The sixth episode of the fourth chapter of the wife who has not passed the door

“I didn’t do my best?” Wang Mu looked at Lin Feng.

“Yes, she is working.” Lin Feng looked stunned.

Others may not feel it, but they are non-stop in the mind.

There are subtle differences in speed and direction.

It seems to be only a little bit, but this ‘a little bit’ is the key.


“I can change the refining skills at will.”

Lin Feng secretly thought, I am deeply impressed.

The tool refining way, there is no bad point, but the woman who is elegant in front of her eyes can change the steps of tool refining at will, and still does not damage the quality of the star.

Technology has already reached its peak.

“I didn’t do my best and I was so powerful. It really didn’t deserve to be the South Palace Madam.” Wang Mu eyes flooded.

“Namong Madam?” Lin Feng yelled at the woman with elegant temperament, sosai surprisingly, “Is she famous?”

Wang Mu is hearing this can not help startled.

With his eyes wide open and staring at Lin Feng for a few seconds, Wang Mu’s look changed. “Lin brother, don’t you even know Nandam’s Madam?”

Lin Feng said with a smile, “I am not familiar with the tool refining division.”

At this time, Wang Mu is more certain that Lin Feng really isn’t the missing tool refining division, said, “Lin brother is frank, even the Nangong Madam does not know, it is a bit ignorant. She is the helm and chief tool refining division of Nangong Family. It is also the most famous tool refining division in Vermilion Bird, which is better than the other two tool refining families.”

“Oh.” Lin Feng nodded. “It turned out that she was born in Nangong Family.”

Vermilion Bird has three tools refining family, but he has heard of Yu Mo. They are Nangong Family, Ouyang Clan and Wangfu.

“Isn’t it said that the three major tools refining the family has no distinction?” Lin Feng doubtedly said.

“It does have its own characteristics.” Wang Mu nodded and said. “Nangong Family is fully developed. The Ouyang clan is the best at refining the star treasures, and our Wangfu is the best at refining the star.” Pointing ahead, Wang Mu is proud. “Hey, Lin brother, you see, that’s my father. ‘Wang Bo’, the last tool refining division of the top three. It is also the first star division of Vermilion Bird.”

Lin Feng laughed, but he didn’t expect that the azure clothed youth he was free to pick up was so big.

No wonder he is so familiar with the tool refining division, it turned out to be a descendant of the palace.

“The first star division.” Lin Feng was scornful and his eyes flashed.

Star Bing, Star A, Star Treasure, Star, tool refining division four branches, each different.

Although the excellent tool refining division must be all four, one is clear. But the tool refining division is harder to understand. For example, Lin Clan, the old refining star treasure and the star is the best, but the best of the refining star in the family is his own father, Lin Biao, and the refining star is the best…

It’s Lin Biaodi!

“I don’t know what he is doing right now.”

“Must be hiding in the dark, planning something.”

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed with a slight concern.

Enemies on the bright side are not terrifying. Terrifying is this kind of poisonous snake hidden in the dark, waiting for the opportunity!

Vermilion Bird.

“Lin Feng, Lin Feng…”

“Is this year very happy, very comfortable?”

“I thought I couldn’t do anything to kill the flood, it was too naive.”

“This time. I see how you die!”

“Hahahaha !!!”

In the darkness, a fierce’s face carries a dense terrifying.

Hatched pupils. Like a goblin, surrounded by deep darkness, Lin Biaodi never gave up revenge.

“Laughing to the end, it must be me.”


As time went by, the refining of the first round of the first round came to an end.

After the successful refining of Nangong Madam, the rest of the level tool refining divisions completed the work one by one. In fact, ninety-nine level tool refining divisions, the tool refining technology is not much different from each other, but some are not good at refining the star.

For example, the master of Ouyang, the Ouyang clan is proficient in the refining of the star treasure, but the refinery of the star warrior is ordinary, only the points of 795, far less than the points of the South Palace Madam 911.

Lin Yan’s play is also not ideal, only get 712 points, slightly less than 1st grade. Even so, it is higher than the average score, and the score of the exculed 60% level tool refining division is in the 600-700 interval, including Lin Yumo, and also gets the 601 score.

For a newcomer, this score is already good.

The second round is Lin Yan’s strengths, and the total score is better than the first round, and it is not much difficulty.

Lin Feng is not idle, although he missed the refining of the first round, but this time himself benefited more. Not only stealing the South Palace Madam, learning the ‘basic’ of the star refining, and dealing with the Wangfu descendant ‘Wang Mu’, I learned a lot of messages during the chat.

Sayong lost his horse and knew that he was not blessed.

“tch 啧, I heard that this ‘Lin Yumo’ is the first beauty of Shiluo County, and it really deserves its name.”

“I didn’t expect it to be a tool refining division. 601 points, it’s really amazing. If you change it, I can’t get 400 points.”

Wang Mu’s eyes were admired with an admiration and looked at Lin Feng. “For Lin Xiong, you are not from Lin Clan. Do you know Lin Yumo? Can you introduce me?”

“Nature is fine.” Lin Feng smiled lightly. “However, she already has the right person.”

“Ah!” Wang Mu startedled, suddenly revealed a depressed expression, “is a flower inserted in the cow dung, I do not know who is so lucky.” Xiaosheng screaming, Wang Mu heart just picked up the flame, suddenly extinguished, Micro low head lightly sigh.

And at this time –

Lin Feng smiled and watched the feathers, the latter is also looking forward to, four eyes opposite.

“Hey!~” The figure flashed, Lin Yumo saw Lin Feng, and he was not happy. At this point, the first round of the game has not yet been completed. After all, the refining of the Stars is more time-consuming than the Star Refining, and many tool refining divisions are still carefully crafted.

“Big Brother Lin!” Lin Yumo smiled and opened like a blooming peony.

She was already a full-time champion, and now it attracts everyone’s attention, including Lin Yan also sees Lin Feng, but smiles helplessly.

“Hey?” Wang Mu startedled. Watched Lin Yu ink rushed to him and slammed. Suddenly reacted to look at Lin Feng, said while being shocked, “Lin brother, you, you…”

“Isn’t that the ‘cow dung’?” Lin Feng smiled and smiled. The face of Wang Mu was red, said hurriedly: “I just talked about it, not that. Lin brother.”

“I know.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

How can you mind these little things?

During the time, Yu Mofei flew into his arms, and the surrounding eyes converge. Lin Feng smiled helplessly, deeply affecting the beauty of the beautiful, and the faint fragrance of the nose. Lin Feng said softly, “I’m watching you, it’s a big crowd.”

Lin Yu ink has a small face, but the heart is just a little forgotten.

“Sorry, Big Brother Lin.” Lin Yu Mo was the first to be shy.

“It doesn’t matter.” Lin Feng slightly smiled, pulling up the soft, boneless little hand. Feel the feathers of the lovable body, and the eyelids flash lightly.

Since the last time I was in the bloodline inheritance, I have already thought about it.

All the time, I owe a promise to Yumo, now –

Just make up.

Hold the small hand of feather ink tightly. Lin Feng looks at Wang Mu, said with a slight smile. “Introduction, this is my unfamiliar wife ‘Yumou’.” Looking down at the face is red like an apple-like feather, Lin Feng said with a smile, “Yu Mo, this is the future of Wangfu, Wang The thin son ‘Wang Mu’.”

“Hello, Miss Yu Mo.” Wang Mu was embarrassed to touch his head.

“En, hello.” Lin Yumo is still a little shy, but it is a bit unpredictable to Lin Feng’s words.

Wife who has not passed the door?

Big Brother Lin is this… is it true?

After a chilling exchange, Wang Mu squinted at Lin Feng and raised his thumb. He was very impressed by Lin Feng. Daddy, Wang Mu snorted, “Lin brother, I just wondered, you are also from Lin Clan, the only empty tool refining station on the stage, the one that didn’t come is also called Lin Feng, it won’t…”

“Yes, it’s me.” Lin Feng didn’t hide it, and smiled lightly. “Because the first time I came to Vermilion Bird, I couldn’t find a way, so I was late.”

“Ah?” Wang Mu’s eyes widened, a little ridiculous.

No, late?

“What do you do now, Big Brother Lin?” Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng and was slightly worried.

Lin Feng laughs, eyes look to the front.

At this point, the last tool refining division also completed the work, scoring 675 points.

“Let’s go, feathers.” Lin Feng’s gaze was so soft that he stepped forward and was surprised by the small mouth. He wanted to ask, but he found that she was still holding hands by Lin Feng. At this point, everyone’s eyes are concentrated on the two, including the judges of the tool refining division and the tool refining division.

“Hey, who is he?”

“How can I pull Lin Yumo’s hand?”

“This is what to do, and somehow enter the playing field.”


Everyone whispered and was very curious.

At this time, the Vermilion Bird Island tool refining division alliance Vice President ‘Ouyang Kuo’, which is responsible for the co-ordination, has stood up.

“The venue, noisy people, etc. are not allowed to enter.” The hair must be gray, but the momentum of Ouyang Kuo is not weak. The Star Territory Level can sit on the position of the Vice President of the Vermilion Bird tool refining division. It is not a leisurely generation. .

“Vice President, he is…” Lin Yu Mo Lian is the explanation, but the words are not finished but interrupted by Lin Feng.

“I am one of the tool refining divisions, Lin Clan ‘Lin Feng ‘.” Lin Feng apologized. “Because I was first born in Vermilion Bird, I was not familiar with it, so I was late for a while, and I hope that Vice President will forgive me.” , Lin Feng eyes flashed watched in front of the old man.

Ouyang Kui’s eyes are cold: “The game has started and it is not allowed to enter.”

Lin Yu ink complexion stop and change, Lin Feng brows lightly twisted, but also a little unexpected.

Behind him, Lin Yan caressed the long beard and smiled. “brat doesn’t know rules. I don’t know if Vice President can look at the old man.”

“This…” Ouyang has a sensation, and he has a good personal relationship with Lin Yan. Moreover, Lin Yan is an honorary elder of the tool refining division and his status is very high. If you don’t agree, it’s not too close to favor, but if you promise, it’s a bit bad.

It’s just hesitation –

“Let him participate.” The voice screamed, like the emptiness of the valley.

Everyone looked at it, only to see an old man with a fairy bone smile, and time to surroundings an absolute silence.

“has seen president!” The tool refining division is respectful.


Lin Feng has a bright eye.

…. )

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