Chapter 11 Are you deliberately letting me?

“It’s okay.” Lin Feng looked at Hung Hom, lightly said.

The heart of each other’s sense, although the red dragonfly suffered a bit of torture, but most of them are superficial wound, did not hurt the root.

“Nothing.” Red Dragonfly has become an adult at this time, the red scale battle suit on his body is slightly damaged, and the complexion is pale. In the non-combat, she is generally human, one is convenient to be next to Lin Feng, and the second human form is more suitable for cultivating.

Hearing the answer from Hung Hom, Lin Feng was relieved.

After all, letting Hung Hom delay is his own decision. The strength gap between the two sides is also very clear. If the companion is somewhat “framed”, but…

Hung Hom did not hesitate, and he trusted 100%.

Vision gaze towards the other side, Lin Feng eyes bright. At this time, Shui Meimei and the Thunder Dragon youth are fighting in the depths of the water. The thunder light is mixed with the water curtain brilliance, which ignites a series of dramatic earthquakes. As the land is destroyed, countless buildings in the inner city are destroyed by the aftermath.

However, it does not matter.

This loss of money is one hair from nine oxen for Lin Clan.

“Master, don’t you intervene?” asked Hung Hom, though there was no feeling, but who was a companion and a man, this is still very clear.

“No.” Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. “Yanmei can handle it. With her strength, it is impossible to beat the opponent in a quarter of an hour.” These three days, I have been studying with Shuiyumei several times, so she is very clear about her strength. It’s much better than the Fengming and the electric power on the same day.

Today, she and the Thunder Dragon youth are both the middle class of the saints, but the strength of the water is better.

Moreover, she also had the unique skill of the bottom of the box.

Martial Artist has the self-respect of Martial Artist. There aren’t many people who like to be destroyed in one-on-one duels, especially the battle that is winning.

In the eyes of Hung Hom, there is a flash of light that seems to be ignorant, but I don’t even talk. Since ‘Master’ Lin Feng said so, she believes 100%. The Martial Artist watched this time is really feasting, not only seeing Lin Feng like the Heavenly Fire, but also seeing the battle between the true saints!

Whether it is Shui Mei Mei or Lei Ba. Although it is a middle-level of the Holy One, it is superior to the high-order of the Holy Man of the ordinary human Martial Artist.

These evenly matched battles between life and death are precious!

Especially for those first- and middle-level saints, they have benefited a lot.

It is indeed worthwhile!

More than a dozen saints shook their eyes one by one at this time, savoring the battle of this world, which can be seen in normally. Even the most powerful Shakya Luo is in the blink of an eye, and from time to time, thoughtful thoughts in one’s heart, quite rewarding experience.

Both the ancient means of attack and the inheritance strength of the water curtain hole are better than those circulated in the human world.

Quite worth learning.

The festival is defeated!

The control of Lei Ba is gradually being understood. And Shui Meimei is more and more brave.

Changes in the situation. The tilt of the scales. Everything is as expected. Lin Feng stood up and did not leave, just looking at the calm calm and composed while handling pressing affairs. For myself, even if you know that you can win. But it must also be protected. If you are afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of it. If you really encounter a danger, you will definitely save with the slightest hesitation and never say anything about rules.

Those are virtual, and life is the most important.

But obviously, Shui Meimei is stronger than I imagined.

“It’s just a part of the strength of the reaction.”

“The real strength of Martial Artist is still to be seen in battle.”

“Water 莜, is a natural warrior.”

Lin Feng nodded lightly.

Fighting while fighting. One side comprehend.

In the battle to maintain a calm thinking, agile strategic means, Shui Meimei can play 120% strength.

Far more powerful than the Thunder Dragon youth.

“Hey!” “Hey!” The thick water’s strength is covered, and the attack of Shui Meimei has no dead ends and weaknesses, close range, far attack, and control. The perfect combination of inheritance and water curtain hole lineage, Shui Shui Mei is really worthy of the name of ‘Big Sister Sister’, the strength is strong and extreme.

Even if faced with the powerful ancients of bloodline, they all have the upper hand.

Winning is only a matter of time.

Once and for all, the Thunder Dragon youth was forced to a desperate situation. The injury was not only his body, but also his heart and fighting spirit.

Pressed by a human Martial Artist of the same rank!

How shameful.

“Boom!” Another shocking attack, the water ripples but has a tearing tyranny. Lei Ba vomits blood again and again, but it is the harder and harder the heart is. The continuous evasion is always away from the invisible water curtain, and it is in the control of the water scent, and cannot escape.

“Wined.” Lin Feng said lightly said.

The situation is already very clear.

Thunder Dragon youth This injury has made the battle no more suspenseful.

“Peng!” Lei Ba was not injured, such as a broken kite. The complexion is distorted, and the Thunder Dragon brand on the forehead is constantly flashing and jumping. The Le Mans outside the body has become confused and the might is greatly reduced. At this time, he was temporarily out of combat, and he discovered that there was no ‘companion’ by his side!

Aura, completely disappeared.

“How, how is it possible?!” Lei Ba complexion has changed, it is very incomparable.

However, my eyes instantly saw the wreckage of Big Brother, and the whole person’s head squinted and completely widened his eyes.

“Ah!!!” Crazy hoarse roar, resounding throughout the inner city.

“Not good!” Lin Feng both eyes are bright, the heart is moving.

My own aura has been firmly locked in that Thunder Dragon youth. At this time, it is completely abnormal. The body thunder light fluctuates sharply and fiercely. The cells continue to collide and blast, and the blood flow is extremely fast. This feeling is like ‘excitement’, which raises the strength of the struggle.

And at the moment…

“He wants to burn all the jade.” Lin Feng instantly came up with this idea.

His eyes fell on the Thunder Dragon youth, and at this time his eyes were bloody and hateful, and he had already been killed and stunned.

It is no wonder.

But if he is allowed to break out, not only will the water and the rose be injured, the most important thing is –

I am afraid that many of these guests will be implicated.

After all, their strength is too weak.

“It seems to be a hand.” Lin Feng said lightly.

These guests, for whatever purpose, are coming to witness their own marriage with Yu Mo, a guest. As a Master, how can I get any of them to have an accident?

If so, what is your heart.

“Let’s end.” Lin Feng’s bright light flashed, and a terrifying aura appeared.

“Not good.” Shui Meimei also found that Lei Ba is not appropriate, pretty face has changed.

When you are squatting, the speed is suddenly gambling, and the strength is completely broken. In the hands of the water curtain brilliance shrouded everything, stunned.

“It’s too late.” Shui Meimei was close to her lips, and her heart was worried.

Really isn’t worried about themselves, but worried about other Martial Artists. At this time, the thundering of the thunderbolt was terrifying, and it was a group bursting technique. The strength had already exceed his load, and in fact the look of fierce had already explained everything. .

A bomb is about to detonate.

But in an instant –

“pā!” Time, as if to stop at that moment.

The expression on Lei Ba’s face seemed to be stiff. The whole person is so stunned in the same place. The otter rose slightly startled. But now there is no time to think about why he is. How can I miss this opportunity? In the eye of the otter, the light is completely sprayed, and the energy of the hands is suddenly violent.

“Tian Shui chain kills!”

The terrifying water’s strength, in an instant burst out of the astonishing might.

In the void. It looks like a huge chain of chains, constantly changing, like a python flying, instantly wrapped in a thunder that seems to be unconscious. The water 莜 莜 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜 莜

Nothing to stop!

More fast astonishing.

In the blink of an eye, Lei Ba will be torn apart. Thorough death.

“哗!~” The chain is instantaneously used as a water curtain, and the Thunderbolt is swallowed, and the bones are not saved.

With a sigh of relief, the heart of the water scented it was put down, and the tall and straight chest was slightly ups and downs. I feel very excited. At this point, calm down, beautiful eyes can not help but look at Lin Feng, see a bright light disappeared from the eyes of Lin Feng, the eyes of the water and the eyes of the light, the doubts in the heart instantly untied.

“Hey!” The figure flashed.

Pā ! Shui Meimei appeared in front of her eyes.

Lin Feng slightly smiled, “Dry beautiful.”

Did not answer, there is no joy expression, Shui Meimei is just quiet watched Lin Feng, started talking, “What did you do?”

The four eyes are opposite, and the eyelids are flashing with a light luster.

“Yes.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

It’s a companion, and there’s nothing to lie about.

“I didn’t have seen you when you learned.” Shuiyumei complexion is awe-inspiring, “Do you deliberately let me?”

Showering, Lin Feng said, “You and I are friends, not an enemy. This kind of attack style is very easy to get hurt.”

“Do you mean that I will be hurt?” The beautiful eyes of the squid rose slightly.

“Oh…” Lin Feng suddenly spoke.

It’s a bitter smile, it seems that what I said right now is wrong.

At the time, Shui Shuimei smiled. “Just kidding, do you think you hide the strength? I don’t know?” The beautiful eyes are light, and the shui shui smashed through the corpse wreck of Lei Xiong. “Short In ten seconds, the high-ranking of the saints was killed.”

“Master, really did not see the wrong person.” Shui Wei rose nodded, but smiled.

This is a true conviction. Although it was ordered by the executive master, Shui Meimei did not convince Lin Feng.

Because she is a Martial Artist, Martial Artist, will only be convinced by the expert that is really stronger than her, which is the same in any place.

“Is it?” Lin Feng’s eyes blinked.

For the heavenly saints, I am also grateful for my heart.

Time and time again, to help yourself through the difficult times, whether it is the previous disaster in the country of hunting, or the emergence of this time, so that the demon Lord is difficult to retreat. Plus this time, count, you have already owed a big favor.

“Many thanks you, 莜 。.” Lin Feng lightly said.

“You’re welcome.” Water 莜 faintly smiled, “We are friends, aren’t we?”

Look at each other and laugh, don’t need too much communication, friends, do everything.

Sometimes, just a few words are enough.

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