Finally Come

Chapter 778

Chapter 780 Seven Tails Jinchūriki【gogo! come on! 】

Kakuzu ignored the frightened little girl in front of him, but looked to his right side. Seven vague figures have long stood on the canopy of tall ancient trees looming in the clouds and a hundred meters away from Kakuzu. In the next second, these seven figures appeared around Kakuzu almost simultaneously, surrounding him! Two Jōnin, five Genin, plus the girl before it happened to be two Shinobu teams.

Kakuzu remained motionless on the spot, but his naturally drooping hands had changed color, and his skin began to harden! There was a gurgling sound from his sleeve, while Kakuzu’s dark green eyes stared at the seven people in front of him, and then a thin man wearing Takinin forehead protector emerged from the soil.

There are now a total of nine Takinin. This skinny Takinin’s hands slowly gathered two chakra groups. These two Chakra groups slowly crawled up with the iron chain wrapped around the man’s arm, the iron chain wrapped in blue. The presentation is really good.

“Wearing such a pretense, Chakra is just a little bit…” Long Key slightly glanced at a few ninjas in Takinin Village, and then stopped looking.

“Huh.” Kakuzu frowned slightly, his hands slowly turning iron black, and his skin hardened.

No one moved. After a few seconds, the skinny Takinin began to talk.

“It seems that a very special visitor came to our village today, but our wanted database does not contain your information. Before our grand welcome ceremony officially begins, please tell me your name.”

“I’m really disappointed, now Taki Shinobu is like you talk nonsense…”

“It’s still so arrogant when you die, even though I was curious just now about the purpose of your return… But now this is not the point… The important thing is that you can never…” Seeing Kakuzu not selling him Account, let his painstaking appearance turn into a joke, he couldn’t help but shoot.

“I have to add one more sentence. The strength is poor! How bad it is to hide!” The Jōnin who rushed up was instantly punched by Kakuzu. Kakuzu’s hardened fist was not a joke, it was vaguely visible. A rib came out from behind, and the knocked-out Jōnin was lying on the ground and vomiting blood blisters. That rib should have checked his lungs before going out. Seeing that this guy was determined to survive.


Quickly retracted the right fist, and then slammed the retracted right fist to the ground forcefully. The surface centered on Kakuzu’s fist split like a spider web, and then a few black blood vessels immediately moved from the angle of the wrist. The middle stretched out and quickly penetrated into the ground. At the same time, Kakuzu’s left hand was thrown to the position behind him like lightning. chain.

The black blood vessels instantly entangled in three places in the air behind Kakuzu, firmly binding something hidden in the air.

After that, Kakuzu pulled his right hand out of the area, one limb was tied up by countless slender black blood vessels, and his face was blue. Wearing this yellow earth-colored ninja costume, a Takinin village ninja was pinched from the ground by Kakuzu’s neck. The middle Liangen pulled out, followed by a wave of his hand, and the poor Takininmura ninja screamed and wailed and was thrown into the air.

Along with a long parabola disappeared into the woods, when he landed, his head and body formed a weird angle. Obviously, he couldn’t die anymore. At the same time, Kakuzu’s back was tightly entangled by black lines. The air of Takino was violently twisted, and three constantly struggling and twisting Takininmura ninjas appeared. One of them pulled out the Short Sword from his waist, intending to cut off the blood vessels tied to him. Raising his hand, his wrist was pierced by another black thread.And all these actions are almost completed in the blink of an eye.

In the next second, Kakuzu flung the three ‘invisible people’ behind him easily, just like this, two Jōnin and three Chūnin were easily solved by Kakuzu.

“It deserves to be Beidou. It really is the one with the richest combat experience among the members of the organization.” Seeing this scene, Long Key, who was hidden in the different space, slightly admired it.

On the other side of Takinin Village, when I saw the scene just now, the only remaining Jōnin and the other two Chūnin were trembling with fright. They lived in the closed Takinin Village these years. Where have they seen them? Such a fierce human being, is this really a human being?

However, the mental quality of that Jōnin is obviously much higher than that of the two Chūnins. He hurriedly took out a flare and launched it into the sky, while Kakuzu stood calmly in front of a few people, standing proudly on his own, and did not stop it at all. The meaning of Takinin.

However, in two minutes, a large number of Takininmura ninjas appeared in front of Kakuzu, and Kakuzu also greeted the ninjas who attacked from all directions. All of a sudden, various blades, ninjutsu, and several agility. The shadow of Kakuzu killed Kakuzu from various positions, and there was a violent bombardment around him.

Kakuzu’s figure looks heavy but as agile as a dragonfly, wandering easily among the crevices of each attack, enjoying the thrill of blood and death passing by.

At the same time, the iron fists and flying legs on the body always strike at the right amount of lightning. In the smoke and dust, accompanied by the screams of killing pigs, one after another, like a cannonball, flew out in different directions, and some hit the ground and pointed at it. Some of them flew into the woods.

“Earth Style. Iwaja prison!”

Seven Tails Jinchūriki, who was a little far away from the battlefield, saw that Kakuzu was busy dealing with the cannon fodder and hurriedly set up the seal. Just after the voice, several strangely shaped and strange giant stones appeared suddenly in all directions and under his feet. Kakuzu just dodges a series of cutting tools and forbearance. The attack of the magic technique kicked a ninja who was fighting with him. Unsuspectingly, the whole person was trapped inside by dozens of huge rocks. The huge gap between the rocks seemed to be full of life and tacit understanding. They bite each other, and within a short period of time, a huge cage was formed.

“Earth Style. Sarcophagus imprisoned.” “Earth Style. Yellow Spring Marsh.”

What are the advantages of Jinchūriki? Of course, it’s the amount of Chakra. The previous Earth Style was like an advanced step in the prison. The caster himself must constantly release Chakra to maintain this ninjutsu. This requires a huge amount of Chakra to maintain, even if it is ordinary. Jōnin can’t use this Earth Style, but Seven Tails as Jinchūriki doesn’t need to worry about this problem at all. The special ability that Seven Tails brings to him can easily turn soil into rock.

Seven Tails Jinchūriki’s hands were fastened separately, and after finishing at the same time, he snapped his hands together, and slapped heavily to the ground.

The huge concealed ball on the ground immediately began to compress sharply. The volume of the stone ball decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it made a clicking sound. At the same time, the dozen meters below the concealed ball began to liquefy rapidly, a few seconds Within time, it turned into a sticky swamp with bubbles, and the goal that wrapped Kakuzu began to sink quickly.

“I thought you were so powerful. It turned out to be just an idiot who relied on physical skills. Now you have become a mass of rotten flesh. It is also your honor to die in my hands. You will disappear forever. !”

The girl in the off-white clothes laughed arrogantly, thinking that she was Jinchūriki, but she always thought she was invincible. ..

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