Chapter 23: Killing

Peng! The mind is in a disorder.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, bright light radiate all around.

Really isn’t the change of the ontology, but the change of the severe!

In the ear The sound of screaming screams, in the mind seems to appear a fuzzy shadow, but it is the third time! The sharp screams seem to run through the eardrum, straight into the mind, and bring yourself into a strange space.

It is brought in!

It’s like a gust of wind that gets involved.

It is a world of Starry Sky, a bright light, very familiar!

“This…” Lin Feng was shocked.

As you can see, the one of the seven spot peaks is dazzling, and the other six main stars are slightly dull.

The unique astrology forms a giant bear.

It is the avatar that belongs to the big bear!

Of course…

The destination that you bring yourself, really isn’t seven main stars, but between the seven main stars, the tiny stars that are shining. One of the stars exudes dazzling light and is clearly visible. This feeling is very clear and familiar, and it has been experienced by the Phoenix constellation.


The real mystery!

The ‘mystery’ that is essential for breaking through to the Saint King Level exists.

“xiu!” is shot like a sharp arrow, and the mind is immersed in a blink of time, Lin Feng inwardly shiver, “a strong killing aura.”

The heart is moved, the consciousness deep into the mystery of that layer, full of the ultimate killing aura. Crazy input into your head, the majestic arrogance spread, let the heartbeat ‘怦怦怦’severe speed up.

It is the way to kill!

The Great Bear Constellation, one of the three ‘Dao of Strength’ of their comprehend.

This mystery points. For the killing path exists!

The ontology enters a state of nothingness.

Lightly suspended in the air. However, it is unconscious.

At this moment, all of Lin Feng’s consciousness is concentrated on the body. The development of Steward’s sentiment is somewhat unexpected. However, regardless of whether the ontology is also good or avatar, it is truly a strength of its own. In this strange world, any existence of comprehend is not ordinary.

“Dao of Strength.”

“If the killing is a cultivating road.”

“Then ‘it’. It is the existence of the avenue that extends out and fully exploits the killings.”

Mystery, killing!

Lin Feng’s excitement is completely immersed in it.

Such a cultivating comprehend may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, because it is really isn’t the comprehend under the normal path, but as I had just expected –

Step into!

To be precise, it should be said to be ‘bring in’.

Take the strength of this space. Bring yourself into the mystery comprehend, as if there is a master hand-held church, through comprehend. Even if you don’t learn, the knowledge in the book is forcibly inserted into your mind and go to the mystery of comprehend.

Lin Feng, enters the full comprehend state.

at this time. The Martial Artist in the King of the Prison is also taking the time to cultivate.

The entire miraculous land, the Martial Artist in the Vermilion Bird Challenge, looking for their own opportunities, is very busy.

Vermilion Bird. Even the Vermilion Bird continent, the entire Jiuzhou land is completely boiling. Accompanied by the emperor’s abdication. The news of the ‘Emperor’ competition was rushing away, making the whole southern region a hot voice.

This has never happened in the history of the Terran.

Emperor Sui, can be said to have created a new model, and then no one knows.

Expert is respect!

The faction led by the Second Senior Brother ‘Lu Wang’ was secretly prepared. As the most favorable contender for the ‘Imperial Competition’, Lu Wang was not in a hurry, but waited patiently. In the southern region, the innumerable seclusion of the Saint Level expert has long been unstoppable, and there have been left seclusion to try.

There is no entry condition for this ‘Emperor’s Championship”!

Of course, the Saint Level strength is a must, and if the Martial Artist of the Star Territory Level is participating, it is nothing to do.

There is no Saint King Level, no Martial Artist, it is the hegemony of the saints, it is very lively.

After all, everyone has a chance!

Eight major domains of humanity.

“alliance lord, the emperor sent a message, what should we do next?” Liu old started talking.

“Don’t worry, tell the Witch Southern Region that we are determined to win.” Left out of the ordinary nodded, the bright light in the blink of an eye, “as a gift of the join witch camp, must be perfect, only to show my leadership strength, then Can be used by the witches.”

Liu Lao Cang’s old eyes are slightly bright. “Alliance lord is going to be personally shot?”

Lightly smile, left out of the ordinary mouth slightly raised, with a sense of confidence, “kill the chicken with a cattle blade, a small southern field how to escape my palm, just …” brow gently cluster From the left, out of the ordinary eyes still have doubts.

“What is it?” Liu Lao asked.

Left out of the ordinary slightly looking up, looking at Liu Lao, “I thought it was a strong man who broke his wrist before, but recently thought about it, I always feel that something is wrong. If the Emperor made such a decision, it is not surprising, but it runs through This person, the heart of the house is very generous, and the act is not leaky, it is impossible to make such an adventurous decision.”

Liu Lao also nodded. “Maybe… he is also forced to do so. Alliance lord may wish to put himself in the ground and think that there is no other better way.”

Slightly indulge, left out of the ordinary, laughing, “maybe I am too suspicious, or this matter has gone into a dead end, forgive him again able to make up for this flaw.” The eyes flashed a touch of bright Glow, left out of the ordinary, confident, “Southern domain, I am determined to win!”

Liu Lao smiled slightly, but there was a smile in his eyes.

“He didn’t doubt it?” The old voice rang.

“The saints can rest assured.” Liu Lao smiled and said, “I guess he couldn’t think of it. The Southland has more than a ‘fu’ for him. Instead, there will be a great ‘crack’.” Paused, Liu Lao Shaking his head, “It’s a pity, listening to the left out of the ordinary, this is the ’emperor hegemony’ he will not participate.”

“No problem.” The sound is still cold, “I have my own way…”

The sound is stunned, in this confined space. The shadow of the shadow of the ice-cold voice, but Liu’s eyes are bright light flashing.

The conversation between the two. No third person knows.

After a while.

“The Holy Master!” Liu Lao arched his hands and was convinced.

“You must do this properly.” The voice in the darkness was a little hoarse.

“The Lord can be assured.” Liu Lao smiled and slammed openly. “The emperor is competing for the hegemony, the Lord intends to play in person?”

“Hey.” I laughed twice, and Martial Artist leisurely said in the dark. “You don’t need to take care of it. I have my own arrangements. You just have to do what I told you. After the event, human beings are nine.” The alliance of the big league’s alliance lord is yours!”

Liu old eyes blinked instantly, “many thanks the Lord.”

Rising winds, scudding clouds.

The entire human world, even if the enemy is currently, is still fighting for non-stop.

The disharmony of the Terran seems to have cast a shadow over this long-lost war. However, no one knows how the result is. Just like the previous two battles of the Lich, the demon who dominated the game had no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit. Perhaps the plain is a ‘draw’, but in fact it is the Yaozu is in the bottom.

However, in the boundless sea, the attack can be repelled and defended, but the demon is firmly in the invincible position.

And now. The demon people who have been so painful have come back, and they have different changes.

Especially the new ‘Commander’, it is the new official who took up three fires.

With Commander contending for the title, with the arrogance of the top of the domineering, convinced all the democrats expert. Including the second place in the Commander hegemony, ‘The Cow Devil’ is a blessing with him. Strong teaming up, let the morale of the entire democrats rise!

The four major Imperial Family. Five royal families, twelve demon stars, all surrender support!

In the face of big and big, the demon is unanimous! For them, the things that have always been convinced have not changed. From the history of the development of the Yaozu, it can be seen that the continuation of the race, such as the blossoming of the big trees, occupying the boundless seas, and the Yaozu always pursues, is only a criterion –

Expert is respect!

Terran, civil disturbance non-stop.

The ancients are accumulating strength.

The witches, Commander, are the three major human races and build a solid defense.

The Yaozu, all the people, all the demons expert under the leadership of the new Commander ‘Da Sheng’, prepared for the third, the final preparation and sprint for the third Lich War. The gathering of the demon army, the entire infinite sea is boiling, the battle intent 粼粼.

At this time.

Lin Feng is ignorant of being in the prison of the king.

For him, everything can’t be seen right now, can’t hear, all he cares about is cultivating, comprehend.

Master the mystery ‘killer’!

Time is constantly passing.

Even if this ‘road’ seems to be a little bit forward, some of the mysteries are too profound.

Like a book, the content is too much and too complicated. Even if you don’t need to understand it, it is quite difficult to just carry it back. The mystery ‘bird kill’ is far more complicated and more difficult than the mystery of the Phoenix constellation ‘Galo True Body’.

Of course, just as one point to pay, one point to gain.

The difficulty of mystery is often proportional to the likelihood, especially the mystery of this complex rough and obscure.

Skill pays off, slowly, in the constant infusion of space energy, Lin Feng gradually put this ‘book’ back, even if it is just step by step, but gradually see the end.

No, it should be said to be a ‘transfer point’.

Because this road is quite long, and like the mystery of ‘Galo True Body’, there is still a long way to go.

But at least, now…

Comprehend now.

Really embarked on this road and opened a door.

“It turns out that…there is a killer.” Lin Feng whispered softly.

In the mind, there are constantly images appearing, although not as perfect as the body, but the comprehend of ‘Dao’ is very clear, the strength of the system itself has a preliminary understanding, control the killing, Use its strength.

Very strong!

“Really strong.”

“It’s much more powerful than the ‘Galo True Body’.”

Pā ! Lin Feng took the fist and felt the strength of the flowing body. It was deeply shocked.

This will definitely put yourself in the strength, and then upgrade one level!

Quite terrifying mystery.

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