Chapter 5, rising winds, scudding clouds

Lin Feng has a bright eye.

The old man of Tianji knows that he had mentioned it in the last time.

Own, the constellation of the emperor.

One will be a million bones!

“With the emperor’s constellation, it is destined to be extraordinary in this life, and the disaster is everywhere. If you pass it, the achievement will be extraordinary; but if you die, it is also a robbery. The heaven is destined, the emperor has only one.” This discourse is still deep. Deep imprints are engraved in my mind and have not been forgotten.

According to the words of the old man of heaven, he will determine the survival of mankind.

“junior is doing its best.” Lin Feng looks bright.

Perhaps, his strength is so insignificant in this catastrophe and war, but he also wants to do his part.

Because he is a human being, he was born in Vermilion Bird. On the land, there is a clansman with the same blood as himself. There is a Martial Artist with the same skin color as himself. Standing on the ‘big righteousness’ and fighting side by side with human beings is an unstoppable burden.

And in love…

Feathers and thousands of people are all loved by themselves. The land of Jiuzhou is also their hometown. Including the release of the heart, the thorns, the South Palace Madam… In this land, I have many friends, husband and wife, brother’s feelings, and even a lot of kindness.

If you don’t say anything else, the old man in front of him will have too much to owe him.

As long as he speaks, he will never say a ‘no’ word.

Moreover, once the Terran is destroyed, the Wuzu, the ancients are dying, and they will fall into a big passive. Once the battle of the Lich, which determines the life and death, comes to a close, the Yaozu wins a victory. It is conceivable that the real will be there. The wall is clear, the grass is removed from the roots.

The country of hunting is equally difficult to escape!

“Good!” The old man was burned. “I really didn’t look at the wrong person.”

“For the emperor. You need to have the domineering power of the world. If you retreat, the heart of the emperor will be bleak. Waiting for you will be an endless disaster of catastrophe. Only by thorns and turns, opening a bloody way and opening the door of the closed Heavenly Dao It is your real way out!”

Some words, there is sound.

Falling in Lin Feng’s ear, three feet around the beam.

Every word of the old man of Tianji, every word, is a good word, and there must be profound meaning.

“Please also ask Senior to guide you.” Lin Feng arched resolutely.

“Go find someone.” The dark eyes of the old man flashed bright light. “In this storm of war, you need help, and he will be the most reliable ‘left hand’ in your future!”

Lin Feng’s eyes are bright, “Who?”

The old man was white-haired and his voice rang slowly: “Emperor Emperor, hehe.”

South Luzhou.

“Second Senior Brother, Yu Wang participated.” Han Wang said resolutely.

“Yes, it is still unwilling to be lonely.” Lu Wang smiled and smiled.

“Do you slam?” Han Wang’s eyes were slightly stunned.

“No.” Lu Wang raised his hand, indifferently said, “Four Junior Brothers have a calm personality. Choose this time period to participate in the usefulness, and he has always been neutral and has no need to provoke him. Again…” Lu Wang gaze over Han Wang and Brown Wang, shaking one’s head and said, “Besides me, neither of you is his opponent.”

Han Wang brows slightly wrinkle, “I am afraid that he will fall to the side of Yan Wang. After all, Yu Wang is very respectful to the big Senior Brother ‘舜’.”

“No need to care. Our enemy is really isn’t 钜王.” Lu Wang flashed a bit of calm in the eyes, “This emperor’s hegemony is not only as simple as the power of the southern domain, the Martial Artist who entered the final battle is not able to board.” The emperor’s position can also have the right to speak. It is not a bad thing to have multiple kings. It is news that the color clothes will be ready to move.”

Hanwang and Brown King complexion stop and change, “Left out of the ordinary to act?”

“It should be.” Lu Wang complexion is right, “Rather, he is the alliance lord of the eight major domain alliances of human beings. It is impossible to come to the competition. It is not a colorful dress meeting on the table. The threat is not too big, and it is not always possible. Yan Wang, and what really cares me is another influence.”

Hanwang and Brown King look at each other, the latter said with hesitation, “legendary thief ‘乩轲’?”

Lu Wang shook his head. “He has been annihilating for a long time. What I care about is a powerful aura. I can feel it in the faint, but… but it seems to be absent. I am sure.” Lu Wang’s bone eyes bright light Move, “If this inflation happens, I am afraid that the southern region will become a disorder.”

In a luxury restaurant.

“Master, when are you going to act?” Lin Biao landed like gaze.

“What is anxious, it is still very early.” The demon Lord laughed and smiled, and his mood was obviously excellent. Pick up a wine cup is a drink, taking advantage of the pretty girl in my arms, playing with that soft and full, a look of glory.

“I am afraid of many variables.” Lin Biao slightly wrinkle.

The devil’s mouth is cold and pumping. “It is stupid to expose the strength too early. The identity of Laozi is sensitive after all. If you want to prematurely expose it, you may be resisted by them. It will be troublesome at that time. With these soft eggs in the southern region, the trifling can compete for the hegemony.” Who can stop me? What I want now is just a ‘name’, a chance to be famous!”

The devil’s nose is twisted, and it is extremely disdainful.

With his strength, is it difficult to take power in the southern region?

In the age when there was no Holy Lord, he is now alone and desperate, and it is difficult to meet rivals in the human race.

All he wants is a chance to be justified. If not, there is a bird in the empty shell.

“But the master…” Lin Biaodi complexion slightly changed.

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense.” The demon Lord waved his hand and interrupted incessantly. “I know that you are upset by Lin Feng’s brat, worrying about a hair! Even if he is in Weihezhou, he will pinch. To die, he is like killing an ant. After I really talk about the southern domain, let me talk about it. Now let him live for a while.”

Lin Biao also wants to persuade, the demon Lord is already frowning, coldly snorted.

The complexion is slightly changed, and Lin Biao’s heart is helpless, but it can only be so.

The country of hunting.

Returning from the water curtain hole, Lin Feng felt pressure on his shoulders.

Before, I only struggled to protect my family, but now, I have to set off the fate of the entire human race and change the size of it. However, it is not allowed to say a ‘no’ word by myself, although the road ahead is long and difficult, but…

“There is danger from organic.” Lin Feng eyes.

“Senior won’t lie to me. What he said is true.”

Purse one’s lip, Lin Feng in the mind can not help but emerge the last words of the old man, the tide of the heart.

“How much you get when you pay, God is fair.”

“What you want, as long as you pay, God can see it.”


Lin Feng light exhales one breath saying.

The old man of Tianji did not say anything. But as I did when I first met, the hints are already obvious.

What do you want?

In fact, it is very simple, a family reunion, happy and happy. At that time, I decided to embark on this road for the sake of ‘home’. Nowadays, the number of mountains and rivers that have been turned over by the twists and turns, the heart of the mind has not changed, and now I think the most. Still the existence of ‘home’.

Save the battle and find Zi Yao.

And Duo Duo who slept for himself in the past…

This is my responsibility.

“Brother, how?” Lin Yun had a deep hope in his eyes.

Come to, Lin Feng looks at Lin Yun, hesitating or not telling the secrets of the bones. Really isn’t don’t want to talk to the younger brother, but there is no need to worry him. The contact with the strength of the younger brother will only cause unnecessary worry. “I can’t get in.”

Lin Yun startled. The complexion is solemn and dignified.

“The entire 10,000 bones must be blocked, there is a very dangerous. Especially, you can’t step into the border.” Lin Feng looks right. According to his own estimation, the entire country of hunting, in addition to himself, any other Martial Artist, including the younger brother, stepped into the bones to determine the terrifying illusion.

“Brother, can’t you do this?” Lin Yun’s face was full of sorrow.

“Not yet.” Lin Feng nodded and said, seeing Lin Yun’s grimacing face. I couldn’t help but smile and patted him on the shoulder. “But the situation is not as bad as you think. The impact of my investigation of Wan Guzhen is only an individual incident, and I don’t need to worry too much.”

“Individual events?” Lin Yun was amazed.

“Yes, it’s related to the surroundings. It’s going to be better.” Lin Feng nodded, pondered then said, “But for the sake of safety, it’s a good idea to separate the two County cities near the bones and let the people It will be better to relocate.”

“Okay, then I will arrange, brother.” Lin Yun nodded, no more words.

For Lin Feng, he has always been obedient.

Lin Feng lightly ‘hmm’, said with a slight smile, “Reassured, there is me, the country of hunting will never have anything.”

“Of course, brother, you are the patron saint of the country of hunting, people can worship you as a ‘god’.” Lin Yun smiled and laughed. “Every family is enshrined with Big Brother, your statue, praying for nine to five, I beg bless, I wonder if I want to offer one at home?”

Lin Feng laughed and laughed. “Even your Big Brother dare to laugh, not to go!”

Lin Yun laughed and ran away, and the atmosphere of laughter and laughter eased and eased.

The life of the country of hunting, tranquility, warmth.

very happy.

Of course, this kind of happiness is not inevitable and needs to be guarded by absolute strength. A few days after spending the warmth of the family, Lin Feng, despite all the disappointments, knew that it was time to leave.

“Big Brother Lin, take care.” Qin Qiang’s reluctance, care about warned repeatedly.

“Do not worry, I will.” Lin Feng gently embraced his wife, sense the love of the beautiful woman in the arms, looking to Wudong, “take care of the mother, know?”

“Yes, Master.” Udon respectfully said.


“Okay, don’t give up, it’s not the first time.” Lin Feng smiled at Lin Shui’er.

“Hey, don’t go with Shui’er.” Lin Shui’er whipped up the small mouth.

“Next time, after Big Brother comes back.” Lin Feng slightly smiled, caressing the little head, although it is long and slim, but Shui’er is still the little girl with a braid in her heart. Nowadays, the southern region’s rising winds, scudding clouds, and Shui’er are not suitable in the past. Moreover, they are about to start the wild, and explore the existence of the ancient phoenix, and cannot take care of her.

“Look!!” Lin Shui’er stretched out his little finger.

Lin Feng smiled helplessly, but he only had to laugh with Shui’er.

Very fast, it is a different one, except for feathers, the rest of the people stay in the country of hunting. Under the eyes of everyone, Lin Feng smiled and waved into the transmission channel, and the light flashed away. The short and easy days are the past, the rest –

It will be the beginning of the challenge!

(Today is a small birthday, I wish my birthday a happy, haha!~)

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