The twenty-seventh chapter full score!

“End, perfect grade?!” Ouyang Kuo is like a suffocation.

Before the Nangong Madam refines the perfect grade on the seventh floor, it is enough shock, but now Lin Feng…

It is on the eighth floor of the campfire ladder!

Other tool refining divisions are reluctant to step on one foot, but Lin Feng has done such a complicated refining in such a harsh environment, and it is perfect! In midair, the burning flame will perfectly enshrine Phoenix, and the two wings will flash with different brilliance, and the left and right sides will radiate the ultimate beauty.

An absolute silence, everyone watched this wonder, even breathing is difficult.

This is the real ‘Fengyi Tianxiang’!

The strength of the constellation of the Phoenix constellation, enveloped all, the noble and majestic of Phoenix filled the audience. That is truly unparalleled existence, even if it is just a glimpse of the shadow, even if this Phoenix is ​​not even a avatar, but he is too hopeless!

Cry sound for a long time bind, Phoenix both pupils severe flashing, full of strong life strength.

“No, this is not a perfect grade.” Wang Shi eyelids magnified, muttered.

“Beyond perfection.” Nangong’s straight and straight chest gradually calmed down, but the beautiful face was still incredibly horrified, eyes shining and shining. “There was a sporadic record in the ancient book. I always thought that this only existed in In the legend, it doesn’t even exist at all, but…”

The facts are in front of you.

As the first tool refining division of Vermilion Bird, the vision of Nangong Madam is unparalleled.

She is familiar with the refining of ‘perfect grade’. The current astrology is truly perfect, which on this basis gives Star Treasure a real ‘lifestrength’, creating a surpassing perfection. In a way, this is no longer a star treasure.

It is completely comparable to the first heavenly treasure!

“pā,pā.” Lightly lift the white wrist. Namam’s beautiful eyes are lightly applauded by Lin Feng.

Watched The black figure is full of appreciation, admiration and a slight sense of competition, and the emotions are complex. The clear applause was very loud at this moment, and everyone was awakened from the state of being dull. Time, applause like thunder piercing the ear, crazy.

Especially the tool refining division, but also the booth eyes, the excitement.

I witnessed the birth of this legendary miracle, and again and again, they are worthwhile.

This tool refining division competition is too exciting!

Whether it is the Nangong Madam of the 100-foot gimmick, it is still a sudden rise. Nowadays, the legendary Lin Feng master has become a myth. Wang Shi has long laughed and laughed, including Ouyang Kuo, who did not stop nodding, excited language-free.

Vermilion Bird’s tool refining division, from now on, is about to enter a new era.

Lin Feng Master, Nangong Madam, will become the backbone of the Vermilion Bird State tool refining division. The true core of existence!

“Call!~” Lin Feng sighed.

Speaking and laughing, watched this exquisite work. I can’t say anything about it.

Stress, excitement, and a variety of emotions, coupled with the Fire of Rebirth and Fire of Devour, the refining of the past is a must, and that feeling no longer exists, just like a short-lived. But now, I really refine the first ‘work’.

Get the hand of the work!

Does not depend on the special flame. Refined ‘perfect grade’.

“Unimaginable.” Lin Feng both pupils flickering, lightly swaying like a fine jade carving like a piece of art, like a Phoenix flying high. The flashing light has a strong vitality. The depth of this ‘Fengyi Tianxiang’ contains a small vitality. Is thriving.

Recalling the entire refining system, there is no memory.

Feel like a natural talent, bring yourself into this refinement that transcends perfection.

“It’s a perfect grade in itself.”

“And then Fire of Devour and Fire of Rebirth add up to a new level.”

“Beyond perfection?” Lin Feng slightly smile.

The sound of Nangong Madam is small, but he still can hear it.

Obviously, there is the existence of this grade hierarchy.

Turning his head and looking at Yumo, the figure that made his heart move, Lin Feng smiled and nodded. In the eyes of Yumo, the shining shin is shining, including the righteous father. Lin Clan is already hysterical at this time, and there is still a half-point.

“Win.” Lin Feng slightly smile, gently close your eyes.

Feeling a bit of comfort, really isn’t the kind of excitement to win the game.

It is the way to break through yourself and surpass yourself.

After the excitement, everyone looked at Wang Shi.

Waiting for him to announce the score of Lin Feng’s refining, but everyone is already very clear.

Lin Feng, won.

Five times the scoring coefficient, I am afraid this is only the score of this refining, Lin Feng is enough to crown the tool refining division. All the way to stumble, it is dangerous and dangerous to enter the final round, who guessed that Lin Feng eventually won the championship, and defeated the tool refining division of the nine championships –

Nangong Madam!

This session, really isn’t Nangong Madame played a malfunction, in fact, the performance of Nangong Madam was far better than the previous nine.

Her tool refining technology also reached the ‘peak’ level.

However, Lin Feng is more terrifying!

1000 points!

The score is coming out.

The score was revealed from Wang Shikou before the big screen of Heavenly Screen appeared, letting everyone crazy!

Full score.

Not to mention the finals, that is, the first round, the perfect score that has not appeared in the second round, finally appeared at this moment. Looking at the Vermilion Bird’s tool refining division, no one has ever scored a perfect score, but Lin Feng did it, and once again created a miracle.

“It is no exaggeration.” Nangong Madam beautiful eyes.

Lian Bu moved and came to Lin Feng. Nangong Madam extended his hand, “Congratulations, Master Lin Feng.”

“Thank you.” Lin Feng reached out and smiled.

“And me.” Ouyang Master’s big say with a smile, “Congratulations, Master Lin Feng.”

Lin Feng laughed and laughed and reached out, but this time it was the first time in real sense to know everyone. Wang Bo, Li Yuan, Bai Yunfei, almost all the tool refining divisions who participated in the finals gathered together with a friendly smile. How can the tool refining masters with higher eyes above the top be so humble?

reason. it’s actually really easy.

Lin Feng Yu Guangyu lived with his righteous father. At this time, he was surrounded by the group and came to please the family’s influences. There were countless.

It is a fame!

“Hello.” “En, okay.” “Must be sure.” Lin Feng and the tool refining masters are one-on-one.

These ones. They are the most famous tool refining divisions in Vermilion Bird, and they are all in the high ranks of the tool refining division. Many of them are tool refining family Patriarch, Great Elder, etc., regardless of prestige, connections, are 1st grade one, knowing that they have many advantages and no disadvantages for themselves.

“Hmph!” With deep anger, the black cloak shrouded Lin Biao’s eyes cold.

He didn’t expect it to be the end of the game. The ‘giggle’ of the tooth grinding sounded, and Lin Biaodi couldn’t know Lin Feng. This time in the tool refining division contest, it was astonishing. Will give Lin Clan much honor! It is almost certain that, within three months, Lin Clan will overtake the Ponzi family and become the strongest tool refining family in Shiro County!

As long as Lin Biao is not stupid, through Lin Feng’s east wind, it will be able to break through.

At this time, Pang will be full of white face, and the bone eyes are not a bit of a look. It was the loss of Madam and the soldiers.

Lin Feng was not successful, and he even hanged zero points in the final. Now Lin Feng is the tool refining division. No one can stop the rise of Lin Clan. With Lin Feng’s extremely skillful tool refining technology, it is quite possible that Lin Clan will be squeezed into Vergarion Bird’s three major tool refining families.

Trifling Pang’s family, how can we compare.

He was defeated.

Falling to sit on the ground. Pang will lose the bright light.

As a tool refining division, even if he is not willing to admit it, Lin Feng’s refining has indeed caused him to lose his ‘rebellious’ heart.

In the tool refining division, it is really extreme skillful!

Of course. Each person’s personality is different.

Pang will choose to give up, choose to admit defeat, but Lin Biao will not.

The sinister cold eyes are as fielce terrifying as ever, like a demon returning from hell. Exuding a deep killing intent, Lin Biao turned and walked away, no nostalgia, the cold voice permeated through the teeth: “See you three days later, my little nephew.”

“Let’s enjoy the last three days of this life.”


Lin Feng, successfully climbed to the top!

Without any suspense, even Nangong Madam was convinced.

Although losing ten consecutive championships is a pity for Nangong Madam, she does not care too much. Being able to witness the birth of miracles and one more competing opponent is better and more like a heart for Nangong Madam.

No opponent, how come?

Lin Feng, with a total score of 6550, tops the list.

Nangong Madam, with a total score of 4860, is ranked second.

Ouyang Master ranked third, followed by Wang Bo, Bai Yunfei, Hu Nan, and the last one is Pang Hui, a touching 0 score, plus the behavior of Lin Feng in the final. , let Pang will try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off, the reputation fell.

“Lin Feng Master!”

“Lin Feng Master!!”

“Lin Feng Master!!!~”


The neat shouts are ringing in the crowd.

Lin Feng This time is the real name of the world, really isn’t with martial artist’s strength, but as a tool refining division.

“It was unexpected.” Lin Feng smiled and stood on the podium and took the reward from Wang Shi. Although this high-profile is really isn’t what you want, but this time you can win the tool refining division competition, both for yourself and for Lin Clan, there is great benefit!

Own, you will enter the tool refining division, which is one of the few superfluents in the entire human world.

There will always be a buffer zone for the ‘identity problem’ that I have been worried about.

The tool refining division is a fairly reliable and solid backstage.

However, this is just the first stop in the ‘Vermilion Bird’.

Three days later…

Yourself will usher in real challenges.

Face all the experts from the entire Vermilion Bird continent, and fight for it!

The once-in-a-century Vermilion Bird Challenge, the race!

“I am looking forward to it.” Lin Feng blinked bright and shook hands.

I also want to verify the success of cultivating this year, now I am –

Really strong!

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