Chapter 1 Fire Area

Where do you come from?

Going back to the ancient ruins, the pressure is weakening.

“Really isn’t pressure is lighter.”

“But now my strength is getting stronger.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly, revealing his confidence.

Nowadays, all of their own pupil pupils arrive at the 6th layer, and this one alone can easily resist this strong pressure. Although the star sky or the star is not in the Saint Level category in essence, once it enters the ‘self state’, it is equivalent to the eighth layer of the eye!

If you say the seventh layer of the eye, it is just the strength of the Saint Level.

Then the eighth layer is the strength of the real Saint Level!

However, it is only a state of self.

It belongs to the category of ‘increase’. If it is not the breakthrough of the single pupils, it can directly ‘break 70% holy’.


Very fast, Lin Feng is through the channel.

Contrary to the time of coming, the more pressure there is now, the stronger the speed. The long passage is not enough for today’s Lin Feng. In fact, the advancement of Phoenix Destiny Chart has greatly improved the strength.

If the incarnation is ‘Qiu Yu’, the pressure is greatly reduced.

Here is the area of ​​the earth element lineage.

However, Lin Feng is not willing.

“earth element lineage, after all, is only a sideline.”

“It’s too much to rely on, it’s bad for me.”

Lin Feng is very clear in my heart.

Therefore, even if the earth element lineage has the opportunity to enter the Saint Level, it is abandon.

This, really isn’t the way to go.

“However, the poisonous scorpion is the earth element demon beast, if he can comprehend breakthrough there, then it would be better.” Lin Feng slightly smile, hope in the middle of the heart. Today’s Baidu Coloring is already the peak of the Star Territory Level. Although it is integrated with the colorful cane, his breakthrough will be subject to the colorful cane, but as long as you can find the right path, the strength can span a whole level!

As it is now, the road to Saint Level is flat.

As long as you can upgrade the colorful stick grade. Then Baidu Caiyan can break into “Saint Level” at any time!

Of course, these are all words.

At the moment, the improvement of one’s own strength is the main one.

“Lian Long, Hung Hom, they all stay in ancient forbidden land, it doesn’t matter.”

“There are layers here, like Illusory Realm, but in the same spatial plane.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are so clear that he understands.

As long as you are on the same level, you can recall Lian Long and Hung Hom at any time, but you don’t need it at the moment. Including the wing is also among the ancient forbidden land. In the treasure land covered with heaven and earth, meditation, I believe that the wing’s injury is very fast and can be restored.

And myself, will take risks again!

Look for this miraculous land, the existence of the fire area!

“Call!~” Long put out a breath.

Watched surroundings, familiar with the scene, Lin Feng eyes bright clear, set off a smile.

Come out, come out!

Ancient ruins are difficult to enter. It took a lot of effort to get through the three customs, but from the ancient forbidden land, the original way back with no difficulty. Surroundings The scenery is still there. The rich earth elements are so powerful that they are far better than Battle Spirit World, but they are much worse than the ancient forbidden land.

“The soil of the sense, enhanced ten times.”

“I am afraid that not only is ‘earth’, but the five major Source Energy have a considerable increase.”

Lin Feng blinked and nodded.

Gold, wood and water are not known. But looking at the origin of the soil and the enhancement of the Source of Fire, you can see a hundred.

The advancement of Phoenix Destiny Chart has greatly helped you.

“I don’t want to release my heart and my heart.”

“Also, after all, I have stayed in the ancient forbidden land for so long.”

Slightly smile, Lin Feng thought about it. “Right, I don’t know what Big Brother is doing now?”

When the heart moves, Lin Feng opens the ‘Old 盅’ on the left hand. According to Ghost Valley, this ‘古盅’ has the function of positioning and communication. It is no different from the compass that is common to Battle Spirit World. The only difference is that It can be used in the ‘land of miracles’.

Contact is simpler and each participating Martial Artist has a specific number.

For example, if you are a member of the Shiro County, you will start with ‘3’, and the Martial Artist entered through the preliminaries will be ranked according to the performance of the preliminaries. Ranked third in the competition, numbered 003, second only to the ‘Orange Dreams’ in the first place, and the ‘released heart’ in the second place.

The Big Brother forest battle is numbered ‘3033’.

Open the ancient 盅, 倏地, Lin Feng lightly exclaimed, “2709000?”

“Is this my score?”

“When did it get so high?”

Lin Feng felt astonished and couldn’t help but smile and shook his head.

I didn’t even know that I had been hanging 0 points when I was wandering around to find the ‘King of the Kings’. I didn’t care.

Think about it, it’s been a long time since I viewed the score last time.

However, this score is not useful to you.

“pā !” Lin Feng instantly closes the interface.

The eyelids are slightly flashing, and a few buttons are touched to familiarize yourself with the operation.

Not a while

“It turned out to be the case.” Lin Feng fiddled with ‘古盅’, and very fast will master the use of 诀窍.

It’s not difficult, just a few button operations, simple and easy, no different from the Battle Spirit World compass.

“di di di !~” sounds mellow.

“haha, you are finally willing to appear, brother!” The old laughter from the other side of the ancient singer, Lin Feng slightly smiled, from this laugh, I know that the name Big Brother is not a problem. When I entered, my father had explained that he was ‘taking care of’ Big Brother and was responsible.

“En, before entering an ancient cultivating cultivating, just came out.” Lin Feng smiled and said.

“Ancient ruins?” Lin war slightly startled, then the road, “the ancient remains are not the treasures of heaven, the younger brother you are still rare?”

Lin Feng lightly smiled, self-awareness forest battle intent thinking.

With their current status and financial resources, these ordinary heavens are not rare.

“Hone you, Big Brother, what about you?” Lin Feng said casually.

“Hey, you Big Brother, I have good luck!” Lin warfare opened his mind, and his mood was obviously quite good. He said, “Although several times, the trial hall failed, but once it entered the ancient relics, it was very rewarding. Not only earned a piece of orange, first heavenly treasure, but also…”

“What else?” Lin Feng couldn’t help but surprisingly, and the Big Brother at the end of the old man wanted to talk and stop, with a bit of joy, and seemed to know how to speak.

“Oh, nothing. Come over and find me. You will know when you get there.” Lin Zhan is still so big.

“also good.” Lin Feng smiled lightly. Anyway, he was not in a hurry to go to the fire. It was not bad to meet Big Brother first. Before entering the most difficult ‘historical relics’ adventure in the area of ​​fire, confirm Big Brother’s safety, at least you can let go of your heart, then you can be heartless.

Very fast, end the call.

The Big Brother message pops up on the old screen, and Lin Feng presses to confirm.


“Hey!” The original interface changed. Instead, there is a huge map, two spots of light are flashing, one of which is ‘3003’, which is itself; and the other spot, far apart, numbered ‘3033’, it is Big Brother .

“It seems that the distance is quite far.” Lin Feng blinked lightly and didn’t care too much.

After the Phoenix Destiny Chart is advanced. I am not only boosting the pupils, but improving the sense. Even the physical condition has been greatly improved.

Now, my own cells have been perfectly fusing with the blood of the Phoenix! Although the distance is far, but at your own pace, as long as the direction is correct, I believe that you can see Big Brother soon. Slightly smile, Lin Feng did not hesitate. The moment is like a light arrow, and it shoots out.

Disappeared without a shadow.

“The goal appears.”

“Wait for so long, it finally appeared.” The sound of deep like sounded, “Parrot, can you be sure?”

“The strength of Lin Feng…may be stronger than what is shown in the intelligence.” The sound is soft and sweet. It’s for female voices, but it’s awkward. I haven’t hesitated. “To ensure foolproof, I need support and cooperation, boss.”

“it is good.”

“Sound?” A shout of shouting.

“I am here.” The figure flashed, and a woman in a white tights appeared with a shallow smile.

“haha, looking for you, sound, how did you just see the gods when you saw it.” With a heroic smile, a man in a blue-and-white armor flew in the distance, and the slender figure was a bit of aura. The eyes are shining.

It is the forest war!

White clothed female ‘sound’ smiled, “Senior Brother just looked for me.”

“Hey? So smart, just now the younger brother came to me, hehe.” Lin Zhan said.

“Is the ‘Lin Feng Master’ you have been talking about?” white clothed female ‘sound’ eyes are light and quite astonished.

“That is, my brother can be amazing!” Lin wars his head, quite proud, watched white clothed female, “I will introduce him to you when I arrive, and everyone will be my own.”

“Hey, who and you are your own people!” white clothed female ‘sound’ pretty face a red, slightly smiling bow, 煞 is moving.

“hehe.” Lin Zhanxiao smiled and touched the back of his head, just a smirk.

The word ‘happiness’ is written on the face.

Ten days later.

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes are bright clear.

Both eyes Looking at the old hand on the left hand, the chest is slightly ups and downs.

“Here is…” Lin Feng looked around all around and made a slight radiance on his mouth.

Sense, very clear!

Quite a rich element of fire, here puff like burning.

I finally came to the area of ​​fire.

“I thought I was looking for a long time.”

“I didn’t expect to go around and I came in so skillfully.”

“No, not so smart.”

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed lightly, and the small spot on the watched ancient temple representing Lin Zhan was not far ahead.

Rather than happening to come in, it is better to say that the Big Brother forest battle has found it, and that it has ‘stained light’. The land of miracles is so great that there is no sense of direction at all. It is not so easy to find a place to find fire.

At the moment, I have saved a lot of effort.

“I almost forgot, Big Brother is also the ‘Phoenix Block.’”

“For the ‘Fire’ sense, he is also very strong and it is normal to find it.”

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

The Martial Artist of earth element will look for the land area.

The Martial Artist of the fire element will naturally look for the area of ​​the fire. From another angle, it is normal.

“Big Brother should wait.”

“Look for him first.”

With a narrow eyelid, Lin Feng suppressed the feeling of joy in his heart.

Speeding away.

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