Chapter 17—Raising your hand

Ji Xia!

The blue pillar pupils have a bloody glow, which is even more determined.

Lin Feng didn’t even think about it. Goodbye Ji Xia will be in this situation. Although it has not been seen for many years, the appearance of Martial Artist is rarely changed. In particular, he and Ji Xia have long been acquainted with each other. It is not a general exchange. In Green Smoke City and Yanling House, he is almost accompanied by his own growth.

How can I not recognize it!

In the same year, the geese house was different, the master Ji Jin, the second Senior Brother wished that the zero and quarter repairs went to Daweizhou, and Qianqian and Jixia came to Huanghezhou…

“Do not worry, Brother Lin, I am like a pro-younger sister.” Ji Xia said with a slight smile, “This is a short, one year and a half, long 567 years, you must be good Take care, don’t let Junior Sister worry, have the opportunity to come to ‘Huanghezhou’ Qin’s Chamber of Commerce.”

The scene of the day when I left, is still clearly engraved in my mind.

And now I will see you in the summer, it will be like this!

Lin Feng is a bit worried.

But at this time, Ji Xia is already mad: “Let’s go, Lin Feng!” Almost all the roar of exhaustion, Ji Xiaududly turned back, the eyes flashed a point of ruin, the only sword belt on the left hand A strong starlight flies out instantly.

“Hey!~” The light is shining, when you are –

Peng! ! ! Severe exploding cry, a mourning in the enemy group, but more is the voice of angry screams.


“damn it, don’t want to run!”

“Go to hell, little bastard!!”


The radiant all around the sword smashed, but it just stopped the enemy from the moment. For the real expert, Ji Xia’s attacks were not enough. Even Jixia’s stop was a slow escape. A beat, and this shot will be fatal.

“Hey!” “Hey!~” Two vines that are as thick as a baby’s arm, smashing out from the ground.

Ji Xia has no time to react, his legs have been tied, and the flashing green light has a demon aura, and the vines continue to extend upwards. With a sharp barb, deeply into the body with the summer, the broken star is completely broken!

“Ah!!” The painful screams sounded, and the summer was red and red, tightly clench one’s teeth, and the Star Force broke out, but it only blocked the spread of the vines.

And in this short period of time, the front chasing Martial Artist has come to an end, one by one, and all with blood. It seems that I have just experienced a big fight. I don’t know who this blood is. But there is one thing that can be sure. That is the more than ten Martial Artists, aura is still very powerful!

Most, but also slightly injured.

“It’s over.” Ji Xia’s heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and his eyes were deeply guilty.

I did not expect to be tired of Lin Feng. He is very clear about the means of these people, and he will never let go, Lin Feng will not escape. At this time, the business complexion of the bald head is also ugly. Seeing that the more than ten Martial Artists are in full swing, although he is a Star Territory Level, he just just stepped in and is not an opponent.

escape! The first reaction of the bald youth is this, although it is a pity that the 10 star crystal, but the life is even more important.

However, it was the moment when he pulled his legs and prepared to run. Desolation –

“pā !~” The black clothed youth in a blink of time disappeared, and the action made him not even see the moving track! The bald head suddenly squats in place, and Ji Xia is also stunned at this time, because he saw a black shadow, blocking him in front of him.

So familiar.

Lin Feng !

Ji Xia’s head was just reacting. The more than ten enemies in front of the astonishing murderous aura are soaring, as if to annihilate everything, screaming and screaming. But in an instant, he saw Lin Feng seem to move, but slowly raised his right hand, the movement is very slow, but it seems to have endless mystery.

As soon as you raise your hand and make a shot, it is as tall as the sky.

“Boom!” A flame swelled and covered all the lines of sight. It was a fiery red light that made him completely invisible. Like a flame, it seemed like a flame. Lin Feng just raised his hand and the flame in his hand was already appear.

Hey! ~~

This piece of fire makes everything stop.

Time, still at that moment, in the bald youth and Ji Xia’s eyes, the fire is fleeting, and there is no sound in their ears. As the bright red flame disappears, there is nothing in the front, empty and empty.

What about people?

Ji Xia and bald youth in the mind, at the same time emerged this idea.

Just awesome, the murderous aura is more than a dozen Martial Artists, but now it seems to disappear completely like smoke, and there are no traces of existence. Shocked, stunned, Ji Xia and bald youth you feel the back of the spine cold, cold trembling, straight goose bumps.


So dead? !

The bald heads of the eye are coming out quickly, and the legs are a little trembled; Jixia is already reacting at this time, because there is no pain in the body, and the demon green vine disappears, meaning that the Martian Artist releasing the star technology It’s already dead and thorough.

How can it be? !

Ji Xia’s head was in a disorder, and it’s a little bit fascinating.

The more than ten Martial Artists who chase him are the Chamber of Commerce elite and two Star Territory Level experts! He tried his best, almost a life of nine deaths, and was seriously injured in the cover of Brothers before he barely escaped.

but now……

These powerful Martial Artists have survived in an instant! ?

“It’s okay.” Lin Feng turned back.

Watched the appearance of Ji Xia, the heart is dull, it feels very bad.

It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to encounter such a situation in the relationship between Ji Xia and Qian Qian, and most importantly, this is in the Chamber of Commerce of Qin! There is no end in my heart, Lin Feng lightly purse one’s lip lip, but for the time being put on this question mark, the hand shines, and a delicate and fruitful fruit suddenly flies out.

“Next, Ji brother.” Lin Feng looked flickering.

I saw it myself. Ji Xia was an arrow at the end of its flight. Not only was the body seriously injured, but the soul was not hurt.

Fortunately, his strength is not strong, just the Star King Level, so this ‘Emperor’ should be enough to repair his injury.

“The geodesic star fruit?” The bald head has eyes wide open.

“This is…” Ji Xia’s weak hand reached over, watched this shape, some strange strange fruit, and instantly lost his voice, “Huangfu fruit!”

“I, my god, 10000 star crystal.” The bald heads are soft and almost didn’t fall.

“This, this…” Ji Xia is a bit worried, but it is a bit too expensive.

Lin Feng said resolutely, “Quickly take food. Ji brother, your injury can not be dragged.” After many battles of life and death, I have gone away in Ghost Gate for many times, it is clear that the physical injury is still second, but the soul The injury will be one point and one point will be taken seriously.

“Hey.” Ji Xia had no idea at this time.

In the bald head, the mouth was wide open, and the look of the stunned look swallowed the Emperor’s fruit, which was worth 10000, and swallowed.

“No?” The bald head is twitching at the corner of the mouth. This 10000 star crystal is swallowed up?

Lin Feng’s eyes are clear. Lightly stand.

This ‘Huangfuguo’ is of no use to himself. But for the Star King Level Martial Artist, it is a rare treasure, which is the last half of the ‘returning fruit’ role. Not only that, it can also repair body injuries, hematopoietic muscles. The only downside is that there is too little energy and it is not very useful for the Star Territory Level Martial Artist.

Hey! ~ The light is shining, and the pale face of Ji Xia is instantly reddish.

The weak eyelids are also bright and shiny, and the strength of the soul that is greatly consumed is supplemented, and the spirit is a vibration.

Value for money.

“Lin Feng you…” The sound returned to normal, and Ji Xialian looked up at Lin Feng, his eyes filled with endless doubts.

“My business will be said later.” Lin Feng immediately interrupted, and his eyes were slightly anxious. “In the end, what happened, how could you be chased in the Chamber of Commerce in Qin, and there are thousands, thousands of things?”


The bald tip is slightly startled.

“Sorry, Lin Feng.” Ji Xia sounds a bit heavy. Painful clenched fists, “I promised you didn’t do it, Junior Sister, Junior Sister, she… was taken away!”

Peng! Like a blockbuster burst.

Upon hearing this shocking news, Lin Feng only felt that the world had collapsed and everything was gray.

Two steps back from the footsteps, pā! Lin Feng instantly clenched his fists, his look changed in time, with a strong violent aura, bright light in his eyes, a strong killing intent could not stop, and the seasonal Ji Xia heart was cold. And the bald youth fell more and sat on the ground.

Terrifying !

Like a demon-like terrifying.

The bald head is already scared, he has never been so terrifying, and it seems like he can destroy everything.

What a strength!

“You don’t blame yourself first.” Lin Feng closes his lips, and his light is deep, like a word, “How about the whole thing, from beginning to end.” Impulse will only be a mistake, the more dangerous it is. The more calm, the more Lin Feng is.

The outbreak of emotions is normal, but I know that this is no stranger.

Because his strength is not enough to protect thousands, and again, to protect the responsibility of thousands of real isn’t Ji Xia.

But your responsibility!

“At the time, I just came back from a few Brothers.”

“Suddenly I saw a lot of chaos in the inner court. It seems that what happened. I and the brethren even rushed over, just to see thousands of people being taken away, and thousands of those guards who have died.” A corpse is everywhere.”


“My brothers and I don’t know what happened. When the other party sees us, we immediately attack and killing intent.”

“And then, under the cover of the brethren, I barely escaped.”


Very fast, Ji Xia is a fifty-one to tell things out.

Lin Feng’s look is constantly changing. The bright light flickering in her eyes is pressing on the anxiety and uneasiness in her heart. She listens very carefully and carefully, without interrupting the sentence.

The narrative of Ji Xia is very important.

Right now isn’t blaming anyone, the most important thing is –

Save thousands!

“Who are those people?” Lin Feng burning like gaze, staring at Ji Xia.

Ji Xia’s bloody, tightly clench one’s teeth body tremble, “is the Martial Artist of the Chamber of Commerce of Qin!”

what! ?

Lin Feng complexion has changed dramatically.

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