Finally Come

Chapter 829

Chapter 831 God of Kryptonians [gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 831 God of Kryptonians [gogo! come on! 】

The DC world is considered a relatively high-level world. Originally, it was just a movie world that was not high-level, but because of the intervention of a certain senior sister, some comic plots were mixed, and even the power of Cifer’s 7S level appeared.

Like the Marvel world, the dragon key that was originally a smuggler is not so simple and integrated. The difference is because of Luo Huo, and his identity has become the road Cifer of that world, so as long as you get to the DC world, use the road Cifer. According to the identity rules of the aboriginal people, the Dragon Key can directly integrate the will in a short time.

Now that all the Chakra power in the Hokage world has been absorbed, the three souls have been awakened initially and it is 80% effective. In addition to the power of the dragon that is not yet complete, spend some time in this world to add the power of this world, and when the DC is merged, the dragon key believes , His strength has reached at least 7S elementary, even intermediate, much more stable than the original half-step 7S road Cifer.

Speaking of the DC world, Long Key couldn’t help showing a strange thought. You must know that General Zod’s body still exists in his own alien space, as well as the Kryptonian spacecraft. Long Key’s eyes lit up, as if thinking of something. thing.

With the existence of the three souls, you can use three different self-contracts for three existences. The part of the Elf King contract is naturally the fucking second-class trash knight Odin, but after he left Hokage, Odin seemed to be Disappeared, and the Elf King’s contract was gone. Instead, there was an egg in his body that was blazing flames, and Long Key felt that he had a connection with that egg.

It seemed that he thought of the identity of the hapless elven prince of the Elf King, and Long Key suddenly thought that when he was still the Elf King, there seemed to be a loyal phoenix named Ao next to him? To say that the Phoenix Dragon Key had to feel a touch of warmth even if it was a memory.

It was a little phoenix who was born and grew up to accompany the prince at the same time. Even in the most dangerous and desperate moment, the little phoenix has never left the prince a step, thinking of the phoenix egg braving the flames, Dragon Key’s heart Thinking about how to hatch it too.

However, now in this world, it seems that he can cultivate a bunch of Kryptonians? Isn’t there still that spaceship? But this seems to be a complicated process, but fortunately, I seem to have a lot of time.

“Well… let’s contract General Zod first. Which part should I use, Lu Cifer? This guy is not a demon… Donghuang? This guy is not a monster… Elf king? This guy is not an elf. …”

Suddenly Long Key was stunned. You must know that if you don’t make a contract like this, the living beings can’t be called out to other worlds to follow him so easily.

“Forget it, just the Elf King, but it seems that some minor modifications need to be made. After all, the Kryptonians are a bunch of pretty good men.”

Saying that it was a change, it was actually better to say that it was adding some other things. After all, the original General Zod was dead, and there was no soul left. Now even if he is resurrected, it is the new soul and new life given by the dragon key.

“Others don’t need to be changed. First of all, as the owner who made them gave them new life, their own identity and the memory of their status need to be changed. Then, the so-called ethnic consciousness also needs to be changed. The ethnic consciousness of the original Kryptonians is really It’s so fucking.”

“However, if the ethnic consciousness is modified, it is completely different from the previous Kryptonians? It doesn’t matter. Since I have given a new life to them, they are not the original Kryptonians anymore, whether it is race, memory, or power.”

The space slowly distorted, and the body of General Zod appeared in front of Long Key just as it did when he died.”A little more serious… after all, this guy needs a contract to resurrect.”

For a long time, Long Key did not show such a look, Long Key took a little serious, the next moment, all the power of the world plus the power of rules was condensed by Long Key in his hand, once the golden light hits like a pulse shape The body of General Zod.

Then, the original corpse began to tremble, and the amplitude became larger and larger. The golden ions completely wrapped the body of General Zod. The powerful force slowly revived the body of this Kryptonian, and new things were formed in his body. soul..

At this moment, all creatures with supernatural powers in this world were lying on the ground. They felt this power that they could not resist. They lay down, bowed down, and pleaded, hoping that the will of the gods could not. Penetrate their hearts.

“it’s time.”

“The eternal soul hidden deep in the body…”

Making gestures with unknown ancient characters, the power of the well of eternity in Long Key’s body radiated out. The next moment, Long Key took a step forward and approached General Zod, his palm pressed slightly against the opponent’s chest. Whispered: “Wake up!”

As the golden rune contract entered the body of General Zod, General Zod was given a new life at this moment!


General Zod roared, the thermal vision in his eyes formed two rays of light that rushed to the sky uncontrollably.

That new force made this Kryptonian completely unable to control himself, and the Kryptonian was an extremely powerful race.

The golden light slowly scattered, and General Zod slowly descended to the ground, looking at the man beside him who was smiling and looking at him wearing a white gold shading coat.

The power of Long Key has not completely faded, his body is exuding the power of the horrible sun, and the light is shining on the body of the Kryptonian in front of him. At this moment, looking at the other party, General Zod’s eyes burst out of unprecedented enthusiasm.

“Praise the sun…. The light in the great light… Even in the darkest moments of the Ten Thousand Years being exiled, I can still feel that your light protects the hearts of all Kryptonians… We were exiled… Now, as the military commander of the Kryptonians, I can once again serve the great Creator. This inner joy makes me unable to calm down.”

At this moment, General Zod was wearing not the armor, but the inner armor, which was thinner like Superman. The black inner armor reflected the strong body of General Zod, and he was kneeling in front of Long Key.

Looking at the fanatical General Zod in front of him, Long Yao’s smile suddenly stopped.

Hearing the words praising the sun, and I don’t know why, Long Yao suddenly wanted to say: “Big brother, do you want to spread the fire?”

But Long Key still held back, after all, this was something he had made, and if he complained about it, he would be a little bit fucked. ..

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