Chapter III Stealing

“This is the campfire ladder.” Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

Just after all the way, I felt the strong Fire Element fluctuations, and now I finally found the source.

It is this huge conical building!

The ellipsoidal diameter of the chassis is exceeding 10,000 meters high.

The rich flames cover everything, one layer after another, layered and stacked, the flames between each layer are different, shining with the colors of various energies. The air is filled with burning aura, and the Fire Element is extremely active and vital.

“It’s still a step late.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

Looking forward, I immediately saw two familiar figures, one is Yan and the other…

It is feather ink.

“everything is fine.”

“In the past year, Yumo seems to have made great progress.”

Lin Feng smiled slightly and watched the feathers and felt a warm heart.

Looking at her tool refining action, I know that this year, Yumo really has a lot of hard skills. Some of the previous flaws, some minor problems have been improved, and their own appearance has not affected her at the moment, the eyes of the exquisite eyes flashing, the fire is boiling, it is full of concentration.

On her right side, Yan is also very focused, the flame is like an elf, and it is grinding the embryo of the Star Warrior.

On the left side alone, a tool refining station is empty.

“Who, even the tool refining division contest is absent?”

“That is to say, it is a waste. The quota that participates in this is that there is no more money.”

“I think it is definitely afraid of being a shame, so I dare not come.”

“This is a good opportunity. tsk tsk, it’s a pity.”


Surroundings The sound of whispering, there is no ban on whispering.

For the tool refining division. ‘Focus’ is the primary condition. If the off-site factor is affected because of a little voice, it is not a qualified tool refining teacher. Lin Feng smiled again and again, but the person that everyone said was obviously himself.

At this time, there are a hundred tool refining stations on the campfire ladder, and there is only one empty one.

Who else can I besides myself?

“I don’t know if there is any room for change.” Lin Feng said lightly.

In fact. Since the return of the thousand snakes, his own interest in this so-called ‘tool refining division contest’ has also been sharply reduced. Before I wanted to participate in the tool refining division competition, it was nothing more than the role of the ‘respected elders’ of the tool refining division. In order to prevent and control the plot of Lin Biaodi, it is necessary to plan ahead.

But now it’s different, now I’m…

There is no need for a tool refining division to protect the league.

“The last time I discussed with 盂Senior, although I still lost. But…”

“If Senior does not control the ‘devil blue war snake’. The strength is only higher than me.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly and his eyes were shining bright.

After engaging in the bloody tiger family Saint Level expert, I first glimpse the Saint Level, and the three-month progress is fast.

Today, I am barely able to play against the Saint Level expert.


Lin Feng looked at the watched empty tool refining station.

If you don’t play, you will probably affect the family’s reputation, and more. I also want to learn from these top tool refining divisions in Vermilion Bird.


Lin Feng eyes is shining, very fast will lock the two.

One left. One right, ranked ninety-nine level tool refining teacher in the center, regardless of dress, look temperament, is located at the head of everyone. Including the majority of Martial Artist’s eyes at this time, they are concentrated on two people, one male and one female, the female’s white dress, elegant temperament; the male’s cluster of green whiskers, hands and fingers wearing a ring.

Hey! Hey! ~ Flames are fluffy, like a dragon dance, the tool refining technique of the two is obviously higher than many others.

That feeling is like making a piece of art.


“Real master.”

Lin Feng eye shining bright, heartbeat accelerates.

Especially the white skirt women, Su Yan’s face seems to not eat human fireworks, but the technology of fire control tool refining is superb, and the fingertips are already completing the refining of ‘sword embryo’. At this time, Yan Lao only completes half.

The gap is appeared!

“Good tool refining technique.” Lin Feng eyes shines.

For the refining of the Star Warrior, I have never tried it. In fact, apart from the Star Treasure, the refining of the Star Warrior, the Star A, and the Stars are all ignorant. I only heard about Yu Mo, but I only talked about it on paper. I know some theoretical knowledge. I have never had a real refining.

“Oh?” Lin Feng looked around all around, slightly surprised.

Ninety-nine tool refining divisions, two-thirds of which are refining the Stars, and the remaining one-third are refining the Stars.

No one is refining a star treasure or a star.

this is……

“Hello, I want to ask, why no one refines the Star Treasure?” Lin Feng asked to aside an azure clothed youth.

Azure clothed youth turned his head and looked at Lin Feng up and down, said with a smile, “just arrived, friend?”

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Azure clothed youth gaze at the bonfire ladder and whispered, “The rules of the tool refining division will change every year. Only the first quarter of the game will know the content. The first round of this year is a two-round refinement. One round is refining the 1st layer on the campfire, and the Star Soldier A is one of them, so…”

“As you can see now.” Azure clothed youth points to the front.

“It turns out.” Lin Feng nodded.

It’s no wonder that all the participating tool refining divisions are star-studded except for the refining of the stars.

“So… I am late but it is a good thing?” Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

If I am on the stage at this moment, I am afraid it will become a ‘smiley handle’. No matter whether the star soldier is also good or a star, it will not be refining at all.

and many more!

The first round, two rounds of refining?

“This Xiongtai, that dare to ask the second round of refining is…” Lin Feng is good surprisingly.

“The second round is the second choice of Star Treasures. It is also an optional work, refining the 2nd layer in the campfire.” Azure clothed youth indifferently said, “The first round of refining is not limited, but every round It can only be refined once, and the grade and quality of the work are rated as standard. The scores of the two rounds plus the scores of the previous submissions are the first round of total scores.”

“The top 30 tool refining division, advanced second round.” Azure clothed youth smiled. “As for the second round of rules, it will not be announced until the end of the first round.”

“It turns out that.” Lin Feng blinked and understood, “many thanks Xiongtai.”

“Little things.” Azure clothed youth slightly smiled, reaching out, “Give a friend, 邯非郡千罗门’ Wang Mu’.”

Lin Feng reached out and held it. Said with a smile , “Lin Clan ‘Lin Feng ‘.”

“Lin Clan, Lin Feng, Shiro County…” Wang Mu brows lightly. The index finger touched the nose. “How is the name so familiar, where did you hear it?” Indecisive, Wang Mu thought again and again. Eyes are constantly changing. Time


“I remembered!”

“There is one in the list of tool refining divisions that seems to be called ‘Lin Feng’, it won’t…”

Wang Mu startedled looking at Lin Feng, just want to speak, but see Lin Feng eyes bright light flashing, transmitting a minute of aura. The momentum of the whole person is completely different from the one just now, and it is possible to sense to the forced strength, especially the eyes of the starlight. It seems as if you want to suck people in.

“Possibly… is the name.” Wang Mu’s heart trembled and turned his head.

This black clothed youth. Too strange!

Lin Feng, at this time is entering the state of self.

Such a good opportunity, how can you not cherish it, the ninety-nine people in front of you, gathered at the top of the Vermilion Bird continent, the level of tool refining division!

Every tool refining division is almost the backbone of each tool refining division, and they all have unique skills.


she was!

“The original star soldiers were refining in this way.”

“It is completely different from Star Treasure. Star Treasure pays attention to speed, the faster the action, the simpler the treatment can play the biggest energy of Star Treasure.”

“But the star soldiers, but they need to ‘temperate’, really isn’t say not to pay attention to speed, but tempering is more important.”

“Thousands of hammers and sorrows, it will become a weapon!”


Deep insight is in the tool refining of Nangong Madam, and Lin Feng is completely caught in it.

Stealing the teacher!

Every movement, detail, and flame control is perfect. In the mind, the simulation is constantly being practiced, and Lin Feng is now in the state. Nangong Madam’s tool refining skills are too pure essence, just like martial arts cultivating to the extreme, no half-divided.

Each action is a template, like a textbook.

At this moment, most of the Martial Artists are staring at the Nangong Madam tool refining, which is really unreasonable.

Who doesn’t want to learn from the middle half?

Even if it is a point, it will benefit a lot.

Normally, I would like to ask the South Palace Madam tool refining is difficult, let alone witness the entire tool refining process!

Hey! Hey! ~

Lin Feng is deeply remembered.

The stars and the stars are the fourth layer, and the ‘ability’ effect under the self-state is much better than before.

Xing Wei, the ability is ‘simulation’; the star sky, the ability is ‘comprehend’; after the self-state strengthening, from the first eyelid to the top grade eyelid, the ability to exert the effect is ten times, both Collocation, called heaven defying.

Coupled with Lin Feng’s powerful ‘fire control’ technique, it can be said that the stealing is perfect.

Every action of Nangong Madam, every skill, is printed in the eyelids and then repeated in the mind.

Study again and again, comprehend!

Great harvest!

“Star soldiers refining.”

“This is the refining of the Star Soldier.”

“It’s perfect.”


Lin Feng eyes bright light Hey, as time goes by, the refining of Nangong Madam has come to an end.

“Peng!” The crisp sound of bursting, the thick flame of light bind in the void, two giant dragons mingling with each other, and the white light in the middle is shining, it is a sword with a scabbard, the light is radiating all around The astrology is clear!

Hey! ~surroundings A screaming sound, everyone’s eyes are completely lit.

“Sword name ‘Shuanglong’.” Nangong Madam’s elegant voice rang, the first to complete refining.

Top grade grade !

One shot is the top grade grade.

And it is done in the campfire ladder, the ground level star soldiers!

“Great, really worthy of my idol ‘Namong Madam.'” Wang Mu clenched his fist and praised him deeply. It is easy to refine the top grade grade of the human ranks, but the geostellar soldiers are really isn’t so easy, not to mention in such a short period of time.

“She, have not done their best.” Lin Feng eyes Twilight disappeared, lightly open.

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