Chapter 18 is ten times rewarded!

what’s the problem?

If other influences go thousands of times, there may be a purpose, but it is the Martial Artist of the Chamber of Commerce of Qin!

“Affirmative?” Lin Feng said solemnly.

“Yes.” Ji Xia gnawed his teeth. “They are all people of Yujie Young Master ‘Lu Jun’, I know!”

“Take me to find him.” Lin Feng did not say with hesitation, and pressed his heart to anger. Even if the situation is chaotic again, you can’t lose the square inch. No matter what, even if you can’t find the reason, you must have the existence of ‘truth,’ and it’s like a labyrinth. There is only one way!

“Good.” No hesitation, Ji Xia Yingsheng.

Although he knows that going back to the Qin Chamber of Commerce will be a life of nine deaths, but for Lin Feng, for thousands, Ji Xia does not care.

Dead, not terrifying; greedy and fearful of death, is terrifying.

“Your reward.” Lin Feng looked back and looked at the bald youth, and threw it over 10. The bald head took it by hand and felt the heavy taste in the hand. The heartbeat was extremely fast. In front of this black clothed youth, it is not only extremely strong, but also rich and enemies!

It can be seen from the extent of his shots.

The bald youth reaction is also very fast, and the eyelids are lit up. “I don’t know the ‘thousands’ that Senior said, but the Qin’s Chamber of Commerce’s Qianjin ‘Qin Qianqian’?”

“Yes.” Lin Feng did not deny it.

I got a positive answer, and the bald eyebrows were lifted up and even again. “Listen to what Ji Ji’s brother said just now, this is a very embarrassing thing. It seems to be a civil disturbance but it is a hidden mystery. Perhaps, it is related to the battle of the Chamber of Commerce of Qin. Or have the intervention of external influences, such as…Chamber of Commerce.”

Lin Feng looks bright.

Father, like son.

What he said may not be impossible. After all, the Cloud of Chambers Chamber of Commerce and the Qin Chamber of Commerce have deep grievances. The motivation is very sufficient.

Lin Feng watched, you can guess a lot from the clues, this bald youth is very smart.

“Go ahead.” Lin Feng nodded.

In the bald eyes, the bright light flashes and is very excited. “Junior is very thick, and there are some connections here. If Senior doesn’t mind. Junior would like to go to inquire immediately, maybe there will be any unexpected harvest.”


Yes, it is critical.

The so-called even a powerful dragon cannot repress a local snake, this reason Lin Feng is very clear.

Moreover, there are undoubtedly more hopes for the two divisions, and there is no harm to themselves.

“Good.” Lin Feng decisively responded, then the light flashed in his hand, and the bright light that was shining was flying to the bald head, looking flickering. “Here is 10000 star crystal, for you to play, if you can find any useful news, come here to inform me, even if it is a clue!”

Lin Feng sounds burning, “If I can find thousands, I will pay ten times!”

The sound slammed down, not only the bald youth. Ji Xia also stumbled, did not hear it wrong?

Ten times paid? !

In other words. Is…

10 Wanxingjing! ! !

Ji Xia watched that the same looks in memory, but it seems to change personally. The shot is 10000 star crystal, even the eyes are not stunned, more than ten times the reward, full 10 million star crystal! There is also an enemy ten, kill Chamber of Commerce elite expert. The feeling is terrifying so far unfathomable.

Is he really Lin Feng?

Watched that resolute face, Ji Xia is like a suffocating, so close distance. But the sense is less than any of Ain of Lin Feng.

As tall as the sky!

“Yes, yes!” The bald head is excited at this time, and he is busy with 10000 star crystal, and nodded. “Senior assured, junior must do everything he can to find thousands of news, and never let it go, leave!”

Said, even the disease is gone.

The bald youth heartbeat is extremely fast, and the whole person is already in a state of excitement.

Falling in the sky!

The shot is 10000 star crystal, if he can find out what news, heavens, there is enough 10 million star crystal reward! ! ! Thinking of this, the bald head of your mouth is laughing and opening. He really came to work this time, and he met the god of wealth.

For Lin Feng, what about 1?

10 Wanxingjing, what is it?

As long as you can save thousands of thousands of stars, even a million stars, even if you let yourself go bankrupt, it doesn’t matter! If you have no money, you can earn more, but there is only one thousand. It is your wife and your beloved woman.

Never allow her to suffer any harm!

“Whoever dares to move a thousand hairs, I will let him die without a burial site!” Lin Feng’s killing intent is extremely rich.

The murderous aura can’t stop spreading.

Even if the sky is going to move thousands of times, you have to make a hole in the sky!

“Let’s go.” Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

It’s like going deep into the dragon’s pool and tiger’s den.

The Jixia complexion was dignified, and Lin Feng’s eyebrows were slowly anxious.

Every extra minute, thousands of dangers are one more point. Every decision is crucial at the moment, and one mistake is enough to be full. Grasp every minute, the sooner you find clues and find the answer, the sooner you can save thousands.

“That ‘Jun Jun’ sent people to walk thousands of people, Ji brother, you know the reason?” In the gallop, Lin Feng said resolutely.

“It’s not clear.” Ji Xia complexion red, panting, but the body just recovered a bit is the overdraft strength galloping, “I and the Brother were sent to the Confucianism half a year ago, just came back, what happened during the period It’s a fog.”

Lin Feng blinked bright light in his eyes and didn’t ask any more.

Half a year’s time is not long, but short but not too short, enough to happen.

Find ‘Lu Jun’ and everything is natural.

Xiu! xiu! Like two arrows, I shuttled through the Chamber of Commerce in Qin. Ji Xia took the road and could feel the heavy pressure behind him. Although Lin Feng did not release any aura pressure, the suffocating feeling was everywhere.

Strength, extremely terrifying.

“I’m afraid it’s not worse than Lu Jun, Lin Feng…” Ji Xia’s heart was scornful, and the light in his eyes burned. “Is it already reached the Star Territory Level, or one layer, and the Star Territory Level?” ??heartbeat again and again, Ji Xia secretly swears.

Too shocking!

At the time of Yancheng. The gap between them is still not very big, but I did not expect…

It took only a few years for the two to be like one day.

However, Ji Xia did not know that the strength of Lin Feng behind him was much more terrifying than he had imagined, and he had reached the level he could not estimate.

That is the strength system that is really at the Battle Spirit World peak.

It is the top strength of Battle Spirit World!

It’s no wonder that Jixia is, after all, he’s just Star King Level. Saint Level is just a legendary existence for him. Not to mention him, the vast majority of Star Territory Level Martial Artists, who have never seen a saint in their lifetime.

As for the strength of Saint Level, how many Martial Artists know?

“Just in front!” Ji Xia stunned, pointing to the front.

The strength of Lin Feng is estimated in my heart, and the scene of Lin Feng’s great slaughter in all directions is reminiscent of the situation.

It feels that as long as Lin Feng is around, even the dragon’s pool and tiger’s den are no longer terrifying. But it is quite strange. Ji Xia brows slightly wrinkle, entering the Chamber of Commerce is simpler than imagined, no one came to kill him all the way, as if the incident had not happened.

Very strange!

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes narrowed.

The eyes fell on the luxurious giant garden in front, and the aura had already been distributed and spread all over.

With such a large living area in the Chamber of Commerce in Qin, it shows the status and strength of the Young Master ‘Lu Jun’ in the Chamber of Commerce.

“Lu Jun is the Star Territory Level 9th ​​Martial Artist?” Lin Feng started talking.

“Yes, what happened?” Ji Xia was slightly confused.

Get a positive answer. Lin Feng brows and wrinkles, and he does not stop at a moment. However, the sound is a bit cold. “There is no Star Territory Level 9th ​​Martial Artist.” The aura’s own sense is clear. There are many Martial Artists in this huge garden. It has thousands of people, but the strongest is Star Territory. Level 5th rank , and only one.

the most important is–

Not in the garden. There are no thousand aura!

Although she has not seen it for several years, she is one of her own loves. Even if she has been a millennium, her aura will not forget herself.

The first hope was shattered and the heart was heavy.

“This Lu Jun is not in the garden.” Lin Feng said solemnly.

“Ah?” Ji Xia complexion stop and change. Although she was puzzled by why Lin Feng was so sure, she did not have any doubts. She thought of her lips, said hurriedly. “He may not have returned to the Garden. Let’s go to the Chamber of Commerce to look elsewhere.”

Lin Feng did not answer, asked, “Who is in this garden, who can live with a Star Territory Level 5th rank expert?”

Star Territory Level 5th rank is very common, but it is rare in the Chamber of Commerce in Qin. Just like the Expert in the previous Star Territory Level 5th rank in Lin Clan, very few! This way, I only only sense to a star of the Star Territory Level 5th rank expert, and the Martial Artist in this garden is the second!

It is definitely not a nameless generation.

In the Lu Jun Bie Yuan, it is very likely that he has a great relationship with him.

Ji Xia’s eyes flickering, saying, “It is Lu Jun’s family, confidant guards, etc. That Star Territory Level 5th rank expert, as I expected, it should be one of Lu Jun’s four kings.” Fly ‘, Jin Jianmen expert.”

The confidant guard, the same as Jin Jianmen!

Lu Jun’s four kings!

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed. “No need to bother, ask him to ask.”

The Chamber of Commerce of Qin is too big. It is not easy to find someone. It is not necessarily found. Instead of wasting this time, it is better to think about how to make good use of the natural resources. Since Lu Fei is one of Lu Jun’s cronies and has such strength, then he has thousands of contacts and the possibility of knowing the whole piece is quite great!

Looking for ‘Lu Fei’ to ask clearly?

Ji Xia startedled, some did not respond.

But in a blink of time, secretly thought is still in the old mind.

Perhaps, in the Qin Chamber of Commerce Lu Fei is indeed very strong, but in his estimation, Lin Feng’s strength is never worse than Lu Jun, to subdue trifling Lu Fei, it should not be difficult. Thinking of this, Ji Xia hopes to live, and even with the direction of Lin Feng, he rushed over.

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