Chapter 26—The Legend

The outline is clear, it is a totem.

However, the totem was extremely vague and could not clearly see the whole picture.

High grade grade !

In Namam, it is almost unimaginable to refine the high grade grade. Any time the refining is done at random, it is basically ‘top grade grade’. This is the capacity of Nangong Madam, and Vermilion Bird ranks first. Tool refining division.

But this time, it is different.

Not only is there a lot of materials missing, but it is also refining on the eighth floor of the campfire ladder. The difficulty is not too big.

High grade grade, has been rare.

This point, from the surroundings, the burst of exclamation can be heard.

Fully boiling!

Not to mention high grade grade, even if it is only medium grade or even grade, this is a ‘miracle’! Since the record of the Vermilion Bird tool refining division, there has never been a contestant who can successfully refine the eighth floor of the campfire ladder.

Nangong Madam is the first one.

Opened a new chapter in the history of the Vermilion Bird Island tool refining division.

“pā !” “pā !” “pā !~” bursts of applause, the Martial Artist, tool refining divisions are all convinced and applauded for the wonderful performance of Nangong Madam. There is no embarrassment, some only admire and admire, the level of the sole view tool refining division, Nangong Madam has already surpassed the place.

It was Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo who both smiled and clashed, and even even looked at Nangong Madam as the target. Ouyang Master, who is a competitor, did not hesitate to applaud.

They witnessed the birth of a miracle, which is even more incredible than the seventh layer of refining ‘perfect grade’.

Nangong Madam, did it.

Of course…

At this time, the look of Nangong Madam was surprisingly calm, and the eyes were like water, looking straight to Lin Feng.

“It turns out.” Lightly mumble sounded. The mask that flashed in the Surroundings of Namam Madam was almost broken in an instant, complexion stop and change, Namam Madam flashed, leaving the eighth floor, a flash of light in her eyes, but she was no longer able to stay in the eighth Floor.

With the death of Nangong Madam. The crazy bonfire lost its goal and went to Lin Feng.

The sharing of pressure is mutual. Lin Feng used to help Nandam Madam share half of the bonfire. In fact, what about Nangong Madam?

Only now, Nangong Madam’s first heavenly treasure is no longer able to bear it. Otherwise, the character of Nangong Madam will be settled at the end of Lin Feng’s refining. At this moment, it is the real test for Lin Feng, the 100th layer of the bonfire ladder. Suffocating!

“Hey!” “Hey!~” Fire of Rebirth emerged wildly, Lin Feng’s brows were tight, and the sudden change of pressure made the body slammed.

Fortunately, there are red guards. At this moment, the pressure brought by the bonfire is only a small part. However, this change is deeply imprinted in the heart, and Lin Feng is stunned.

“It should be the end of the refinery of Namam Madam.”

“Suddenly boosting the campfire of attack power, Hung Hom may not be able to afford it.”

Lin Feng’s brow was deep, but the refining did not stop.

One heart and two. It is not so difficult for oneself, let alone the tool refining of ‘Feng Yi Tian Xiang’ is deeply imprinted in his heart. At this time, refining is free to move, and when the body experiences comprehend, it has already been perfectly remembered and reached a new level.

“In terms of the current progress, it takes a fragrant time to complete.”

“And red 绫…”

Lin Feng blinked and felt the weakness of the red dragonfly.

As a Contracted Demon Beast, Hung Hom’s physical condition is clear to himself.

Now he is just holding on.

Red dragonfly. It is a real existence with a fleshly body and life.

It is not like a colorful cane guard, as long as the colorful cane is not destroyed, even if it is dead, it can be restored.

Hung Hom, no second time life!

“You can’t let the red dragonfly overdraw the strength.”

“If not, if the body is permanently traumatized, it will cost too much for the red dragonfly.”

Lin Feng looks bright and makes a decision instantaneously.

Even if the refining fails, even if you want to give up the final, you will not let the red dragonfly have any damage.

Some things are lost in the future.

But life, only once!

“Come back, Hung Hom!” Lin Feng blinked and drank.

The call of the heart, as Contracted Demon Beast, has absolute control over Hung Hom.

“Hey!~” The fire flashed, and the red dragonfly screamed in the sky. The huge body of the time seemed to be transparent, and it became a residual image under the attack of the bonfire, disappearing in a blink of time. With the surrounds, everyone was screaming, Lin Feng’s figure was revealed.

“Look, it’s Master Lin Feng!”

“Sure enough, Master Lin Feng is still refining!”

“Maybe Master Lin Feng can also create miracles and successfully refine!”

“Stupid, Lin Feng’s Contracted Demon Beast has been unable to withstand the bonfire, and the refining will fail.”


The sound of the crowd sounded with a burst of light sigh, but it was a pity for Lin Feng.

Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo looked at each other and felt helpless, but they couldn’t help. As the organizers of the conference, they could not destroy the rules. Nangong Madame flashed a minute in her eyes. She was powerless. She didn’t have the first guardian treasure. She couldn’t even hold the flame on the seventh floor of the campfire ladder.

Only Pang will be inadvertently scratched, but it is secretly in my heart.

Lin Feng’s surging style is the heavier blow to his Ponzi family, but it is a good thing.

Gray clothed youth brows slightly wrinkle, double-handed, but suddenly was grasped by White Bearded Old Man.

“What are you doing, Lao Hu.” Gray clothed youth is slightly unhappy.

“No, Young Master, this is destroying rules.” White Bearded Old Man bowed resaiutely.

“Don’t you see him failing?” Gray clothed youth The eyes are heavy, and the golden light on his forehead flashes a scorpion mark.

“I believe he should have a back.” White Bearded Old Man slightly smiled.

“Is it?” Gray clothed youth is dubious.

“Hey.” White Bearded Old Man has a burning eye.

Hey! ~surroundings screams.

Everyone has no big eyes, gaze the eighth floor of the campfire.

Lin Feng, show the divine might!

“Hey!~” “烀!!!~” is a flame that rises flat. Unlike the Lin Feng tool refining flame, this flame is full of violent terrifying aura, as if devouring everything. Permeated outside the body. Collision with the bonfire, there is no faint wind!

Too astonishing!

“Double flame, Lin Feng does cultivating a double flame.” Wang Shi eyes are blooming.

“Deeply hidden, this little brat.” Ouyang Kui sighed very much, “I can match the eighth level of Saint Level’s bonfire with the might. What is this flame? I have never heard of the Phoenix constellation having such astonishing flames. Level, it should be six stars, no doubt. But how is it possible!”

Indeed, hard to imagine!

No matter how special the flame is, the strength of the Star Territory Level can be compared with the Saint Level, which is a bit too ridiculous.

In fact, the six-fold Fire of Devour is already the peak of the Star Territory Level, but it is still not enough to compare with Saint Level strength. Can compete with the eighth layer of bonfire, mainly because of the characteristics of the Fire of Devour, devouring everything flame, devastating strength.

Just as red dragonfly has the same fire immunity. The Fire of Devour of Six Stars is still not on the eighth layer of bonfire, but…

Really want to fight, even faintly can win!

Unfortunately, the Fire of Devour is limited.

It’s not as endless as the Fire of Rebirth, otherwise if Lin Feng needs to summon the red dragonfly to resist.

Of course, only a fragrant time is needed right now!

“Keep it up!” Lin Feng’s eyes are deep, and in the face of tremendous pressure, the mind is even more cohesive.

Yourself. No reason to fail!

Can’t fail!

If not, the suffering of Hung Hom will suffer.

“Hey!” “Hey!” Fire of Rebirth leaped. Like the Fire of Devour outside, it seems that Lin Feng’s flashing eyes are slowly closing. It is also a profound sense of tool refining. The movement has not only declined, but the faintness is quick and concise.

However, the rhythm has not changed and cannot be changed.

It is just one-handed control compared to two-handed control. It looks even more dazzling and changes very fast.

Lin Feng at the moment, walking on the wire again.

There is no retreat, just like walking in the middle of the two hanging ropes, only clench your teeth and go to the end!

“it’s wired.”

“This feeling. There is an inexplicable heart.”

“In the simulation of refining, there has never been such a feeling, what is it…”

“what exactly is it?”

Lin Feng closed his eyes and felt more and more profound.

In the mind, the huge Phoenix emerges, soaring, its wings are bound by two different flames, forming a perfect contrast. At this moment, Lin Feng was completely stunned, with his eyes wide and a glimmer of light, and the watched front seemed to see the ‘Fengyi Tianxiang’ in his heart.

“That’s it!”

“I understand, the essence of Fengyi Tianxiang.”

“Because of the emergence of the Fire of Devour, the Fire of Rebirth was activated, and the characteristics of the hidden depths of Fengyi Tianxiang were inspired!”


Lin Feng’s mouth twitched with a faint smile.

At this moment, refining seems to change as you like, and it becomes completely controlled by the heart.

In the last moment, the Fire of Devour appeared from the outside, set in the palm of your hand, combined with the inexplicable Fire of Rebirth, and the metal material, the temperature control, the rhythm, the timing is perfect. As if this is a kind of ‘fusion’ in itself.

“Hey!~” The light of the light shines, and the two flames miraculously merge.

Surroundings, everyone looked at the stunned, that is, the eyes of Nangong Madam were all shining, and the tall and straight chest was ups and downs. Wang Shi, Ouyang Kuo and others have long been stunned, as if they were turned into statues. Such refining is simply unheard of.

“Peng!~” The sound of the light, like the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound, exudes infinite brilliance.

There is no sound in the surroundings, and only one Phoenix rises and soars in this sky, as if to live.

This moment is more than just a miracle.

Lin Feng, created a legend.


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