Finally Come

Chapter 440

Chapter 441 Iron Man Tony Starrk【go!go! Come on! 】

Chapter 441 Iron Man Tony Starrk【go!go! Come on! 】

“You are?”

Tony looked at the man in front of him who was almost completely inhuman, frowning. Although the aura on him was so mild and bright, but I don’t know why, Tony always had a bad feeling. It seemed that everything on his body was affected. The other party knows.

“Tony Starrk, or Iron Man, I’m right.”

Long Key looked at Tony straightly, as if he was about to see through this person.

“How is it?”

That feeling is getting stronger and stronger, Tony is a sensitive person, some can’t stand Long Key’s gaze.

“What did you come to the Vatican for?”

Long Yao retracted that gaze, only slightly released some power, Long Yao suddenly felt a kind of inexplicable pressure, that was the resistance of the world to him as an outsider.

“I’m just here to visit, are you the new archbishop? You are really young.”

“Don’t be rude! This one is…”

“Paul…” “Yes… Your Highness… It’s really rude…”

Long Key smiled and looked at Tony, and suddenly made Tony a little frightened. Tony just saw what Long Key meant. He just wanted to put out his identity, but the Pope underestimated this genius, but it was okay. Stopped when Long Yao made a sound in time.

“Me… I’m just an ordinary church member.”

Ordinary church member? Who are you here? !

Tony thought with a bit of a chill. From his attitude just now, he can confirm that even the Pope’s status is not as good as the young man in front of him, Your Highness? How could the prince of any country be respected by the pope, and…now in the 21st century…what kind of prince…

“Let’s change the subject, Tony, it doesn’t matter if you call you like this.”

“I do not mind.”

Tony shrugged.

“Do you believe in the existence of God in this world?”

Long Key’s tone changed and became very flat.

But it was this plainness that made Tony a little nervous.

“God? I’m sorry, I’m not a believer. I don’t know if there is any, but I don’t believe in it. My hobby is nothing more than studying technology.”

Looking at the old men around him, Tony knew that if the existence of God was denied in this place in the center of the church, no matter whether God existed or not, these old men would definitely eat themselves.

“Tony…. Your Highness is really sorry…”

Solan looked at Tony nervously, but God was standing in front of you…

“It doesn’t matter Solan, God… this title is indeed very illusory. It is precisely because the world has never contacted or seen it before that it will hold a negative attitude towards this time.Tony, Starrk, your future is very interesting. Guy Ert’s Norse mythology seems to be coming soon, but those remote little guys…hehe…are they gods…”

“Solan, Mr. Tony’s sightseeing in the Vatican is up to you. Don’t let our Kairen feel any dissatisfaction.”

Under Tony’s unbelievable gaze, Long Key’s figure slowly changed into a spiral nest and disappeared in front of him.

Solan sighed and pulled Tony away, who was still in a daze. The Pope and Peter looked directly at the direction that Solan and Tony went out.

Tony was still a little sluggish when he went out. Suddenly he reacted and grabbed Solan excitedly: “My God, you have already mastered the space teleportation technology? But there was no portal just now. What is it? What material is it? What structure and what substance is it as the carrier of transmission?”

“Tony, calm down… calm down… we don’t have the skills of the Master. Then you can relax.”

I really don’t understand, Solan has a headache, he is not knowing why Long Key suddenly pays attention to Tony.

“I wanted to ask just now. I didn’t ask anything at the time. Who were the relatives of that year? Why are you old men so respectful to a young man?”

young people? Solan is a bit speechless. According to valid records, this one has existed for more than 800 years. If they are really younger than their grades, they are just babies…

“This is the top secret of the church, but as your friend Tony, I hope you will remember what the person said just now. It should be related to you.”

“Nordic? Guy Ert? God?”

Tony murmured…

This is a technological society, and the word god is like a word only found in feudal society. Tony doesn’t understand what these words are.

But forget it… Now that he is in the Vatican, Tony plans to really relax again.

At this time, Long Key was looking at a document in a secret room.

Some newspapers on the information also have top-secret documents sealed with red arrows, Captain America, Hydra, mysterious explosions, military special operations, and several key words that caught Long Key’s attention.

So a few days later…

“Mr. Tony, don’t suggest letting me go back to New York with you.”

“Are you going to New York?”

After a few days, Long Key finally saw the character of this playboy. No matter what his identity, even if Long Key has given Tony a lot of pressure, Mr. Starrk can still talk and brag in front of you indifferently, it seems The previous events had no effect at all.

This is also the Dragon Key. Because of the high status and the arrogance of genius, Tony has always looked down on other people, and the rich and powerful. Maybe some people like Tony, but it’s just eye-catching, but Those people are generally older, and they can stand Tony’s character there. After so many years, there is only Solan as a friend.

And Long Key’s attitude towards Tony makes Tony very strange. He doesn’t hate or like it. In Tony’s eyes, Long Key seems to be in control of everything, and there is never any ups and downs in mood.

After a few days, Long Key still had the same attitude that he had started, and Tony seemed to have turned into a babble. He talked more and more about Long Key, and even said some small complaints. Very strange thing.

In fact, it’s just that Long Key is too lazy to leave Tony.

In Tony’s view, other people are a little concerned about himself, even Solan. Only Dragon Key seems to care nothing about the titles of those billionaires, perhaps because of this, Tony’s attitude towards Dragon Key It’s so strange.

“no problem.”

Tony slapped his chest and said affirmatively.

“With our relationship, when we get there, I will introduce the best girl to you.”

After speaking, Tony leaned his head secretly into Long Yao’s ear and spoke softly. ..

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