Chapter 12—Happiness

The battle is over.

However, the brand left in the hearts of everyone is extremely profound.

This battle of the world is enough to make everyone here remember forever. No one will forget the youth in the wedding dress, and defeat the ancient expert with the strength of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, which proves that the human Martial Artist is actually no more than half the so-called ancient expert.

Really powerful, it has nothing to do with race.

Watched Lin Feng’s eyes are more awe and more worship.

In any place in Battle Spirit World, expert is always respected and convincing.

It’s completely imaginable. After today’s day, Lin Feng’s miracles will spread in Shilo County and spread to the entire Vermilion Bird continent. It’s a sensation, and the name of the sage Lin Feng is sensational. The pride of a human Martial Artist


“I apologize for the disappointment of everyone.” Lin Feng stood in the middle of the field and stood in the wind.

The comfortable black dress is glamorous, even if it has experienced a violent battle of the genius, there is still no damage, and everyone looks at it, and all of them are shocked.

“But…” Lin Feng dragged his voice, slightly smiled. “Everyone has the right to use this as a pre-major performance.”

“Things come to an end. Speaking, I have to be happy with them.” Lin Feng glanced at all around, said with a faint smile. “They lost their venues, which can accommodate more guests at the same time.” Surroundings The ruins seem quite ridiculous, but as Lin Feng’s voice falls, the atmosphere in the field is suddenly relieved.

“It doesn’t matter to Lin Clan, of course, it has nothing to do with you, so everyone can rest assured.”

“And I will leave the family from now on until all the troubles are solved…”

“I will return to Shilo County.”

Light and laughing, Lin Feng looks around everyone.

Perhaps this is really isn’t the original plan, but it is imperative.

Your own departure will really affect the family, but it is only temporary. When you really return to that day, everything will naturally be calm. And if you don’t say anything. After the incident spread, the family will be questioned, including the Martial Artist in the family is worried, the string collapse is too tight, and the entire piano may be scattered at any time.

Instead of controlling the situation on your own, as it is now.

The break is a string, but it can still be maintained.

Everyone has a lot of arguments. At this time, the news that the ancient tri-expert was killed has already spread, and those who have not left are already gathered. The vast open space completely gathers people and is discussing the pros and cons of things. The complexion micro is dignified.

kill. Of course, pleasure.

Then fruit. It is also very heavy.

And at this time –

“Lin Feng masters really strive to astonishing, challenge the ancient authority with the human body, and I admire Wang Mowan.” County City master ‘Wang Mo’ stepped out as the owner of County City. Wang Mo is already the highest point of the pyramid in the hearts of these guests. As for the saints, including the entire Shuro County governor, Sagarro, the sail view is not as well known as Wang Mo.

His voice suddenly caught everyone’s attention.

“This is just a small grievance of Lin Feng and a family of influences of the ancient family. It is nothing.”

“The important thing is that the ancients and the witches are different. They don’t kill innocent people. Everything is seen today. From the beginning to the end, the three ancient artists’ targets are only one of Lin Feng’s masters, even if they were destroyed before. The tower is just a warning, so… everyone can completely let go.”

Said, Wang Mo smiled and smiled.


The voice falls. Let everyone in the hearts of doubts, Lin Feng is also a smile.

It is indeed innocent for the County City Lord, and he is better at handling these matters than he is good at, and the situation is stabilized in a few words. Looking to Wang Mo, Lin Feng smiled and gave a thumbs up, which made Wang Mo’s spirits fly, and his heart was very happy.

Today is not the same as before, Wang Mo knows very well how strong Lin Feng is today, and it will be a hegemony in time.

“Next, we have the main wedding partner, Lin Clan’s Patriarch, also the father of Lin Feng master, Lin Biao!” Wang Mobo eyes eyes.

“The rest of the rituals, the elders of the family, the guests are in place!”


Playing snakes on sticks, as a smart person, Wang Mo will give up this great opportunity.

Between the busy busy West, from the guest’s instant ‘upgrade’ for the wedding co-ordination, for Lin Feng to do everything. A state of the city, but doing such a position, enough to make people fall below the glasses, but at this moment, no one feels embossed, it feels normal.

Because this time I got married, it was Lin Feng.

Today’s Lin Feng is no longer a normal Martial Artist.

In the hearts of everyone, at this time, he is already a peak in the human world, and can easily kill the ancient Martial Artist…

How many people can do it?

“Trouble.” Lin Feng nodded gently to Wang Mo.

“No trouble, little things.” Wang Mo smiled, full of spring breeze, seems to be happy.

Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is a false one. At the moment, Wang Mo really has his own heart.

This is enough.

He is a real villain. This kind of person has a little benefit. As long as your strength is stronger than him, he will always know how to ‘do’.

“That’s all for you, County City.” Lin Feng patted Wang Moshou’s shoulder, said with a slight smile, “This time, I owe you a favor.”

Favor ?

Lin Feng’s favor, how precious!

Wang Mo’s eyes are all magnified, straight sense is stunned, even said with a smile, “Don’t dare, master, no, holy, no, groom, you go to the bride.” Wang Mo’s happy Incoherent, even taking a deep breath, calming the mood, “The wedding is about to begin, and it will be bad if you pass the Kyrgyzstan.”

“En.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Wedding, vigorously held


There are Wang Mo and other ‘talents’ coordinating the entire wedding, but it is much stronger than Lin Biao.

Just after experiencing the ancients, in the face of this chaotic situation, Lin Biao has long been a disorder of his head, not to mention his “identity”, just just entering the highest power center of Shiluo County, the guests who came to observe this time are not rich. It is expensive, and there are so many saints coming, Wang Mo is indeed the most suitable candidate.

Eight sides are exquisite, but also a wide range of friends, and the status is placed there.

Under the enthusiasm of Wang Mo’s co-ordination, the guests were very fast and they forgot about the event just now, and gathered together to watch this unprecedented wedding reception.

Almost the entire inner city area has become the venue for wedding banquets, while the outer city area is a large swinging water seat, which is also crowded with water. As long as Lin Clan came to watch today, all of them are warm and entertaining. In this happy voice, Lin Feng and Lin Yumo smiled and looked filled with happiness.

A long kiss is suffocating.

Love is sweet, infecting everyone at this moment.

Lin Feng is holding a beautiful woman with tears of happiness in her arms, and she has an inexhaustible feeling in her heart.

From recognizing the intersection, and then because of misunderstandings, the feelings of each other are getting deeper and deeper. In the end, I discovered that the original Yumo and myself from childhood are already married. Although there are many responsibilities, jealousy and pity for the feelings of Yumo. But this is also part of ‘love’.

at least. I don’t want to lose her. I want to take care of her forever.

A wedding sensation that sensationalized the entire County City ended.

But the legend of Lin Feng is just the beginning. On the day of the wedding banquet Lin Feng kill the news of the ancient high-level ancient expert, like a tornado spread throughout the Shiro County, so that everyone is shocked, this is not just a legend, even –

Has become a legend.

Let the entire Vermilion Bird continent be an earthquake.

The time spent is only a few hours, which shows how shocking the news is.

At this time, in a wedding room decorated with bright red and warm colors, it was just two people who experienced some turmoil and rain. Embracing in the bed, the air is filled with the taste of happiness. It’s like a beautiful woman without bones, Lin Feng lightly said: “Don’t you really go with me?”

“Hmm ~ ~” issued a lazy nasal sound, Lin Yu ink like a docile kitten.

“Can you tell me why?” Lin Feng said, gently stroking the back.

Slightly open your eyes. The face still carries the blush after the menarche, and Lin Yu’s voice is very soft. “In fact, my dream from childhood is to become a tool refining master, Big Brother Lin, will you support me?”

“Of course.” Lin Feng smiled without thinking.


From the day I met Yumo, I knew that Yumo was a girl from the outside, she had her own opinions and thoughts.

Because of the change in the family from childhood, she has led her tough character. Moreover, to become a tool refining master, there is no need to fight and kill, at least you can be at ease.

“Then can you promise me something?” Lightly biting the lip, Lin Yumo flashed a point of crafty in the beautiful eyes.

“Let’s talk.” Lin Feng smiled, and Yu Fei’s little tricks couldn’t see himself.

It’s just that you are willing to do this kind of thing. For yourself, as long as you can do it, you will never be half-divided.

Because of feather ink, it is already one of his closest relatives.

“I want to…” Lin Yumo watched Lin Feng, the fine mosquitoes, “Bai Nan Gong Madam as a teacher, Big Brother Lin Can you recommend me?”

Lin Feng’s eyes are slightly bright, and he is proud of a smile. “I am not a tool refining master. Why do you want to go far? Is it in your mind that my tool refining is not as strong as Nangong Madam?”

“No, I don’t mean this, Big Brother Lin.” Lin Yu ink said hurriedly, hurriedly got up, suddenly forgot the spring leak.

“Just kidding with you.” Lin Feng said with a faint smile, “In fact, no matter the tool refining technology, experience or real tool refining strength, I really are not as good as Nam Gong Madam, the day I can beat her to win the championship luck, and then By……”

Lin Feng slightly smile, my heart is very clear.

Own tool refining technology is a self-contained one, relying on self-state and Fire of Rebirth, difficult to copy, not suitable for feather ink.

Moreover, I don’t have time to teach Yumo, and it is not a good thing to hand her over to Namam. At least in the tool refining division, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the feathers, no matter from which aspect, it is the best choice.

“Okay.” Lin Feng nodded.

“Really?” Lin Yu ink did not dare to cover the small mouth.

For her, becoming a master of tool refining is her dream, and the worship of Madame Daman is even more of a dream.

Today, the dream comes true.

“Of course.” Lin Feng said with a smile, “I will not have any problems with my opening, just…” Paused, Lin Feng watched Yum, because of the excitement, has long forgotten the seductive body, said with a smile, “I To reach your dream, is there any reward?”

Sense to Lin Feng burning’s gaze, Yu ink is now reacting, suddenly screamed, full of blush, clinging to Lin Feng.

The scornful candle flame reflects the two happy newcomers who embrace each other and sway the infinite spring.

At this moment, for both of them, everything is no longer important.

In fact, happiness is sometimes as simple as that.


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