Chapter 11 Virgo

Empty and empty!

Amethyst spear, as if into a mass of cotton, is not forceful.

It’s like trying to use a full punch, hitting the air, that feeling… unusually depressed and uncomfortable. The black world doesn’t see anything, as if a huge black hole wraps the amethyst spear, and the rich thunder light shines with strong resistance, and instantly –

“Hey!” “Hey!” The flame of the sea of ​​fire, the claws of the teeth appeared.

Even if Lin Feng is extremely fast, but just blinking time, the fire will completely engulf Lin Feng.

It is like a giant whale opening a big mouth, bringing a majestic suppression of strength! Thousands of love hearts are inexplicably twisted, beautiful eyes flashed with a little worry, although she can fully feel the aura of Lin Feng, there is no half-weak.

“It’s a weird ‘defense’.” Lin Feng looked stunned.

The body is completely surrounded by a burning flame, but this is nothing to yourself.

A touch of thunder light, the strong body with the most original defense, against the fierce flame, earth’s core flame can not hurt yourself half!

I have a strong body like the Divine Beast.

Terrifying avatar.

“Come again!” Lin Feng browed and did not give up.

At the time, the amethyst spear in the hand shines again.

“Strike, it doesn’t seem to work.” Lin Feng very fast returns to the cliff.

Three consecutive tests ended in failure. Amethyst spear’s attack power was fierce, but it could not pierce the black invisible barrier.

Really isn’t Its defense is stronger than the crystal wall, but the ‘defense’ is quite different.

“En, I just saw it.” Thousands of beautiful eyes burned. “This checkpoint is the opposite of the crystal wall. It seems… it can’t be cracked with brute force.”

Lin Feng nodded.

I know it myself, but what can I do?

Looking to the thousand love king. Lin Feng both eyes flashing with luster. One person is short-skilled, and the two are technically long. Although Qian’s age is smaller than himself, he is better than himself because of his experience. Nowadays, the two are considered to be ‘companions’, and they should be discussed together.

“How can you say it?”

“You have to experience it for yourself. Only then will you have a clue.”

Thousands of love kings watched in front, and a light golden bright glow lit up on the forehead.

It is a beautiful goddess with wings, graceful, sacred and inviolable, combined with the beautiful face of the thousand love kings, flashing a holy glory. At this moment, she and the constellation imprint on the forehead are perfectly combined, and the bright eyes are brighter.

King Road X 2-star seat, Virgo.

“I will help you.” Lin Feng blinked. I am familiar with the current state of Qianghuang.

On that day, the war, as her sign on the forehead of the Virgo was shining, the strength suddenly increased, and she immediately lost. Including the release of the heart, including the thorns, but the Martial Artist of the X10 2-star seat, its strength or weak will change with the constellation mark on the forehead.

Four eyes are opposite, Qianlianhuang nodded slightly. Did not refuse.

She is very aware of the current situation and the two goals are the same. They are all used to crack the last checkpoint of the Kings prison and enter the 3rd layer.

Nothing is meant to face, so the chances of being small are getting smaller.

Cooperation, have many advantages and no disadvantages.

“I will first.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

In an instant, the figure disappeared and left the cliff.

Familiar feelings come again. The body seems to enter another space, surroundings sense between changes. The rich elements of the fire boiled and burned, and the piece of the earth’s core flame strength that had just calmed down completely broke out, and the fire snake roared!

“It’s good.” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

Yourself. It is precisely to attract ‘firepower’ for thousands of love kings.

The situation at the moment is very clear. To pass this checkpoint, we must first overcome the limitation of the sea of ​​fire, and then…

Get rid of that dark and strange defense.

“sōu!” Lin Feng did not hesitate, run very fast.

Leaving the cliff, farther away from the black invisible barrier, not only take away the violent flame, but also leave an empty space and a great opportunity! At this time, the eyes of the thousands of love on the cliff are completely bright, and the constellation of the Virgo on the forehead shines with the brilliance.

“xiu!” Golden light, the wonderful body wrapped in the exquisite crystal star, cut through the space.

The center of fire, in this area forms a ‘vacuum’ zone, and the surroundings are in thin flames. Although it was accompanied by the rapid encirclement of the thousand love emperors, it was a small thunder. The flame strength of the thousand love kings is not even the Lin Feng 10%.

It is a great opportunity!

“Oh?” Lin Feng brows slightly wrinkle.

I am galloping, and I take away countless earth’s core flames.

Of course, with the advent of Qian Aihuang aura, the original pursuit of their own flame suddenly separated a part, went to the thousand love king. For themselves, these flames are nothing, but for the thousand love kings, once trapped in the sea of ​​fire, the crisis is appeared.


“You have to find a way to attract the flames.”

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed.

The spirit is completely concentrated and the head is extremely active.

“Attack, strength!”

“Yes, just like the one just.”

“The stronger the strength of the explosion, the more the ‘fire power’ can be attracted.”

Lin Feng responds instantly.

When I tried it myself, the gap between the power of ‘attracting’ and the power of full attack and gallop was not a bit. If you take this piece of sea of ​​fire as a group of enemies, they will attack when they enter this area, and attack ‘force’, depending on the strength of strong or weak.

The stronger your strength, the more enemies you attract.

The fewer enemies attracted by Qianghuanghuang.

That’s it!


“All over!”

Lin Feng suddenly drunk, aura instantly ignited.

Astonishing sacred strength, with the outbreak of Dao of Strength, the whole person seems to have landed in a mountain, standing high and steep in the sea of ​​fire. Astonishing flames carry, crazy attack, very fast himself is surrounded.


Lin Feng 嘴角淡淡划起,眼中光芒闪动。

“Oh?” 千恋皇动作为之一顿。



Lin Feng 的strength ,让她深深感到自己的渺小,心中百感交杂。然千恋皇毕竟是千恋皇,心态调整极快,她很清楚知道眼下要做什么,而Lin Feng 实力的爆发又是为了什么……




Lin Feng 紧握着双拳。抵挡surroundings 疯狂的火焰pressure 。

身体好似着了火一般,地心sea of fire 的攻击让的自己整个人仿佛燃烧起来,浑身透射着burning 感觉,strength 不断损耗,却是远比想像中更要terrifying 。

“A strong might.”


“这片地心sea of fire ,仿佛没有尽头。”

“再这样下去…很danger 。”

Lin Feng 眼眸急剧变幻。

哪怕自己的身体宛如一头Divine Beast ,然毕竟仍有限度,really isn’t 金刚不坏之身。当承载的strength ,攻击。到达一定界限时,自己的身体一样会崩坏,一样会被毁灭。身体的‘强’,只是相对而言,只是与其它Martial Artist 的相比较。


“Must be fast!”

Lin Feng 紧抿嘴唇,眉头deep like 叠起。


然眼下偏偏退不得,一旦自己退走。所有火焰会在in a blink of time exploded towards 千恋皇。以她比自己更弱许多的身体,决难抵挡这terrifying 的火蛇起舞,瞬间可能便会被sea of fire 淹没,化为灰烬。

One second.

Ten seconds.

Thirty seconds!

Lin Feng complexion 微显苍白,身体轻lightly tremble 动。


tightly clench one’s teeth 。Lin Feng 未有半点放弃念头,对自己而言,哪怕粉身碎骨都必须坚持。因为这是自己答应千恋皇的事,既然答应就一定要做到,她将后背交给了自己。那么自己就有责任保护她!


而此时,千恋皇的complexion 比Lin Feng 更苍白,更憔悴。

aura 更湮落许多。

她不止要试验,寻找这片无形壁垒的破绽,更要抵挡身后沸腾的sea of fire 攻击。水晶铠甲早已被烧的深深凹陷起来,如红色烙铁一般,光泽完全黯淡。香汗淋漓,紧身的martial clothes 映忖在千恋皇娇媚的fleshly body 上,挺拔的双峰,大手刚好一握的小蛮腰足以让任何一个男人心动不已。



此时,她所有的精神都集中在前方那片黑蒙蒙的无形壁障中,对千恋皇而言,最重要的就是破开这道checkpoint 的秘密!

因为她很清楚,Lin Feng 此刻正默默承受,为她付出着。


“哗!”额头上的金光闪动,浓郁的starlight 弥漫all around ,双手condense 的印记让的千恋皇complexion 微微变幻。奥秘的施展,一次又一次,霎时间千恋皇的eyes 绽亮而起,露出少有的恍然笑容。


“sōu! ”宛如弹簧般弹回,千恋皇疾速飞回悬崖。

“她回来了!”Lin Feng 瞬间sense ,relieved 。自己已然精疲力竭,快要抵挡不住,还好…千恋皇安全归来。那道熟悉的aura 消失在自己的sense 区域,显然已进入悬崖。


“给我让开!”Lin Feng 眼眸大亮,沉声violent shout 。

瞬间爆发出的terrifying strength ,让的周边极致疯狂的火焰无不退避three feet 。

仅仅刹那时间,Lin Feng 便是飞驰而去,宛如一道利箭穿透重重火焰阻隔,前方熟悉的悬崖壁近在眼前,Lin Feng 穿透而入。哗!aura 为之一变,前方光芒亮起,Lin Feng 第一眼便见到aura 虚弱的千恋皇。

“Ah!” Lin Feng watched 眼前的千恋皇,瞬间愣住。


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