Finally Come

Chapter 338

Chapter 338 Exciting News [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 338 Exciting News [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]


Sarutobi’s eyes showed a look of surprise. It was delayed until four years later, but this eldest lady first proposed it. What happened now?

Sarutobi didn’t forget to think about it more deeply. Because of time, Konoha has basically returned to a normal life. Even if it is held a month later, there is no problem.

“It’s normal for Master Hokage to have doubts. I also said that it is a rough definition. After thinking about it carefully, it is most suitable to set the time after two years. There is sufficient time to screen suitable candidates. There is a good preparation in advance.

The most important thing is not the ninja, but the construction of our village. At that time, everyone laughed a lot, but there is still a lack of money…”

Long Yue secretly wiped the tears that were not at the corner of her eyes.

“His Royal Highness doesn’t need to worry about this. I believe that for the construction cost this time, our five major villages will be the largest to lend a helping hand. As long as Your Highness has anything to say, it’s OK to tell Konoha here!”

When Danzo heard the words, he still had a dead face, but he nodded and looked at Long Key.

Good friendship is one aspect, the most important thing is…

This little money…

Ha ha, are they Konoha missing?

Of course, other patriarchs think so too. In order to be able to give them a copy of this kind of cheating to please them in advance when the game terrain is in Rain Shinobi Village, the patriarchs clamored even more.

Because also…they are not short of money.. They value the reputation and honorable status of the family more than this money.

A gleam of light flashed through Long Yue’s bright eyes, which was obviously extremely happy.

I can’t tell, Danzo turned out to be a fat…sheep…oh no, he is a good man with a delicate mind like a sheep.

Danzo, you are tragic enough. The National People’s Congress is so old that there is no offspring of a wife, and now a pseudonymous has issued a ‘good person card’.

Only Sarutobi’s eyes slowly became a little strange, and then he immediately reacted, giving a pitying look at the patriarchs and Danzo.

He doesn’t know what kind of urine this eldest lady is, do you really think it will be a small amount of money?

Also, girl, are you kidding me?

You have no money? You are the princess of Kawa no Kuni, and Kawa no Kuni is famous and rich. As the future successor to the daimyo, are you making a cold joke?

“This is the best thing. In addition, we need some help from Konoha.”


“Yes, because considering that this is a grand gathering in the Ninja world, we hope that the ninjas will not have too much pressure. We plan to build some village-specific buildings next to the venue. I must live in buildings similar to our own village. It will be easier.”

Long Yao squinted and smiled.

The truth is that I just want to cheat you some more money. As a great terrorist leader, he will cheat you no matter whether it is big or small things.”His Royal Highness’s thoughts are really delicate. This is very good. Compared with other movies, we will not refuse. We will call some craftsmen and send them to Rain Shinobi Village.”

In this matter, Sarutobi couldn’t think of any conspiracy. In his opinion, it might not be for understanding information, but just a beautiful proposal by a simple and kind princess.

“Oh, by the way, I have to trouble Mr. Lujiu of Konoha. At that time, the construction and planning will still need Mr. Lujiu’s proposal, but I heard that Mr. Lujiu’s child has just been born.. I am afraid… ”

Long Yao suddenly thought of something. Regarding the issue of arrangement, the current Rain Shinobi Village really does not have talents in this area. To say that this aspect is more powerful, the first thing Long Yao thinks of is Shikamaru’s father, Nara. Deer has been a long time.

Lujiu sitting next to him did not expect to suddenly say to him. Lujiu is still very optimistic about this conference and can help. He naturally wants to participate, but he still looked at Sarutobi, and after Sarutobi nodded. He said heartily: “The affairs of the country are big, and don’t you have two years? Since Yuying-sama is very fond of it, I would like to do what I can do.”

Long Yao nodded happily, but noticed in his heart that Konoha’s assignments can be divided into many factions, and the history is already different, so I should carefully determine it.

The Nara clan is undoubtedly of the Hokage faction.

“Then, I don’t seem to have anything else.”

“Then please visit Konoha, your Highness, I believe you won’t let your Highness down.”

It turned out to be a guest, and Rain Shinobi Village really didn’t seem to have any conflict with them, so Konoha’s attitude was quite friendly.

“Miss… work in the village…”

Yin said in a low voice to Long Yue, although it was a low voice, but there were ninjas who couldn’t hear it.

“Oh, this kind of little thing…Isn’t Jin still in the village? Besides, even if there are a lot of things, it will be fine for you and Akai to work overtime when you go back.”

Long Yao lazily punched Hache and said some unscrupulous words.

In the end, Yin was worthy and nodded helplessly. Yin knew that after returning home, he would be tired for a few more nights, and there was a black line on Konoha’s person with that helpless expression.

Feeling that your masters are used to do these things…

What a waste of talent!

Sarutobi is the darkest one.

They are also the heads of a village. Why are there so many gaps, people can put a good lazy rest on everything, and then look at themselves… oh… people are better than people…

“Oh. Finally, a friendly reminder, there is news from Master Mizukage that his rebellion suppression activities seem to be almost proceeding, Master Hokage, I remember that if you are right, the Taketori clan seems to be a little closer to the country of fire… .”

After talking about Long Key, he left the office, Yin Xiang Sarutobi nodded his head and said goodbye instead of Long Key and followed.

Just after Long Yao left, the meeting room became quiet.

“Sarutobi, what do you think.”

Danzo pondered for a while, and said first.

“Last time I saw Mizukage, he is not the same as the rumored character. He is a very dangerous and killer character. In my opinion, it is not surprising. Otherwise, how to command the murderous Mizukage, no matter what So, let’s add some manpower to the border.”

“However, I think the more important thing is the event. For this event, Konoha must win the title of golden Jōnin!

As for the quota, I hope that the patriarchs can abandon the barriers and select the best talents in the clan, because this is the glory that Konoha needs! ”

Sarutobi is right. The news of the conference is really exciting news for them. ..

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