Finally Come

Chapter 830

Chapter 832 The Blade of Allegiance to the Sun【gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 832: The Blade of Allegiance to the Sun [gogo! come on! 】

Long Key didn’t speak, and the space was distorted again, but this time the distorted position was a little far away, and the spiral nest in the space was very huge.

In the next second, a huge black-gray Kryptonian battleship with a size of several kilometers landed from the sky with a thud, Long Key slowly walked in, and Zod followed closely behind.

The Kryptonian battleship is very huge, and Long Key has been familiar with the road because he has been here a long time ago and has bugs with eyes.


Through the steel plate, Long Key saw that there were actually two Kryptonian corpses in the dormant warehouse on the third floor. They seemed to be dressed as scientific researchers. Maybe because of the previous battle, they had been on the spacecraft before they died before coming to Earth. , But it is just right. It may take a long time for a Zord to do this kind of thing. Someone will help estimate that the time will be shortened a lot.

The golden rays of light converged again. The two Kryptonians were far less powerful than General Zod. They didn’t spend much time and effort. The two thick bones were implanted with new souls, and the two Kryptonians also arrived. Long Yao bowed deeply in front of him.

“Praise the sun…” “The eternal sun guides us…”

Long Yao looked at the three of them, but he was quite satisfied.

The ethnic consciousness has changed. Dissatisfied with the previous Kryptonian population consciousness, Long Key thought of the Protoss Protoss Warriors in StarCraft.

The warriors of the Protoss are a group of extremely loyal, arrogant and fanatical people. They believe in their beliefs and fight for it. Every Protoss has a special power, and this power connects each one. The brains of the Protoss warriors, their fighting consciousness, and their emotions are connected. This special psionic light is called Kara.

The same dragon key implanted Kara into the souls of the Kryptonians. With Kara, not only could he control every Kryptonian by himself, but also their combat power would be even more terrifying because of the connection between them. It feels a bit similar to Six Paths.

The population consciousness has not only changed this point. The Kryptonians’ combat effectiveness is quite strong. Long Key does not deny this. However, the Kryptonians have two of the most deadly shortcomings. The first Kryptonite is not a concern, except Outside of the DC world, there are no such stones in other worlds, but Long Key still wants to go in. The body structure of the newly born Kryptonians has changed slightly, and they will no longer be afraid of Krypton stones.

The second point is the source of Kryptonian power, the so-called stellar heat energy, which is the sun.

As long as the sun’s radiation and heat are shining, the Kryptonians will continue to grow stronger, even reaching the level of 3S, 4S, and 5S, but what about where there is no sun? Once the heat in the body is exhausted, they cannot replenish it, and without the sun, their body cannot become stronger.

Kara makes up for this shortcoming. No matter which one of the three souls of the Dragon Key has a close relationship with the sun, it can be said that the Dragon Key itself is a sun, and Kara can transmit the heat and radiation of the sun through the Dragon Key. On the body of no Kryptonian, and the body changed, the sun with Dragon Key was not an ordinary sun ray.

The Kryptonians may change abnormally. At that time, the strength of Dragon Key is unknown, but it will be much stronger than the original Kryptonians. The most important thing is General Zod, he and Dragon Key. There is a contract factor between his growth and Dragon Key, and his potential is far beyond that of ordinary Kryptonians. Long Key believes that this race will become a sharp edge in his hands in the future.

“You should also understand the current situation of the Kryptonians. The three of you are the only Kryptonians left today… So, Zod, go to the South Pole and cultivate more Kryptonians…”

After Long Key finished speaking, he glanced at the three of them at last, and then left the spaceship directly.

“!” Zod whispered softly as he watched Long Key’s leaving figure.The ethnic consciousness given by Dragon Key is not only the fanatical and loyal Protoss. Perhaps there is a reason for the Elf King’s contract. Kryptonians may have some high elf characters. They will become very arrogant and domineering, but for the sun’s Glory will be even crazier.

In their memory, the Kryptonians were created by the Dragon Key, and all the solar power in them and the sacred Kara came from the Dragon Key. Later, the Kryptonians were destroyed and they were in exile. Desperate, begging for the sun’s rays countless times.

In the end, their creator, the God of the Kryptonians, did not abandon them. He gave them new life, gave them new goals and glory, and the Kryptonians will get a new life and will fight side by side with their creator.

Dragon Key did not modify Zod’s character. Zod was originally a person who values ​​the glory and mission very seriously. With the addition of the character of the Protoss and some blood elves, this kind of glory is more important than before, but this The so-called glory is Dragon Key’s command. You must complete all the commands issued by Dragon Key without hesitation. You must not fail! If he fails, his honor will be contaminated.

Zod stood up and looked at the two kinsmen behind him, unable to restrain the enthusiasm and joy in his heart: “Our God has not given up on us, the extinct Kryptonians are reborn again! Our Kryptonians will be in the great light. New glory is ushered in under the shining light, in the name of daylight!”

“Allegiance to the Sun Blade!”

The other two Kryptonians couldn’t control their emotional madness and shouted at their general. General Zod originally had a high prestige among the Kryptonians.

Their god is the light in the light is the sun, and the name of the sun blade is not something anyone can call it. In their memory, only the most powerful being among the Kryptonians is qualified to be the sun blade.

The Kryptonians are sad…they are annihilated…the powerful Kryptonians are annihilated! !

Now they have new lives and new opportunities, but only three Kryptonians still make them feel sad. For this reason, they have to re-birth more Kryptonians, and they need to give more to their gods. glory.

Even so, after all, Dragon Key regarded the Kryptonians as a fighting race, so he also added some other things, a kind of cruel ritual…

A ritual called Rakhill, a cruel and bloody chain of ascension.

All Kryptonians will operate in a strict hierarchical system called the “chain of upgrading.” Everyone must obey their superiors. Every Kryptonian is a link in the chain. The entire society is through the chain of survival of the fittest. To ensure the overall strength, the elimination is carried out through the Lakshir ritual, which is equivalent to a death match. Once a duel is initiated, unless one party is dead, the battle will never stop.

Members of the low promotion seat can challenge the senior members to kill the latter in Rakhill to obtain their position. Regardless of your background or background, you can be promoted as long as you pass the ritual.

In the Lakhill ritual, other warriors can take their place in battle, and there is more than one person. There is no limit on the number or rank of the battle ritual. Others will either fight with you or fight each other. Some rituals are a one-on-one death fight. In some ceremonies, each side has thousands of warriors and fights on the battlefield.

This method can not only ensure the strength of the single combat, but also test the commander ability of the Kryptonian himself. After all, if you are not absolutely obedient to you, how can you be willing to help.

Although this method is cruel, it can ensure that the Kryptonians’ racial power is getting stronger and stronger. After being promoted to the first person in the promotion chain, it does not mean that they are the most powerful people of the Kryptonians. There is a title, that is, the high-ranking lord of the Kryptonians.

Once the high-ranking lord is defeated and the title of the high-ranking lord is captured, he will also receive the title of ‘Sun Blade’.

Imagine that the Kryptonians are so enthusiastic about the Dragon Key, and they must have a crazy desire for the name “Blade of the Sun”.

The most important thing is that I will not be like a miscellaneous fish in the future, but will have extremely compelling slogans. For example, I am the first person in the chain of Kryptonians’ promotion. , As the gods of the Kryptonians, their subordinates are so pretending to be so forceful… their own force is even higher…

Maybe…this is the real idea of ​​Long Key…probably…

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