Chapter 7 meets again.

Continue comprehend!

Time is very precious.

Lin Feng Following the first ‘Dao of Strength’, very fast entered a ‘Dao of Strength’ cultivating. With the experience of the first ‘killing the way’, the second ‘destruction’ is only half a month to be comprehend, and the third ‘Dao of Strength’ –

It has gradually surfaced.

“bang!” is as heavy as a thousand miles.

Lin Feng eyes is like a madness.

A punch, directly smashed Illusory Realm, the whole space is like a mirror like a crack, pā! Pā ! Instantly turned into nothing. Lin Feng high and steep emerged over the sky, thunder light swayed, tightly bound the entire body, like a thunder possessed.


“The purest strength.”

“This is… Giant Dao of Strength.”

In the eyes of bright light L, Lin Feng’s consciousness gradually wakes up from the comprehend state.

Each ‘Dao of Strength’ has a very different strength system, and the sense of the heart is different. The comprehend of the giant Dao of Strength is a little harder than the ruin. The really isn’t giant Dao of Strength is stronger than the ruin, but the two ‘hobble’ are different, and the comprehend is different.

It has only been comprehend in the past month, and it is equal to the ‘killing road’.


I am still comprehend.

“This ‘Dao of Strength’ also has the strength of the master’s strength aura.”

“No wonder I have such a clear sense of the three ‘Dao of Strength’, which is related to the master.”

“But… what is the difference between a road and three roads?”

Lin Feng whispered and blinked flickering.

Unlike the way of the saints, any ‘Dao of Strength’ is an independent strength system.

The three ‘Dao of Strength’ are divided into three strength systems, which show the ‘destruction of the road’, giving the ‘Giant Dao of Strength’, or the ‘killing way’. Your body can only play a single strength at the same time, and the three ‘Dao of Strength’ are undoubtedly cumbersome.

Fortunately, your time is not wasted.

“Waste is wasted.”

“At least it is now comprehend, you can clearly know…”

“Which ‘Dao of Strength’ is best for me.”

Lin Feng nodded slowly.

Three ‘Dao of Strength’, just like the three-way intersection leading to the end, all can be reached. There is no half-point intersection. Choosing any one and choosing the shortest route to the end is the best and most concise method.

If the three roads are gone again, it is undoubtedly hard to please.

“pā !” “pā !” “pā !” A flame feather, once again, the same fourteen flashing light and lustrous, as if calling for something.

“It’s time to leave.” Lin Feng said lightly.

In my heart, there is an endless feeling. This King domain gives yourself too much.

The strength of the avatar has a brand new breakthrough here. Three Dao of Strength, it is like the new three roads to open the light, so that their own mood is clear.

That is a new path to a higher level of strength than Saint Level.

Saint King Level.

“Zi! Oh!!” The space is changing.

The light of the flame burns the entire space out of a big hole in an instant.

A channel consisting of the purest flames appears, unlike the 1st layer, which is really isn’t a spatial channel. Instead, it is like a layer of ‘ladders’, a step from the King’s domain. If you go to the depths, you will not know, but…

It doesn’t matter.

At least, I know that this is the way to leave.

“I have said to me that if I can enter the 3rd layer. There…”

“It is the real ‘King of the King’.”

With a bright eye and hope, Lin Feng stepped forward.

Hey! Entering the road that leads to the horizon, there is no feeling of penetrating the space, and the sense of the heart is still very clear. Whispered softly. Lin Feng shook hands and deeply insighted that ‘Dao of Strength’ seemed to ‘live’ in the body, and the figure slowly disappeared.

Go to a higher level!

Go deeper and deeper, go further and further.

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Feng himself did not know.

The road to the time has long since disappeared, and the front seems to be the end of King’s domain, appearing in front of it.

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

The heart of the sense, a familiar aura gradually into the heart.

“Is she?!” Lin Feng looked ahead.

That figure of Qian Li, she is familiar with it, a martial clothes neutral dress, the heroic short hair is to make her beautiful face, full of a ‘just’ aura. Ice muscle snow skin, short hair woman’s straight chest, Ying Ying’s small waist is in the tight martial clothes, especially moving.

How can I forget it!

Lin Feng both eyes 粼粼 flashing.

On that day, she gave her an unforgettable ‘experience’.

In the battle to enter King’s domain, I was defeated!

At this time, the short-haired women’s show looks clear, and the beautiful booth pupils once again look at Lin Feng. Then the bright light flashed, with a slight surprise, inexplicable, when she felt that Lin Feng was like two people when she met last time. Qian Qinghuang never knows that Lin Feng, which she has seen so far, is quite different from her body.

“See you again.” Lin Feng nodded lightly and took the lead to say hello.

Victory is a common thing for Martial Artist. As a man, of course, he will not be so “small family”.

Light ‘hmm’ sounded, the thousand love kings look dull, not too careless Lin Feng, although she is a little curious, but does not need to care too much about a ‘failed man’. As a petite girl, she never fakes color for any man.

With a smile, Lin Feng did not care about the indifference of Qianlianhuang.

Everyone has their own personality, and the release of the heart is so bad. This is also true for this short-haired woman.

But all geniuses, nine out of ten are quite ‘arrogant’.

Looking forward, Lin Feng looked stunned.

It was a crystal clear crystal wall that blocked the front.

The crystal wall presents a strange light, seemingly just a thin layer, but it seems to contain deep secrets. After the crystal wall, I can feel a layer of aura differently, where it seems to be the ‘advanced’ place.

Go to the 3rd layer. It is the real king of the prison.

Looking at the short-haired woman, she can see a minute and think from her eyes.

She seems to be blocked by this crystal wall.

“Can’t you get in?” Lin Feng lightly said.

Thousands of lovers did not look to Lin Feng, and the eyebrows were slightly stunned, still gaze the crystal wall, and nodded lightly. It is an answer.

“Hey?” Certainly guessed, Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Even she can’t get in?

This layer of crystal wall is really not ordinary.

“Hey!” Lin Feng flashed and quickly stuck into the crystal wall. The burning eyes flashed with clear brilliance, and the right hand stretched forward, instantly touching an invisible barrier. The movement was one of the stops, the tentacles were cold, and the feeling was as thin as a flap.

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s heart was moving.


The left hand slammed a fist. There are no signs, ‘call! ‘The punch is a wave, and Lin Feng looks calm. Aura without any Star Force, just the ‘giant Dao of Strength’, even without a little preparation, 10% strength aura instantly broke out when the position is not suitable.

“bang!” is a heavy punch.

Lin Feng complexion stop and change, left hand suddenly numb.

Chest sinks. In front of this thin, crystal-like crystal wall came the severe’s counterattack strength, groaned. Lin Feng flew out.

“Hey!” Qianlian’s eyes lit up.

Intensively Martial God, she can see Lin Feng’s attack might just now.

“Giant Dao of Strength?” is quite startled, and Qianghuang Wang looks more curious about Lin Feng’s look. Star Territory Level martial artist’s strength can comprehend ‘Gian Dao of Strength’, which must have great realization. Of course, she couldn’t think of it. Lin Feng is now Saint Level.

In fact, although the strength of the split to Saint Level, it is as advanced as Divine Beast, and Qianghuang Huang does not see it as normal.

The same as the King constellation, she is biased towards Martial God. Compared to the thorns that favor Heavenly God Cultivator, it is inferior in sense. On that day, the thorns also forced the sense to Lin Feng’s unusual, not sure of Lin Feng’s strength. Today, Qianlianhuang is naturally in the dark.

She didn’t know that the day’s ‘failed’ Lin Feng, now to beat her…

Already with no difficulty.

“Call! ~” Lin Feng stood, long put out a breath.

“A strong reaction.” The heart was alarmed, and Lin Feng looked stunned.

I haven’t suffered any damage, just a partial strike, it seems a bit boring. Gaze The crystal wall, where I was hit by myself, not to mention the dent, there is no fist, no damage.

Although it is only XnumX% strength, it is quite good.

But this crystal wall is unstoppable.

“It’s fun.” Lin Feng’s mouth is slightly scratched.

In the domain of King, he has been comprehend, and then comprehend, but it is also boring, and these challenging ‘difficulties’, but more let yourself have fighting spirit.

“I don’t believe how much you can hold?” Lin Feng burning like gaze.

For the strength of the avatar, I have full confidence in the strength of today.

This crystal wall, even if the difficulty is big, the strength of the saint should not be difficult to destroy, after all, it is only a thin layer.

“Try the giant Dao of Strength, the simplest physical attack, can break this barrier.” Lin Feng shook his fist, took a deep breath. Although confident, but there is no need to go all out, this crystal wall is still unknown to its own, leaving a trump card is better.

“Ha!” Lin Feng has a burning eye, aura puff like.

The rich Dao of Strength affects the strength system of the entire space.

At this time, Qian Lianhuang was slightly wrinkled, shook his head and looked at Lin Feng. Now he thought of himself. She did not dissuaded, this crystal wall does not require human life, many things have only been tried before they know right and wrong, she can stop Lin Feng, but Lin Feng will give up?

No need to gossip.


“A strong strong feeling.” Although Qian Qinghuang knows the result, he is quite startled on the strength aura that Lin Feng reveals.

When she played against Lin Feng last time, she had already seen Lin Feng with such strength.

And at this time –

Lin Feng’s punch, instantly blasted.


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