The sixth episode of the eighth chapter of the heart

There are no explosive aura.

Lin Feng’s fist is as heavy as a thousand, which seems to be a huge mountain falling from the sky.

Beautiful eyes 睁大, thousand love lord unbelievable watched Lin Feng this punch, straight up the chest slightly ups and downs, although her sense is less than any Star Force fluctuations, but this fist’s might is fully capable of deep sense, already It is far from the category of the Star Territory Level.

“Ha!” Lin Feng’s eyes are completely bright.

This step of madness took 100% strength out quickly.

Giant Dao of Strength!

“bang!” a punch of world-shaking, squatting on the crystal wall.

It’s like a giant falling down, according to the intensity, speed, and might of the strength, enough to break the thin crystal wall into pieces.


“xiu!” Lin Feng popped up.

Groaned, like a cannonball shot from the crystal wall.

Chest seems to have a suffocating feeling, the chest is blocked, this astonishing punch seems to be directly grafted from the crystal wall to himself. Lin Feng clenched his lips and stared back at the crystal wall. The place where he punched a punch had a slight trace.

Really isn’t unbreakable!

“Tread!” Lin Feng forced himself in the air.

Excellent physique, with all the abilities that ordinary people can’t imagine.

That was the body of Starry Sky Expert. Despite the decline in strength, there are still three-point nails in the rotten ship. Not to mention that compared with the ordinary saints, it is more than the Divine Beast. Today’s Lin Feng is simply a mini Divine Beast!

These counterattacks are strong and cannot be injured.

“Call!~” Long put out a breath, Lin Feng both eyes 粼粼, looking to the front.

However, he did not notice that Qian Lianhuang watched his gaze. It has already been different from the previous one. That is a minute ‘battle intent’. Before Lin Feng, Qian Lianhuang did not look in the eyes, because the strength and her have a huge gap, but now… this gap has long since disappeared.

“Can break!” Lin Feng secretly thought.

Just this strike is my own test.

The test crystal wall can indeed be broken with a strong enough ‘strength’.

That tiny trace. This is a great proof.

“Call, suck!~” Lin Feng closes his eyes and takes a deep breath to adjust the amount of physical strength.

Although the rebound of the crystal wall did not hurt itself, the body still has minor damage, but these damages are only a matter of minutes and seconds for the strong resilience of today.

Not difficult to recover.

“He… still want to attack?”

She couldn’t figure out how Lin Feng could be so dead-headed. Strike couldn’t be done. Still want to try the third hit?

He can’t see it. This crystal wall not only has a strong counterattack, but also has an unimaginable resilience. As long as it is not broken, even if there is only a little gap, it can be very fast. Attacking with a simple strength is simply a dead end.

And at this time –

“pā!” Lin Feng opened his eyes and held a fist.

The blue veins were exposed, and a faint thunder light flashed in the forehead, and the figure blinked.

Hey! Appeared 100 meters in front of the crystal wall.

“Zi! Nourish!~” thunder light flashes. Lin Feng’s aura is a little bit enhanced, and the whole person’s momentum is completely changed. The mind is a little condensed. Sharp eyes look straight ahead at the crystal wall, thick battle intent boiling, in a blink of time ‘铮! ‘A crackling sound, as Heavenly Thunder was alarmed.

Amethyst spear!

“Silk!~” Qianlianhuang was really shocked at the moment.

“Impossible, it is still not his real strength?”


The mind is in a disorder, and the look of the watched Lin Feng is changing.

Very reluctant to admit. But as a Martial God, she knows very well that Lin Feng has not only used weapons, but the most important thing is –

He doesn’t even use Star Force!

“Just just the amount of physical strength?” Qianlianhuang was completely shocked and the whole person dumbfounded.

Just got the battle intent, in a blink of time disappeared. Instead, it is a deep sorrow.

Watched Lin Feng, I can’t speak, I can only see the crazy thunder light shining, bind outside the body of Lin Feng. The figure in front of the eyes coincides with the figure that she defeated a year ago, and the moment is broken like a mirror, no longer exists.

On that day, if he has such strength, lose…

It will only be her!

With a bite on her lips, Qian Lianhuang did not want to admit it, but her heart was betrayed her.

“Boom!” Lin Feng aura bursts completely, and the puff like battle intent drives the power of the heavens and the earth, so that the entire space is a severe vibration. Such a crazy strength explosion can almost completely break the entire space, and instantly the complexion greatly change, even shouting, “stop, stop!”

The stronger the attack power, the greater the counterattack!

Qian Lianhuang has carefully studied this crystal wall and knows its characteristics.

If Lin Feng really goes all out to attack this crystal wall, it will inevitably be counter-strengthed by the terrifying, and the opposite will result in death.

It will be him!

Although they are really isn’t friends, and even only seen once, but the thousand love kings will not see death.

However, her voice was always slow.

That’s too late!

“Give me broken!” Lin Feng violent shout, like War God was born, Amethyst spear 铿锵clanging cry.

He couldn’t hear the voice of the thousand love kings, and now all the minds are concentrated in this attack.

The crazy purple radiance is dazzling, illuminate the void, the amethyst spear’s stimuli with the thunder light, and the bind is above the spear, playing an incredible might. Surrounding all the strengths, the energy is condensed, and under the spoil of this spear, even the heavens and the earth are eclipsed.

boom! boom! boom!

The power of the heavens and the earth is motivated, and the space is shocked.

It’s just a spear of ‘normal’, not even a spear of star technology.

“Yanling spear art!” Lin Feng eyes glare.

All the strengths condense a little, and the strong spiral Qi strength sweeps across the entire area. The crazy Dao of Strength perfectly blends the spear move at this moment. The amethyst spear’s brilliance combines the spear intent and the spear move. At this moment, all the defenses seem to be broken into pieces.

Full force strike!

Qianlianhuang hands unconsciously licking the small mouth, beautiful eyes are completely enlarged.

This spear, let her breath stop.

Too terrifying!

Not to mention the strength of the Star Territory Level, that is, a saint standing in front of Lin Feng, will be torn into pieces by the fear strength of the crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

What kind of astonishing!


“No!” The shock in the eyes of the thousand love kings suddenly became flustered.

So strong a spear. Once it is completely rebounded by the crystal wall, what kind of result will it be?

Blood splashes three feet!

Qianshuanghuang couldn’t help but close his eyes. He didn’t dare to look at the scene of the horror. In the ear, there was a sound of ‘peng’, such as the astonishing cracking sound, but there was no hoarseness. Thousands of loved ones opened beautiful eyes, watched everything in front of them, startled can’t speak.

Crystal wall, broken!

This crystal wall, which was struck by the Holy Spirit, was broken.

Really isn’t breaking a big hole, but it is broken into pieces and no longer exists. In front of you, there is only one hand holding purple long spear, thunder light bind’s you. Standing indifferently, the look is calm and self-confident, as if it was just a trivial matter.

That ordinary face has a unique charm that is hard to say.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Thousands of love and heart of the drama jump, deep in the heart seems to have something to be spurred, can not tell the feeling. From childhood, she is the god of heaven. Father Qianshan, mother is the famous saint. The disciple is more and more everywhere. The aptitude is superior and looks handsome. She is already used to it.

However, there has never been a man who will make her feel this way.

For the first time, there was a slight feeling of heart.

From the point of view. To the slightest shock, and then to the heart of the movement, the emotions of the thousand love kings occurred in less than half a musk time, a change of severe occurred. Even, she didn’t even think of herself. This ordinary person in front of her will affect her arrogant heart.

“Call!~” Lin Feng spit a sigh of gas and looked flickering.

“Good defense ability.”

“Slightly worse, you will lose weight.”

Slightly smile, the most direct contact attack, Lin Feng can clearly sense the defense of this crystal wall.

Two words can be described: terrifying!

With his current strength, it is just a breakthrough.

But no matter what, it still broke.

As I expected, there is a new world and a new world behind this crystal wall. Whether it is aura or surroundings energy feeling, it is completely different from this layer, very complicated aura, endless feeling, like high tower peak.

Let yourself be very heart-warming.

“Oh?” Lin Feng thought with a sigh of relief. What did the short-haired woman seem to say?

Looking at her, but seeing her aura disorder, and her look, it seems quite “eccentric.”

“What happened?” Lin Feng lighted with a smile, “How is the face so red?”

He does not mean that.

In an instant, Qianshuanghuang felt that his face was a little hot, and the upright chest undulation was a severe, heart-wrenching.

Even shaking his head, avoiding Lin Feng’s gaze, Qianlianhuang bowed his head slightly. In the mind, inexplicably, Lin Feng just showed that spear figure, the endless complex feeling. She never had seen such a strong amount of attack power, compared to her Saint Level Senior Brother Senior Sister, all of them were compared, even…

“Hey, mother-in-law, I am afraid there is no such strength.” Thousands of love in the heart of the contempt, beautiful eyes flashing.

“He is really strong.”


The eccentric Lin Feng of Qianlianhuang didn’t care, she was just like this.

Since I don’t want to talk to myself, I don’t have to talk about myself. Lin Feng watched Qian Qinghuang, smiled lightly. “Then I will take the first step.” Saying, no need to wait for Qianshuanghuang to respond, he will take the lead to enter the crystal wall. After that, that long passage.

There, there seems to be something waiting for yourself, calling for yourself.

The transient reaction came over, and the thousand love kings even looked up, but only saw Lin Feng’s back disappeared into the field of vision. Pretty face still flashes a touch of redness, the heart is seven up and down, but the thousand love kings did not hesitate, and even if they keep up, enter the rear of the crystal wall.

There, it is the true secret of the King of the King.

3rd layer !

…. )

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