Chapter 24: Danger

The harvest is not small.

Lin Feng smiled lightly.

“It’s a little worse than breaking 70% St., but it’s better than getting a piece of eccentric text, unknown sheepskin paper?” Lin Feng felt very good. At least, I didn’t come.

Moreover, breaking 70% is what it is, and how much the King of the Kings helped him, I don’t know.

Maybe, it’s not the comprehend of this mystery ‘bird killing’.

Moreover, it is an indisputable fact that the strength of one’s own body is weaker than that of the avatar. Regardless of father, mother, Zi Yao, and even more distant Duo Duo and master, you need a strong strength to back up, can make your strongest stronger, quite good.

“In this space, there is ‘Dao of Strength ‘As the water recedes, the rocks appear.”

“And the ‘flame way’ should be formed by these flaming mountains, after a long period of pressure.”

“Really, it’s very different from the power of the array.”

“But here really isn’t ‘the way of the king’s way.'”

Lin Feng is lightly said.

Although it is regrettable, it is a fact.

The way of the king of the king, as the name suggests, is bound to have a deep connection with the ‘King of the King’, which is the big squad. Since there is no such thing as a force in the world, there is no such thing as a king’s way. There is basically only one space in a spiritual qi, especially in the array.

“I don’t know how the Qianshuanghuang is doing now?”

“I hope she can comprehend the king of the king and get what she wants.”

Lin Feng has a bright eye.

Since it is not here, there is a great possibility of being in a semi-independent space where Qianshuanghuang is located.

hope. All placed on her.

go away?

Lin Feng is hesitant and instantaneously negated.

Intuition tells yourself. This semi-independent space should not only be the case. If it is just a simple Land of Cultivation, why are there such huge volcanoes? Moreover, the self-preprehend is ‘Dao of Strength’, but most of the aura here is a flame aura, including the entire space of their own eyes –

Flame Mountain is everywhere!

Here, it is a world of flames.

“There is definitely a secret.”

“Maybe, there is nothing strange about rare treasure.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Although I don’t have a lot of interest in treasure, it doesn’t hinder my passion for adventure.

adventure. It is a very stimulating behavior in itself, especially in these places, there will be a danger in minutes, or…


“sōu!” Lin Feng broke out.

Shuttle in the flame, there is no sense of awkwardness.

The Fire of Devour is constantly released, absorbing these exploded towards yourself like a viper-like flame, controlling the Fire of Devour’s might. Keep its supplement and consumption at an average level.

“Be careful.”

“The last time, because of the excessive consumption of Fire of Devour, it was the result of defeat.”

Lin Feng is lightly said.

The same mistake can’t make second time.

Flame Mountain!

“Wow, it’s really huge.” Lin Feng floated in the air and looked up at the top of his head.

It is a flaming mountain that is much larger than I imagined. What I have just seen is big enough, but the ‘huge’ is built on a long distance. Now it’s huge, and it’s huge and it’s huge.

I almost never see the end.

The flaming magma keeps rolling down from the top of the mountain, and it is extremely hot.

“sōu!” “sōu!” Lin Feng lightly dodge. Not hard to connect. The energy of these natural fires is quite terrifying, if you hit the Fire of Devour. It may be absorbed, but it is inevitable to consume itself. This is irrational when the situation is unclear.

“No wonder the Fire Element is so dense and full.”

“It seems to be the credit of these flaming mountains.”


Lin Feng curious gazing all around.

The flaming mountain where the gaze is located is ten times more dense, but because of its close relationship.

Of course, there seems to be no other thing except the flame here.

Quite strange!

“No danger?” Lin Feng has a brow.

Just the ‘environment’ of the danger, these flames are powerful, but no one manipulates them.

Don’t say that you can avoid the ordinary Star Territory Level expert.

Very abnormal!

Not to mention that this is one of the largest semi-independent spaces in the 3rd layer. Even if you enter a semi-independent space that requires three flame feathers, there are a considerable number of aliens attacking yourself, and the danger is much better than here. According to Qian’s love, she was very surprised by the process of obtaining the parchment paper.

However, here, it is calm.

The calmer, the more dangerous!

Lin Feng’s eyes are slightly bright, and the heart is full of jealousy.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

“Two possibilities.”

“First type, there is really no danger, but there is no danger to harvest. In this battle, it should not be so reap without sowing, the possibility is very small.”

“There is only a second type possible.”

Lin Feng shook his fist.

Danger, definitely exists!

And this danger is probably there where it is still not found.

“Let’s take care very much.” Lin Feng frowned, put away the contemptuous heart, watched all around the volcano, the magma is like a giant spurting flame, if it is controlled by this flame, attack yourself… maybe Quite trouble!

“You must first find out where ‘danger’ is.”

“If not, sleep is hard.”

Lin Feng is close to his lips.

reduce speed.

Lin Feng slowly moved forward.

The flaming mountains of the surroundings are covered with sky, and the sky seems to be burned into fiery red. Really know how many of these flaming mountains are astonishing. What I have seen before is only a drop in the ocean. The flame mountain here is more than astonishing.


The magma with the energy of intense fire is flowing around, and the Lin Feng Fire of Devour is constantly released.

“If cultivating here, the Fire of Devour’s upgrade will be quite fast.” Lin Feng smiled. But the fastest way to improve the Fire of Devour is to absorb the flame, especially this strong, large-scale flame. More perfect 100% absorption.

Keep on marching!

All the way is safe.

However, Lin Feng’s heart is getting more and more uneasy, and the watched all around looks more and more dignified.

This feeling is like the silence before the wind and rain.

“Tread!” Stop and fall, Lin Feng chest slightly ups and downs.

The feeling of heartbeat is getting more and more dignified, and the intuition tells myself that there seems to be something going on.

What is it?

Lin Feng’s eyes are constantly changing, and the watched all around is almost the same as before. It is still a volcano, but the difference is that it has now penetrated into this volcano. Closer, Fire Element sense is even stronger, and…

“Oh?!” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

Vision gaze towards the ground, but the color is much deeper than when entering.

“This is…” The right hand is lightly on the chin, and Lin Feng’s eyes are shining with luster. What do you think of yourself?

Sōu! The figure landed quickly.

Lin Feng stepped on the ground and gently crouched down. Finger touch the land.


“The temperature of the land is so high that the content of the Fire Element is much better than the previous one, no, nearly ten times.”

“No wonder the color is so deep.”

Lin Feng secretly thought.

In a blink of time , in the mind There was a thought that suddenly emerged.

“I understand!” Lin Feng blinked, in a blink of time.

At this time –

boom! boom! Hōng lóng! Earth. Suddenly severe.

The terrifying vibration, even the entire space is shaking in the sky, as if the End is approaching, there is no warning. Within the sky Hongxia spreading, surrounding. The Flame Mountain seems to have come alive. The velocity of magma flowing out of the crater suddenly increased by several tens of times, which is increasing.

“Sure enough.” Lin Feng blinked. Complexion is right.

No hesitation, in a blink of time Fire of Rebirth burst, gazing all around.

Almost at the same time, the Flame Mountain broke out completely.

“噗龙!!” “hong long long!!” The real volcanic eruption, the terrifying flame instantaneous limit spray, like tens of millions of cannons fired at the same time, the elements of crazy fire condensed into the big fireball of severe, like the sun In the sky, it seems that the sky will be burned to ashes.

boom! ! ! The Fireball Big Bang was torn apart.

Turning into countless Fireballs, you can shoot around in a very fast manner, if you are in the air at this time, there is only one result –


“Fortunately.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

Within the sky, the speed of the falling Fireball is also terrifying, and the energy of the flame is terrifying abnormally.

After all, I am at the bottom, avoiding the space, and in the vertical distance, I am quite far from the oversized Fireball. Even if the sky is broken and the flames are in the air, it is safe to be in the position.

Moreover, the flame continues to fall from the sky, and there will be more loss on the way.

The rest, I can completely resist.

“噗轰!” “Rumble!!” The volcano erupted and did not end.

The first giant volcano was just the beginning, and the outbreak of the volcano was the real highlight. Large volcanoes erupted in succession, stunned the entire space, originally the rich elemental energy of fire, now more than dozens of times, the colors of the surroundings have turned into flame colors.

However, Lin Feng is easy to escape.

“Very dangerous.”

“But it’s not dangerous.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly.

The real danger is actually the first moment in the volcanic spray.

If it is not prepared, or if you are in the air, you will encounter the extreme terrifying, hard to resist the nature of strength. Because from the earthquake to the volcanic eruption, it is only a matter of moments, so that no one is prepared.

At the moment, it is very simple.

Because I only need to face dozens of volcanoes around.

The rest of the volcano, so far away, even if the eruption of the severe, it does not matter to himself.

“The land Fire Element is so rich here.”

“It means that the volcanic vent is more dense than the surrounding.”

“It turns out that this is the ‘danger’ of this semi-independent space.” Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Once you know it, you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Any danger can be prepared to reduce the degree of danger.


“There is a danger to be organic.” Lin Feng looked up, watched the glare of the fire.

very good.

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