Chapter 31 Export

I can’t find an exit myself.

But he may know!

Lin Feng’s heart moved, his eyes scorned, and he closed his eyes.

“Hey!” The mind was immersed in the Star Chart, once again sent to the aura of the hills, the rich earth energy, wrapped himself deeply, like a normal. Sense The aura of the mound, in the mind, seems to appear like a mound.


Pā ! Lin Feng opened his eyes and his face changed slightly.

“Hey!” The hands are open, and the appearance is not the flame, but the power of the rich earth elements.

As if it is attractive, Source Energy of the surroundings is screaming, and the sense is clear and free, just like coming to a region of its own. Here, you can feel the presence of ‘Dao’ everywhere, spread across the entire territory.

Very fresh, very familiar, and moved by the heart.

That’s right!

Maybe I can’t find an exit and can’t find the right way.

However, as the ‘Qiu Yu’ of the Master here, you should know how to leave this ancient forbidden land.

Nowadays, ‘Devour’, Qiu, even if there is not all his strength, at least there are four, 50%, to find the secret, the chance is greatly improved. Furthermore, the sense of the energy of the earth is clear, no matter which aspect

Both are opportunities to increase!

“Get started.” Lin Feng sighed.

Close your eyes and aura spreads.

Monster Island.

A new round of competition has come to an end.

The winners of the two finals quota, finally released.

The demon king, with unparalleled strength, defeated the only remaining fruit of the demon four Imperial Family, ‘Kui Tiangao’; and Dasheng, experienced a full day and night of hard work, it is to win the Five Clawed Golden Dragon Clan Expert. Also enter the winners group finals.

The four major Imperial Family, the five royal families, complexion is a piece of iron blue.

Monopolizing all the powers of the Yaozu, the nine Tribe did not expect it to be such a result.

Entering the two quotas of the winners’ finals, it will be the representative of the twelve demon stars, the bulls and the macaques! now. The flowering of the twelve demon stars, even if it is really isn’t sirloin and macaques, are deeply sad and full of breath.

However, the demon king and the great saint are rich in the battle intent.

Really isn’t hostile, but a kind of chess, the thrill of the opponent, can not wait to fight a battle immediately.

The two demons are opposite each other, and no one is willing to let a half point. An axe sticks a shining bright light. It seems to be able to sense to the Master’s aggressive intent.

In the end, who is stronger?


“Big Senior Brother, can you find the ‘Peach Blossom Lord’?”

“Maybe the wild world is too big to find ‘Peach Blossom Wonderland’.” He shook his head and his eyes disappeared.

“How could this be?” Gui Wang brows deep, “Big Senior Brother, you didn’t say that, the master once mentioned the location of ‘Peach Blossom Wonderland’?”

舜冉冉Open: “Sometimes, even if you find the right position, you may not be able to find it.”

“Why?” Gui Wang doubtedly said.

“I think it should be that the Peach Blossom Lord does not want to take care of this thing.” Yan Wang eyed burning. Looking towards the hustle and bustle, the latter nodded slowly. “It is a choice to be independent of the human world. It is normal for the Peach Blossom Lord to make this decision. People have their own aspirations. For the Peach Blossom Lord. The human world is just a passing sight.”

Gui Wang suddenly realized that Yan Wang also nodded.

Indeed, Star Territory Level Martial Artist, all minds are placed on the Breakthrough Saint Level.

Saint, want to be Saint King.

What about Saint King?

they. And why not want to be Starry Sky Expert?

Compared to Starry Sky Expert’s endless life, the journey to Starry Sky, into a new world, the Battle Spirit World, human affairs, sometimes seem insignificant. Really isn’t Every human being is a big man, willing to do anything, especially the scope of the ability to exceed.

“What about the Big Brother?” Yan Wang’s eyes are burning.

“I won’t give up.” The voice was still dull, but it was transmitted with a firm voice.

“We are the same.” Yan Wang and Kei Wang patted the chest, watched sly expression, one of the hearts of Yan Wang, “Does the Big Senior have a goal?”

“Yes.” I didn’t hide it. “I want to look for the ‘Spiritual Lord’, perhaps more difficult than the ‘Cloud Spear Lord’, but I understand a lot when I go through the ‘Peach Blossom Lord’. Even if I find ‘cloud spear’ The Lord, I am afraid I will also eat the door-to-door, but the ‘Sacred Lord’ is different.”

“As long as you can find it.” Looks right, “He will help us.”

“The master once mentioned that the cloud spear is a ‘spear idiot’ and ignores other things.” Kei Wang agreed.

“The celestial lord once experienced the second time of the Lich battle. He has a kind heart for human beings.” Yan Wang nodded slowly, but it was brows slightly wrinkle. “But where the heavenly lord retreats, it seems that even the master Do not know at all.”

“There is no difficulty in the world. I am afraid that there are people who are in the heart. Someone must know that ‘the celestial lord’ is there.”

“Good!” Yan Wang and Gui Wang’s “both eyes” flashed. “We help together, and many people have more strength.”

“No.” 舜shaking one’s head and said, “You are the owner of a continent. It is most important to manage Jiuzhou. You can’t make any mistakes at the moment.” Stopped, 舜complexion slightly eased, “Reassured, I will find it” The lord of heaven, please ask the old man to come out to support the overall situation.”

“Sure!” He looked very firm.

The domain of the heart.

In a blink of an eye, it is another ten days.

Lin Feng feels helpless, even if he is transformed into a ‘Qiu Yu’, he still can’t find an exit. This ancient forbidden land is more than boundless, better like a complete world, and there is no such thing as a similar transmission channel.

Very strange!

Even if I am very strong on the elements of the earth, it is useless.

Having said that, the avatar ‘Qiu Yu’ is quite good in other respects, because of the super-sense force, the ten-day harvest is enough to match all the previous ones, earning a lot of overflow.

But what is the use?

“Is it possible, I really want to use the ‘gate of space’ to go back?” Lin Feng blinked a bit hesitant.

I didn’t want to do so.

I have already tried it. In this ‘old forbidden land’ can use the space door, and can also sense to the other side of the space door, not like the 2nd layer.

but. Once you show your ‘gate of space’, you will return to Shilo County.

Leaving the land of miracles, no longer can enter.

This is obviously not what I want.

“Oh…” Looking around, Lin Feng was indecisive.

The method is definitely there, but it is not ‘looking’ at the moment. ‘Find’ is not.

But does not mean that it does not exist.

“Listen to Ghost Valley once mentioned, as long as the opportunity is reached, you can enter the ‘old forbidden land’, then how do they leave?” Lin Feng’s heart is slightly, the booth eyes change.

“Does the strength increase to Saint Level and you can easily leave?”

“Also, it is like 2nd layer in the Thousand Snakes, Senior in the Scales, and Senior in the Bulls. You can position the space freely.”

“Unfortunately I don’t have the strength of Saint Level yet.”


Lin Feng slightly startled, “How did I get here?”

I thought about it, but it was a gaze. I only remembered that I was comatose when I entered, and the other ones were forgotten.

“I came here through ancient ruins.”

“The last is a ‘channel’ that passes through here to enter…”

Slowly thinking back, Lin Feng’s eyes are slowly shining.


“Yes, there is a passage!”

“How come I didn’t think of this. There are channels to enter, naturally I can go back!”

Lin Feng was very happy. Finally, I had a clue. “However, when I woke up, I didn’t seem to see a similar channel, or the existence of a transmission gate.”

“No matter, let’s go and have a look.” Lin Feng’s mumbled inwardly.

Think of it, without the slightest hesitation.

There is no way at the moment. Then you have to try it!

Sōu! sōu! sōu!

Lin Feng, flying fast.

Although I have been in this ancient forbidden land for a while, and I have been fighting against Qiu, I have not forgotten the road I have traveled. On memory, I am obsessed with it. No matter what happened, everything before it.

Own, Xing Xing with 6-layer!

“Fortunately, I am really isn’t going straight ahead.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

I came to this ancient forbidden land, which is a circular exploration, but it is a habit, and I am afraid of mistakes.

If you don’t, you want to go back to where you originally came, but you can reach it, but time is not a day or two, but a month. Now, in just less than seven days, you can get there!

Six days later.

“It’s here.” Lin Feng looked deep.

Gazing all around ,surroundings Everything hasn’t changed, just like the memory of yourself in the mind.

Here is where you enter through the ‘channel’.

starting point!

“There is really no transmission gate or channel.” Lin Feng blinked.

I have long been looking around for a large circle of surroundings, nothing, just like a seamless egg, thinking of finding a gap…

Not easy.

“However, there seems to be something else here.” Lin Feng’s heart is awkward.

It’s weird!

“Self-state!” Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice, 霎 time eyes bright, star sky and star 穹瞳 perfect compatibility, now is the existence of 6-layer, top grade eyelid is equivalent to a bit of eight Layer, already reached the Saint Level ability!

Star, has ‘Dao of Time’.

And the star sky, with ‘Dao of Space’.

“It’s here!” Lin Feng eyes swayed, and the figure suddenly moved.

Standing in the same place, the eyes flashed with light, Lin Feng thought, “far more than the ‘weak’ space energy of other places, as I expected it is right…”

Hey! Fire mans are appeared.

Lin Feng screamed and the Fire of Devour emerged wildly.

The terrifying strength, which burns everything in an instant, has the ability to devouring everything.

Astonishing fire of strength!

“Zizi! Zizi!~” A space crack appeared slowly, Lin Feng’s mouth slightly stroked, sense the space crack head aura, the heart of the set. Really isn’t space turbulence, but another stable space level, where is the passage that you walked through before entering the ancient forbidden land!

Now, finally found!

“哗!~” Lin Feng without the slightest hesitation, suddenly entered.

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