Finally Come

Chapter 439

Chapter 440 Holy City Vatican [go! go! Come on! 】

Chapter 440 Holy City Vatican 【go! go! Come on! 】

Tony came very fast, but it was not too fast. He still came to the Vatican the next day. After getting out of the car, a large group of bodyguards were protecting Tony strictly, and Tony took Tony’s somewhat compelling sunglasses. , Looking at this picture, it seems that it is still an ancient city in the Middle Ages.

“Ah… who would have thought that such buildings hundreds of years ago are still so beautiful today, and such an ancient place is still the most developed area in the world today.”

Why not take a plane? The reason is simple. Ever since the aircraft was introduced, the pope of that generation issued an order not to allow any flying objects to fly over the Vatican. Otherwise, it was unanimously regarded as a blasphemy against the Vatican. The Vatican’s act of war.

No country dares to offend or offend such a Holy See for such a small reason, so the nearest airport is in Rome instead.

“Sir, we have notified the people in the church that they should be here.”

A person like a secretary stood by Tony’s side. Naturally, Pepper didn’t come over. Because of Tony’s laziness, he handed all the things to Pepper. If Pepper comes, Tony can’t rest assured of handing over those things to others. people.

A white carriage pulled by four snow-white horses slowly came to Tony’s side, followed by some knights in armors riding on big horses.

“Tony, you are here, come with me.”

“Oh, this is not Archbishop Solan, but… shouldn’t you be in New York.”

Looking at the kindly white-haired old man in front of him, Tony knew him, because he was in New York, and most of Tony’s business contact with the church was through Archbishop Solan.

Archbishops of the Catholic Church in the United States, generally speaking, the Holy See has no major accidents and meetings, and will not allow such out-of-home archbishops to come back. Then something must have happened. Will it have something to do with the signs a few days ago? ?

“Is there any important secret? Ah.. I understand, I understand, you secretly tell me, I won’t tell it.”

Tony said this, and put his arms around Solan, making the church knight and the bodyguard look weird.

“You still have the same virtue, Tony, but wait, you can’t look like this anymore. There is a very important person who wants to see you.”

Solan also had a somewhat helpless attitude, to say that Tony is also the boss, but he still looks like he doesn’t care about anything.

“Very important person? Is it His Majesty the Pope?” Tony was taken aback, then a little serious.

The Pope, as a representative of the world’s authority, even the cynical Tony, when facing the Pope, he will converge on his character.

But what will happen to the pope looking for himself.

“No, you’ll know when you go.” Solan shook his head with a meaningful tone.

Tony was still confused, but Solan pulled Tony into the carriage.

“Oh oh! The carriage, or this kind of real medieval antique carriage, Solan, the welfare of your job is really good, is there a shortage of people in your church, what do you think of me?”

As expected of Tony, his personality changed very quickly. Tony, who was still thinking about the problem just now, immediately put his interest in the carriage.

“I said, if this carriage is sold, it will cost hundreds of millions. You are really not afraid of breaking it. How about it. How about selling it to me based on our friendship?”

Tony touched the car body. None of the carvings were done by a famous carving master hundreds of years ago. Time did not cause much damage to the carriage. Instead, it added a trace of ancient and mysterious atmosphere. Tony fell in love with it all at once. NS.”You really are… if you really want to join the church, it’s not impossible to give it to you.”

“Hey… just kidding, I can’t stand the life of praying every day.”

The horses are pulling the carriage, followed by the knights. What’s weird is that there are a few cars behind them, with Tony’s bodyguards sitting in them. A very strange combination, the front and back are really out of touch.


The two came to a door carved with angels, and Tony and Solan got out of the car one after another.

“You just wait here.” Tony turned and said to the bodyguard behind him.

“Sir, our job…”

“Do you think you can get in?”

Tony looked helplessly at the highly disciplined Templars at the door. When he arrived here, he finally understood a little bit. This is almost the center of the church, and outsiders can’t enter casually.

The icy eyes of the knights, even the bodyguards who had experienced many battles, felt a trace of coldness. Seeing Tony’s insistence, they could only wait outside the door.

As Tony and Solan advance step by step, Tony’s view of this church is also changing little by little. There is nothing in this palace, even just a saucer, which is very valuable to put outside. Antique treasures.

Tony and Solan have already passed the fifth gate, and every time they enter a gate, they are closer to the center of the church.

“The one just now… doesn’t belong to the archbishop anymore…”

After walking through the sixth door, Tony thought so in his heart.

Finally, Solan stopped, Tony looked forward and there was already a person standing there, wearing the same clothes as Solan, the clothes of the archbishop.

“Peter, waited a long time.” Solan said, looking at the person in front of him.

“Nothing, is it him, the one who wants to see.”

Peter looked at Tony up and down.

“I’m here, it’s impolite to let the guests wait.”

Tony is very arrogant, naturally a little unhappy to be looked at like that.

Peter frowned, and Solan just wanted to pull Tony off when he heard footsteps in the corridor over there.

“Mr. Tony Starrk, there was something trivial just now, please forgive me for making you wait.”

Under Tony’s surprised gaze, two figures slowly appeared in front of him.

A man with long black hair and an extremely delicate face, Tony never believed that humans could have such a perfect appearance, and the sacred breath exuding from that person actually gave Tony a feeling of being redeemed, as if in his heart His troubles disappeared in an instant.

What surprised Tony the most was that the other figure was an old man wearing a crown. Only the Pope could have such a costume in the Vatican.

As the leader of the Vatican, the pope actually followed this young man?

What does this mean? This shows that the status of the pope is not as good as this young man. ..

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