Chapter 36 What is the head?

Pā ! Pā ! Pā !

One by one, instantly turned into a god.

There are as many as eighteen!

Holding the 18 weapons, the figure is almost the same as the Brown King, and instantly fills the space. The Summon type’s first heavenly treasure, regardless of attack, defense, or control, has a rather high performance. Eighteen scorpions will appear, and the situation will be flat.

But it just looks like it.

“Unfortunately.” Lin Feng’s voice was calm, but the fire in his hand was dazzling.

Surroundings Eighteen weapons attack came in an instant, but the strength is nothing more than it may have played a considerable role in Heavenly Spirit Master, Heavenly Soul Master, but it was useless to yourself. Because these gods will be the purest ‘warrior’, the simple physical strength amount.

“Peng!” Lin Feng shouted, the fire is shining.

The fire is like an arrow, forcibly piercing the body of a scorpion, burning it, and opening a way out. And the scorpion god that was killed will shine with the ray of light, but it will once again be gathered together, as if it were not dead.

Of course, I can’t hurt myself.

“What!?” Liefeng complexion greatly change.

However, I didn’t expect that Lin Feng would only be able to penetrate the sacred gods. He learned this supreme skill, and the inexhaustible scorpion will be quite troublesome. It is necessary to crack the energy of consuming the gods, and the second is to control The technique was delayed, but I did not expect this third type of cracking.

Ignore God completely!

That pure strength attack would not hurt Lin Feng half a point.

This Lin Feng, what a monster! ?

The strong seal completely widened his eyes, and the heart was shocked. Yin Zhiyuan was even more trembled and felt an inexplicable fear and panic. At this time, the brown king who just got rid of the wildfire. The terrifying astonishing Fire Dragon is already appearing, like devouring everything, to make him feel great.

It’s like a god of death waving blade, and the gates of hell are open.

“No!” Brown King looked terrified, and for the first time felt that death was so close to him.

He never thought about it, and Lin Feng’s strength would be strong enough.

It’s so amazing!

“The body of the Gorefiend!” The Brown King took care of the other. The first reaction is to break out all the strengths and build the strongest defense at this stage. The dark red armor on the body shines brightly, flashing a devilish brilliance, instantly condensing with the body of the brown king, and a demon-like strength appears in the blink of an eye.

“pā tà !” “pā lā !” Condensed like mucus, penetrated into every inch of skin, brown king complexion fierce.

The blood vessels are exposed, ** outside the skin, the body is exploding. The dark red star is actually changing in an instant, like a demon possession.

“Ah!!!” Brown King roared, although it built all defenses, but…

He still feels the deep threat of death, so fearful!

at this time–

“Let’s keep people!” In the distance, the anxious voice pierced the sky, like a thunder.

Lin Feng’s eyes are burning, but it has not stopped. In turn, the Fire of Devour changes again, Fire of Rebirth instantaneous rush forth. The sound of the ultimate burst. In the face of the changed brown king, Lin Feng has no mercy, but with the sound of the voice, a golden light appears instantly.

Wrapped in the body of the brown king, forming a protective mask to resist damage.

“Hey!” Lin Feng fired. Fire of Devour and Fire of Rebirth, the convergence of the Holy Way, let the Fire Dragon’s eyes bright clear, terrifying strength condensed with the power of the star source, the time to penetrate the mask. Directly bombarded the brown king.

Peng! Severe violent cry, with the screams of the brown king, forming a beautiful melody.

Everyone is shocked.

This is just what happened in an instant, but…

It is shocking enough!

First, the arrival of the mysterious person, and then Lin Feng will face the uninhabited scene, and the direct-bringing Brown King is still alive and dead. Surrounding absolute silence, a lot of daring is to raise his head and peek at the war that has never been seen in this life.

“Hey!” The eyes were slightly bright, Lin Feng did not pursue, but a lightweight volley jump back to the starting point of the attack.

To kill the Brown King, simple, before the arrival of the several experts, you can make the Brown King die dozens of times. But this doesn’t make much sense. Although the golden shield has weakened 50% strength, his strike is enough to make Brown King seriously injured and lose fighting strength.

The key is–

Behind your own, there are thousands.

Although there are red dragonflies to protect, they are afraid that the other party will lose their sense of reason and spread to thousands. The strength of the red dragonfly is not enough to resist.

“Tread!” Lin Feng suspended in the air, behind her face is a cold red dragonfly and beautiful eyes 睁 big thousand, she is the first time to see the true strength of Lin Feng, actually the Yellow King’s ‘King’, The legendary brown king, so move is solved?

I saw it with my own eyes and learned how strong Lin Feng is now!

Not only is it thousands, but Udon is also the first to see the strength of Lin Feng, which makes him feel suffocated. His eyes are fortunate to be the original choice, move to kill the brown king, how strong this should be terrifying, how many people, if you can become his discipline…

The picture is so beautiful, Udon is hard to imagine.

On the contrary, Ji Xia is quite calm, although it is shocking, but it has already numb Lin Feng’s metamorphosis.

Sōu! sōu! sōu!

A series of figures appeared one after another, with a total of eight!

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes flashed slightly, looking at the thick-browed man, the heavy aura like Taishan, not angry. Unlike other people, there is no star-like flash behind him, but there is a star-studded light on his forehead.

The aquiline nosed man, including him, also has no astrology, but the two of them aura can’t beat themselves.

Very strong!

Stronger than the brown king.

“Two Saint Level peaks.” Lin Feng’s heart is in the middle of the path, but he is not in a hurry, just standing quietly. Because the other aura is strong, but just like ‘self-defense’, there is no half-killing intent or battle intent, then aquiline nosed man is jealous of watched himself, the look is quite complicated, but the thick eyebrow man is coming to the brown king Next, the brow is very wrinkled.

The other six saints, standing behind each other, have a different status.

The battle, inexplicably stopped for a short time.

Surroundings There are many people who can’t help but curiosity. It is secretly watching. Although they are extremely astonished at the advent of so many saints, they don’t know each other. Not to mention them, the two holy people who are half-squatting on the ground. I also don’t know the eight saints.

Very strange!

“pā !” The thick-browed man took out a star fruit and forcibly stuffed it into the brown king’s mouth. The complexion was dignified. The star fruit is falling, and the complexion of the brown king is finally restored. Although it is still a serious injury, it will at least save its life and will not leave a sequela. It is slowly being repaired.

“Second and two Senior Brother.” The brown king’s struggling opening, complexion twisted, “You must help me…”

“Okay!” Lu Wang brows a sinking, big shouted, a blink of an eye brown king suddenly dare not scream again, complexion ugly, but do not know what happened. Lu Wang Shen exhales one breath saying, at this time dare to have a headache. He had tried his best to come, but he did not expect to come a step later.

This step is very different.

Originally, he wanted to recruit Lin Feng, one of his own talents, and the other two, there were few personal talents in Yan Wang.

But now it is being ruined by the brown king, how can I not be angry! After all, Brown King followed him and was loyal. He could not bear to be too scolding. “Don’t talk, hurt and rest first. I will solve this problem.”

The brown king nodded stunned.

Although I don’t know why Lu Wang is abnormal, I think that the two Senior Brothers will be in his head, and the Brown King is relieved.

Moreover, this time the Sixth Senior Brother also came together.

With a slight grip and a double fist, the Brown King felt a bit weak and remembered the power of Lin Feng. I am afraid of it. The amount of physical strength is slowly recovering, but there are some uncertainties. Can the Second Senior Brother and Sixth Senior Brother really win the Lin Feng?

and many more!

The brown king complexion has changed.

How come two Senior Brothers and Sixth Senior Brothers will come here?

Four eyes are opposite.

Lin Feng and Lu Wang are far away.

Just when everyone thought it was another battle of meteorites, Lu Wang showed a touch of amiable smile. “Hello, I am the king of South Luzhou, Lu Wang.”

The voice fell, everyone was startled.

Another king of Jiuzhou? And it looks like it is more stylish than the brown king, big name.

Ordinary Martial Artist is not known, but those saints know it.

The two saints on one knee, complexion, were horrified, but did not expect the ‘second home’ in the southern region. Lu Wang would come to visit. Not far away, Xiaojian’s look is a non-stop change. Before Lin Feng’s strength terrifying, it was his heart. I didn’t expect Lu Wang to see the brown king being seriously injured, but still so pleasing to Lin Feng.

This Lin Feng, what is it?

“Lin Feng.” Reaching his hand and not smiling, Lin Feng responded politely.

“Long-term little Brother’s big name, in Vermilion Bird, but known to everybody, has always wanted to make friends but has no chance.” Lu Wang smiled and nodded, said the brown king completely shocked, I did not expect this Lin Feng to be so big Even the second Senior Brother Lu Wang had sergeant Li Xian, avoiding a few points.

The mouth is twitching, and the brown king secretly thoughts that this is a reckless thing. From the expression of the Second Senior Brother, right now… he seems to be in trouble.

“Lu Wang is polite, I am just a nameless junior.” Light, however, Lin Feng looks calm.

This Lu Wang obviously has a very deep city, and he has seriously injured his people, but he can still keep his smile close to himself.

Non-pro-intimate, so concessionary, obviously have no purpose.

“Little Brother is really modest.” Lu Wang smiled. “The champion of the tool refining division is the high-ranking of the saints. He has also killed the ancient law enforcement of the ancients. Brother Lin is still a nameless person, then I wait. Why are you not even a nameless person?”

Hey! ~ A huge earthquake.

The voice of Lu Wang fell, and everyone was wide-eyed, but did not expect Lin Feng to be so big. The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway. In the eyes of ordinary people, Lin Feng is the champion of the tool refining division, and the high-level of the saints is so distinguished.

However, in the eyes of the saints, kill ancient law enforcement, this is the most terrifying!

That is the ancient expert!

It is as strong as Lu Wang, and he dare not say that he can kill the ancient law enforcement of the ancients. However, this seemingly inconspicuous thing is done, and everyone will naturally not doubt what Lu said. In fact, from the expression of Lin Feng, this is indeed true.

The heart of the brown king is stunned, and the complexion is pale.

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