Chapter 37: Putting

Four words, nothing to look for!

Brown King can’t wait to slap a few slaps.

This time, he really was his own courting death. Even if he didn’t investigate the other side’s history, he was angry and looking for trouble. Before the fierce seal was not without concern, but he was too believe in oneself infallible, thinking that Lin Feng did not know which comes out of the little brat, how many pounds can be two, who expected that even the ancient law enforcement can kill!

Kill him, it is not as easy as stepping on an ant!

And the truth is.

“Damn!” In the heart of the Brown King, Yin Zhiyuan suddenly hated it, and it was indeed him who started to be a singer!

Although he has a lot of friendship with Yin Yuanyuan’s Grandfather, he is not as deep-hearted as Lie Feng. This time he is mainly looking at the cover of the strong.

However, it has paid such a heavy price!

Now Yin Zhiyuan is the third soul, but the words of Lu Wang seem to be playing hell, such as the hail. He couldn’t think of Lin Feng’s head so big, so strong that even Lu Wang would let him three points. What did his trifling first-level saints count?

Wei Wei, Yin Zhiyuan complexion ugly, faint feelings are not good.

Now the situation is confused, it seems to enter the maze, Lin Feng’s strength is unclear, the brown king is seriously injured, and the most in the fog is the attitude of Lu Wang.

36 strategems, go for it!

Yin Zhiyuan clench one’s teeth, the heart suddenly settled.

“Go!” Complexion is pale, Yin Zhiyuan turned and wanted to leave, but…

Pā ! A figure is appearing in the moment in front, floating and floating, the aquiline nose is as sharp as his eyes, it is Han Wang, “Where do you want to go?” Han Wang’s voice is very calm, but the Yin Zhiyuan is ashamed.

“Brother Lin, this is a misunderstanding from beginning to end.” Lu Wang said with a smile.

And this time. Han Wang is already a cockroach, and the cock is generally over. The latter is like a defeated cock, his eyes are scattered, and there is no resistance at all. Perhaps he is a saint, but the gap between the saints and the saints is quite large. What’s more, Han Wang is really isn’t ordinary saint.

It’s easy to catch him.

“Hey?” Lin Feng eyes bright, watched Lu Wang everyone, and looked at the brown king and Yin Zhiyuan, the faint understanding in the heart.

Obviously, including the Brown King, everyone is looking forward to this Lu Wang Ma, and his words are extremely heavy. From the perspective of Lu Wang’s attitude towards himself, it is obviously not a friend. Nor is it an enemy. I have some ‘deliberate’ cohabitation with myself, and even… please.

“I have investigated this matter clearly. Everything is that he is arrogant and driving the wolf.” Lu Wang looked deep and landed.

Yin Zhiyuan’s original paleion complex is even more indulgent, and the whole person has been completely dumbfounded.

“Brown king is so hot that he will be swayed by people. He is also looking for a little Brother sea han. It is better to make the major event smaller and less trivial. Today is the day of Brother Lin’s big joy. When it comes to joy, it is troublesome. Come there.” Lu Wang said, but it is a brown king, and the second does not want to offend Lin Feng.

Hey! Surroundings.

Everyone was astonished, but did not think that the brown king, the king of Lu, so many saints, facing Lin Feng alone…

Is it a confession?

“Yes.” Lin Feng sounds dull. Yu Guangyu has passed through thousands, and he does not want to have a wedding banquet flowing into a river and become a purgatory in the world. Said indifferently, “Look at the face of Lu Wang. I can erase this matter, but…” Dun, gazing at Lu Wang, Lin Feng slowly said, “Would you like to give me an account?”

Lu Wang’s eyes sighed and smiled slightly. “This is of course.”

Lifting your right hand is a crisp finger, time ——

“ka-cha!” The fragile voice slammed, and the surroundings were all eyes wide open, watched in front of this scene. On the forehead of Hanwang, starlight 璀璨, the rich star source is swaying, and Yin Zhiyuan’s neck is turned 180 degrees and is directly twisted.

A sacred man is killed in the eyes of the public.

Just because of Lin Feng.

Indifferent watched Yin Zhiyuan, Lin Feng looks calm and calm.

No mercy, no sympathy. He gave him a chance, but he didn’t know how to cherish it. He was able to let him go on the same day. He can kill him as well today. He can’t escape his own hand with his strength. Even if Lu Wang is obsessed with sheltering him today, he also has no chance to live.

Do not live because of your work.

“I wonder if Brother Lin is satisfied?” Lu Wang said with a slight smile.

Slowly looking up, Lin Feng glanced over the brown king and the fierce seal. “It seems… came to hinder my big marriage, not just him.” The voice fell, the brown king and the strong seal complexion changed, and Lu Wang and Han Wang at the same time blind The light flashed and the strong aura swelled out.

It doesn’t matter if you die from a Yin, and a dead seal can be accepted, but…

The status of the Brown King is different.

“Brother Lin, don’t you think… a little too much?” Lu Wang looked changed, but still suppressed the emotions, and said, “My ten Junior Brothers are now seriously injured…”

“Lu Wang misunderstood, I really isn’t that means.” Lin Feng faintly opened, interrupted. “This matter is from the far side of Yin, his death is enough to explain, the so-called 冤 has a debt, I am It won’t be indifferent.” When people enter a foot, I enter a mile, and the Lu Wang people are so good and good, they will not be able to get in.

Moreover, there is no need to be so stiff with the people of Lu Wang. Many friends are better than multiple enemies.

“What does Brother Lin mean?” Lu Wang’s brows are slightly clustered and his look is slightly slower.

A light smile, Lin Feng Yu Guang has passed thousands, slowly said, “Brown King and Lie Feng are swayed by people, but it is true that the wedding is carried out. I personally don’t care, but it is true… My wife is a bit modest?”

When the sound came out, it was all right.

Let two famous saints apologize to an ordinary person? One of them is Huang’s ‘King’, the brown king!

It is even in such a public view!

The brown king and the sacred complexion are all green and white, but they have never been so humiliated. It seems easy to apologize, but in reality it is harder than going to heaven. For many Martial Artists, self-esteem and face are more important than anything else.

Lu Wang complexion slightly changed, also hesitant.

If it is changed earlier. Why should he be so loyal to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng has been clean and neat, but this time he really met face to face, knowing the strength of his opponent. Lin Feng, the bottom is not bottom! Such a Martial Artist, even if you can’t get together. At least… he doesn’t want to be an enemy.

The hesitation of King Lu made the brown king face as dead.

After staying with Lu Wang for so long, how could the Brown King not know his temperament? Maybe Lu Wang would not push him to death for Lin Feng, but at the moment…

He must have an account.

“I’m sorry.” Brown King lowered his head, his face flushed, and his wilting look was even more shy. Feeling the surroundings that strange, startled eyes, Brown King knows. At this moment, his behavior is humiliating and shy, but… he has no choice.

Must bear it!

The fist of the fist shook, the blue veins were exposed, and the brown king chose to swallow.

Become a major event, informal.

“Women!” The eyes closed wide staring angrily, biting his teeth.

For the brown king, the choice is extremely contemptuous, such as the bell-like eyes looking at Lin Feng. The fierce seal is like a raging cow, but he also knows that it has been planted today. Don’t talk about Lin Feng. If he does not apologize, I am afraid that Lu Wang will ‘do things’ because he is not a brown king.

“Even if you die, my fierce seal will not wrinkle a little.”

“Today, I have cultivated it. You won, Lin Feng.” Coldly snorted, and the blue gluten is exposed. The red light flashed in the hand, the strong star power spurted out instantly, and the roar screamed, and the moment ‘ka-cha’ broke the left arm and the bite of the teeth. The complexion was pale, but the fierce seal did not say anything.

“This left arm is enough to explain it?” Lie Feng took a hand and dropped his left arm, watched Lin Feng, and his voice was weak.

“Brother Lin just wants to apologize for you. What do you mean by this?” Lu Wang was unhappy about started talking.

Lin Feng’s eyes are slightly bright, watched Lu Wang, said indifferently, “Okay, let’s go.”


If the cow’s nose is out of the air, the strong seal turns away and even hopes that Brown King will not look at it, but the brown king is even more embarrassing. Compared with the daring of the fierce seal, his apology is undoubtedly much weaker, and he can’t help but hate the fierce seal.

Watched the back of the strong seal, Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Compared to oneself, I admire a strong point, perhaps different from each other, but he is a worthy man.

“Well, the misunderstanding has been solved, then I will leave.” Lu Wang nodded and said, “Here, congratulate Brother Lin on his wedding.” pā ! After a snap, a saint behind him held a brand new pearl box and put it on the ground. Lu Wang said with a slight smile. “There is no need to prepare for it. This million star crystal will be a gift, but also hope Brother Lin doesn’t disappoint.”

“How come, Lu Wang has a heart.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

“There will be a period later.” In the eyes of Lu Wang, the bright light flashed slightly and arched.

“There will be a period later.” Lin Feng is also a gift.

As soon as he raised his hand, Lu Wang suddenly took everyone away.

However, it was a rush, and it was hurried, leaving a group of stunned, incomparably people, watching these influential figures to leave, and then looking at Lin Feng, who is still a cozy dress, so mysterious and tall, It is like a lake with a bottomless bottom that makes people feel shocked.

This Lin Feng, what is sacred!

At the wedding venue, very fast was cleaned up.

It doesn’t seem to change, but everyone’s mood is completely different.

However, Lin Feng did not feel anything, whether it was a brown king or a king, it was just a small episode. No matter whether they are with or not, whether they come or not, it doesn’t matter. The protagonist of today is only a thousand people.

For yourself, this is also an unforgettable moment.

娶 She is not only a promise, a responsibility, but also the result of love.

“Marry me, thousands.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

“En.” A firm and unmistakable voice, thousands of happy faces holding Lin Feng.

For her, this moment is eternal.

Holding the beautiful woman in her arms, Lin Feng feels full of happiness.

For themselves, the trip to Huang Hezhou is only a transit point. At the beginning, the human world has no challenges, and its enemies are also really aren’t these ordinary saints. The real danger, the real enemy, is still somewhere in the distant Battle Spirit World.

And waiting for what you have to do, there are many more.

Father, mother, Zi Yao, Duo Duo, etc…

Your own path is just beginning!

(There are still some people who don’t think clearly. The opening of the last volume will be moved, and the volume will be opened tomorrow, three more.)

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