The sixth episode, the twelfth chapter, the third person

A spring!

The layer of crystal armor of Qianghuanghuang has long been faint and faint, aura no.

The outer layer of the clothing disappeared, and the martial clothes of the thousand love dynasty had already been soaked in sweat and connected with the beautiful body. The milky white underwear fell into the eyes, and could not stop the arrogant twin peaks, as if it was about to burst. Out, plus the small waist and the full thigh that is full of Ying Ying, now the thousand love emperor…

It seems to be wearing a layer of tulle, just coming out of the water.

The kind of looming ambiguity, the desire to refuse to welcome, let Lin Feng not be red.

Watched Lin Feng That kind of awkward look, the thousand love kings just started to be inexplicable, but with Lin Feng’s eyes gathered slightly slightly bow, instant –

“Ah!” Shouted and shouted, the little face of Qianlianhuang suddenly turned from white to red, and it was very hot.

This kind of thing is the first time she experienced it. She was almost all seen by a strange man, feeling soft and lovable body. But somehow, she didn’t feel a little angry, just a little shy, instantly covering it, shouting shyly, “No, don’t look!”

Although the sound is small, it is like a thunder.

Lin Feng woke up in an instant, but it looked awkward, and even turned around.

“Hey…” Lin Feng laughed bitterly. Although he and Zi Yao have moved through the house, they have had several fish and water joys with thousands of people, and Lin Yumo, who is a married woman, is still ignorant of man and female. Although Qianghuang is beautiful, it is comparable to Zi Yao and Lin Yumo, but… there is no other idea.

In the air, there is a ripple.

With a bite on the lips, Qian Xiaohuang’s little blush is about to drip out, and the mood is gradually calming down.

“Not allowed to see.” Whispered, the thousand love kings were extremely shy, even faded wet martial clothes, changed clothes. The crystal armor is also recovered. Thousands of love very fast equipment is equipped with another set of spare star, but it is quite a ‘rich atmosphere’.

“Okay.” Qianlianhuang did not dare to look at Lin Feng, the sound of mosquitoes.

Lightly ‘hmm’ sounded, in fact, Lin Feng had already felt that the action of changing clothes was stopped.

After all, it’s the daughter’s home, and she has to wait until she opens her mouth.

Turned slightly, watched red clouds all over. The unrequited love of the thousand love, how can there be a half-point before the ‘just’ momentum. Qianshuanghuang put on a set of elegant clothing, really isn’t martial clothes, exquisite short hair with a pair of clothes, such as hibiscus water, do not have a flavor.

“Actually, you look better like this.” Lin Feng slightly smile.

“Ah?” Thousands of love scorns, can not help but raise their heads, the two look at each other. However, it is the one who makes the thousand love kings and bows their heads.

After all, it is a female child, even if it is strong, Qian Qianhuang still has the innocence and shyness of the female child. In the mind, Lin Feng just said that Qianghuang watched his clothes, but it was rarely worn. Most of the time she wore martial clothes, regardless of cultivating, experience, or any other time.

Before meeting Lin Feng. She never realized it…

I am a girl.

Really nice?

Thousands of love in the heart of the Emperor. Watched on the body, the ripples burst.

“Right, what is the detection result?” A few simple words are farewell, Lin Feng very fast straight into the topic. Burning eyes with a desire, if you said that your attitude towards the king’s prison is just casual. There is nothing to be, then now… is the pursuit of all efforts.

I want to break 70% holy!

According to Thousand Lovers, this opportunity is only once.

“It’s a battle.” Thousands of beautiful eyes flashed.

“There is a very complicated array. Although I am slightly involved in the formation, I am not proficient.”

“I just tried to crack it, but this is set by the ‘Fire Way’. Every Source of Fire reflects the way of the Holy One. It is very tricky.”

Back to the topic, Qianshuanghuang very fast returned to normal, Kaikai talked.

At this time, the constellation mark of the Virgo on the forehead has already faded, and the Aura of Qianghuanghuang is stable and free from injury.

Array method?

Lin Feng brows gently, slightly somewhat understand.

It’s no wonder that a spear is pierced, but it seems to be pierced into a layer of virtual space, and it can’t be a little bit turbulent. The space covered by this black and white color, secretly hides the secret, listen to the tone of the thousand love kings, obviously it is necessary to break through the customs.

“Can there be a way?” Lin Feng looks to the thousand love king.

“It’s not without it.” Watched Lin Feng, the singer of the thousand-year-old, said, “I haven’t touched this array yet, but the contact has just been a little bit out of the way. Maybe it’s the power of both of you and me. There are ways to break open. Array, just…” Slight pause, Qianlianhuang complexion dignified.

“Just what?” Lin Feng both eyes.

Qianlianhuang lightly sigh, “Even if you and I are both powerful, the probability of breaking will not exceed 30%. In this time of the break, the flame of the sea of ​​fire will inevitably explode, and we must resist The heart of fire, the side is going to break, the chance is that there is no 1%, and…”

“Now, I can still block this flame is still unknown.” Sneered, Qian Lianhuang bites his lips.

She was able to block the earth’s core flame just now, because Lin Feng took away the flame of exclusive 90% strength, and the second was because of the star armor, and now neither of them, why should she stop it?

This 1% is still based on the premise that she can be ‘safe’. If it is really calculated, the chance is infinitely close to zero.

“I can protect you.” Lin Feng’s voice is very dull, but there is a feeling of peace of mind.

The look of the thousand love kings changed slightly. The short sentence made her feel insecure and felt as if she had relied on it.


Shaking his head, Qianlianhuang lightly said, “No, if you use strength in other places, this ‘array’ can’t be broken.”

“Oh?” Lin Feng burning like gaze, thoughtfully nodded, but remembered the ‘30%’ that Qianlianhuang just said, even if the threat of the sea of ​​fire was removed, the two worked together perfectly. The odds are only 30%.

If you still have to split some strengths to protect the thousand love kings, how much is the 30% chance?

“Unless, come back to a Martial Artist, help us to contain the heart of fire.” Qianlianhuang smiled lightly, but even he knew it was impossible, smiled and shook his head.

“The seven people who entered the King of the Prison, except for Lin Feng, even if I didn’t have the strength to contain the sea of ​​fire.”

“We and the king of the prison, it seems that there is no match.”

The voice of the thousand love kings, with a slight loss.

For her, everything is bet on ‘broken 70% St.’.

Today, hope is gradually broken.

“Who said no?” Lin Feng said quietly.

The eyes are bright clear, the heart is moving, and the Phoenix Destiny Chart is always shining.

Hey! A figure appeared behind the thousand love queen.

“Look at you.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

Thousands of love kings slightly startled, unclear and decided to turn around, but was instantly shocked: “Ah!” Unbelievably lightly cover the small mouth, Qianlianhuang turned back, watched separated Lin Feng suddenly completely smashed It took a long time to react. “This is… your avatar?”

“Okay.” Lin Feng nodded.

Which is the subject and which is the avatar is not so important today.

“This ‘divided’ aura…” Qianlian Huang Xiu slightly brows, biting her lips, she inexplicably feels familiar.

“We only had a contest a year ago.” Lin Feng smiled and did not hide it. Anyway, it was still necessary to expose it. It was no problem to tell Qiansonghuang. It was not necessary for the companion to conceal too much. “I am motivated by the sea.” Of fire, enough to delay the time and complete the containment task.”

When –

Hey! Hey! Fire of Devour Instantly, Lin Feng eyes direct light.

Strong flames of strength!

“Great.” Qian loves the king, said, but did not expect Liu Yuhuaming another village.

“Having a fire, you don’t necessarily need more strength, you can hold down the earth’s core flame.”

In the eyes of the thousand love kings, the sharp light shot, a moment of non-stop break, as if afraid of the opportunity to slip away from the hand.

Lin Feng is eager to ‘break 70% St.’, why is she not?

Ontology, the first to enter!

With the experience of the first ‘quote’, Lin Feng very fast got started.

Hey! Hey! Fire of Rebirth appears instantly and guards the body. At the same time, the Fire of Devour suddenly burst, like a giant beast open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, blink, then devour surroundings this crazy earth’s core flame.

Loss, grow!

The devour flame is constantly changing. Lin Feng run very fast, like a gust of wind, quickly taking away the earth’s core flame near the big array.

How much is taken away!

Even if it is a little more, it may be the key in the end.

The contact between the flame and the flame is superior to the high quality of the level, and the Fire of Devour is the Phoenix signature flame. It has the flaming ability of the other flames to make up its own energy. Now it is even more like a duck.

“sōu! ” “sōu!” Several bends, Lin Feng very fast crossed the cliff and went back.

Really isn’t two sleeves breeze, but like a locomotive with a large piece of earth’s core flame to follow, a spectacle of spectacle.

Hey! Sea of ​​fire is like being smoked at once.

And at this time –

“Go!” Lin Feng is opposite to the thousand-eyed emperor, and one eye is enough.

Xiu! xiu! The two figures go hand in hand, try to suppress their own energy, but it is not to ignite too much heart fire. From the cliff to the big squad is not far away, after the body has taken most of the earth’s core flame, the two people’s roads are almost open and unobstructed.

Only the remaining earth’s core flame interferes in front of the tempering terrifying strength, which is unbearable strike.

Just a few blinks.

Hey! One man and one woman, two figures appear instantly.

And in front, the dark, shrouded space shimmers in a variety of mysterious, full of mysterious aura.

“Wait for me.” Thousands of beautiful eyes flashed.

“take care.” Lin Feng nodded in color.

“Yeah!” Qianlianhuang smiled warmly, and his heart was warm.

霎 time, hands condense palm, forehead on the Virgo constellation branded suddenly bright.

“Open!” Thousands of love sings and screams, accompanied by the radiance of golden light, the entire dark area seems to fall down. “Oh?” Lin Feng’s eyes suddenly lit up, but with the light, in the scope of his sense, Qianshuanghuang has disappeared.

…. )

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