Finally Come

Chapter 777

Chapter 779: The Once-Taki Shinobi【gogo! come on! 】

The fog grew thicker and thicker, and soon Kakuzu’s tall figure disappeared in the misty forest, and the figure of Dragon Key followed Kakuzu into the forest.

Kakuzu walked unhurriedly with his hands behind his back. Suddenly the body shape suddenly one side!

“Swish swish!!”

With the sound of cutting through the air, Misachi Kunai flew close to Kakuzu’s face and nailed to the ground! At the same time, the ball of soil that emerged from the ground firmly bound Kakuzu’s feet! Kakuzu, who was still carrying his hands at this time, looked calm and composed.

“Ha! Quite calm, it’s really exciting to see an intruder, don’t worry, I will cut you into pieces and put you in a body bag after you die, ha…hahaha. …”

The arrogant voice of a young girl echoed in the air, accompanied by contemptuous laughter.


Kakuzu, who was still carrying his hands on his back, looked slantingly in the direction of the sound.

“Earth Style. Thousand Strangles!!”

The ground around Kakuzu suddenly deformed, and the normal ground surface split immediately, and soil cones about ten centimeters in diameter drilled out of the ground, and then rapidly became thicker and longer, and at the same time, the sky and the ground were rolled over at an angle. ! However, rows of sharp and terrifying barb teeth suddenly appeared on the surface of the originally normal soil cones, and they attacked Kakuzu from all directions at the same time with a thunderous force. There was no way that Kakuzu was cut into one. Pile of minced meat will never stop!

Kakuzu’s face did not change, his brows wrinkled slightly, and he suddenly raised a hand, and countless black threads flew out from his sleeves and neck. Each bunch of black threads was quickly wrapped in a cone of soil, and he would attack. And all the soil cones to the point were wrapped up firmly and firmly!

Kakuzu’s dark green eyes shrank suddenly, and at the same time, with the sound of countless cracking sounds, all the cones that attacked him were torn apart by these incredible black lines, and they were scattered on the ground.

In the mist, a graceful figure appeared. A thirteen-year-old girl with a short green shawl and a capable gray-white tight-fitting forbearance suit. She is pretty long, but the evil expression and the unreasonable moves she just made are very appropriate to show her. It’s definitely not kind.

When Long Key saw this girl, he smiled.. It was really easy. It seems that Taki Ninja Village really thought that he had nothing to do with the world, and that he had lived in peace for too long, and he actually took Seven Tails. Jinchūriki just put it at the door.

“Good skill… this is interesting. So far no one has survived this trick after being controlled by me, but it’s good, I’ll be very unhappy if it ends all at once…but It’s the first time I have seen your weapon, hehe, what a weird black line…wait…the black line is…your blood vessel?!”

After the black thread cut off all the soil pillars that had struck it, it quickly wrapped around the soil ball wrapped around Kakuzu’s feet, and cut it quickly. In the blink of an eye, yellow soil was scattered all over the ground.Kakuzu retracted all the blood vessels, and the black blood stains on the ground confirmed the little girl’s thoughts. Kakuzu still held back his hands and stared at her blankly.

“The blood vessels actually cut off my strengthened soil cones and soil balls… It’s really weird ninjutsu… Hehe… But it’s okay, if it’s killed all at once, it would be too boring. NS.”

The little girl’s surprised expression flashed by, and then she smiled more evilly, but in a blink of an eye, she was suddenly startled, and her red eyes shrank involuntarily!

Because she could clearly see the forehead protector on the forehead of the tall man opposite—Takinin forehead protector with a deep scratch! ! !

“You…you are Takinin…and…and you…”

The arrogance and self-confidence on the face of the white-clothed green girl was completely gone. At this moment, she could even feel her teeth trembling uncontrollably! When she saw the opponent’s forehead protector clearly, she realized how terrifying the strength of the black masked man she faced was!

Because the age of this forehead protector has reached a shocking level, there is no gloss at all, and the sign of the waterfall in Takinin Village is almost polished, but this is not the reason for her fear, the one on the side of the forehead protector The Shinobi number with numerous zero prefixes is what makes this girl feel scared.

Although Takinobu is now declining, there is still information about the village’s glory days. Those Takinin forehead protectors prefixed with a few zeros are only known to the high-level staff or elite Shinobu of Takigakura. It is essentially different from the forehead protector in the current village in terms of meaning.

Now most of the children in the village can wear the forehead protector of Takinin Village as long as they have mastered the basic ninjutsu and performed a very simple dragon set task, and become the so-called “ninjutsu”.

However, in Sengoku and Takiguru during the First World War, the ninjas of Takigakura who wore Takinin forehead protector were all superb. Even the Genin at that time was much stronger than most Chūnin now, because the Takinin at that time The village has strict requirements for the qualification of wearing forehead protector, and the cruelty of its training is more terrifying than Kirigakure, which is famous for its blood mist.

Because of such strict regulations, there were few people in Takiguru Village at that time, and Takinobu who could wear a forehead protector was even rarer.

Therefore, all Takinin who can successfully obtain the forehead protector are elites, very powerful and cruel, but this also makes Takinin strong at that time, and Takinin’s punishment for the rebellion in the village at that time is very unsympathetic and unrelenting. fast.

In the impression of the girl in white, as long as the Shinobu of Takinin Village who defected during World War I, no one has ever escaped Takinin Anbu alive.

And now the one standing in front of her, wearing a large black robe with red clouds, wearing a Takinin forehead protector, and a black mask, only reveals two strange dark green eyes. The mysterious rebel who uses blood vessels as a weapon is actually alone. One person dared to sway into Takigakura Village, so that even a fool would understand that if there is no super strength as a backing, then he would definitely not dare to be so arrogant!

The expression and inner state of the girl in white are all captured by Kakuzu without any omission, but for Shinobu, any moment of negligence is fatal. If Kakuzu wants it, it only takes a moment and can be easily taken away. The life of this little girl who doesn’t know the height of the sky, but he didn’t do it. Maybe he teamed up with Hidan for a long time. He also got the kind of fear of death that he wanted to experience before the death of the prey.

In fact, these are not the most important. Although the girl in front of him is very strong, it is not impossible for Kakuzu to balance her in a short period of time. However, if he kills the other party in such a simple way, wouldn’t it be impossible? Mean?

Besides, isn’t there the Fujiki clan guy over there? Master Key called the other party to hone, and it’s not impossible to give the other party a chance. Anyway, I’ve caught Niu Jinchūriki. I hope Hidan that idiot can act fast. Some, don’t be too slow behind that team. ..

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