng secretly thought, but did not stop.

The faint heart seems to understand what it is, and it breaks straight in. The black lacquered channel in front is very fast and flashes.

“Boom!” Lin Feng’s flame puff like in his hand.

The last door was opened, and everything in front of it suddenly became clear.

A huge jade palace fell into the eye, and now Martial Artist has long been sternly treated, astonishing murderous aura is awe-inspiring, spreading in the entire hall is suffocating.

But it is silent, quiet and surprising.

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes narrowed and he stepped out of the door.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, enamel, purple, white, black, a total of nine colors of clothing, forming the entire corridor of the veins, clearly visible. And the ten saints aura that they have been sent to are now in the palace. One of the most striking is a man wearing a striped dress with nine colors, which is nothing special.

His aura is the strongest of the ten saints.

Saints high order!

“Which friend is there, will you come to my color dress?” Yu Hao both eyes bright light.

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