Finally Come

Chapter 337

Chapter 337: You Don’t Know? [Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 343 Don’t you know? [Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

(Anyway, I have already used the computer, so it’s better to get tired and type a chapter first, and your computer charger will arrive in a few days~)

“Oh? It’s a great honor for your Highness to know the old man!”

Danzo seemed surprised, but whether he was really surprised or not was a matter of two.

“I’ve heard about His Highness from Sarutobi a long time ago, and I don’t know if His Highness comes to Konoha this time, we can help.”


Danzo’s behavior is actually not very good, as Sarutobi’s face is slowly becoming embarrassed, it can be seen.

Danzo did not call Sarutobi Hokage, perhaps because he had always had these strange thoughts about this position. Sarutobi, Konoha’s senior management almost knew it, but as a partner who grew up with Sarutobi when he was a young boy, this is nothing.

After all, Konoha’s forbearance proclaimed to the outside world is peaceful coexistence, the will of fire.

However, in front of the “unknowing” outsider, Longyue, this is a bit slapped, and this eldest lady is here to find him Sarutobi, and Sarutobi went to the last meeting. Konoha is you, Danzo said. I’m the one who counts? !

“What? Don’t you know Mr. Danzo?”

Long Yao looked at Sarutobi’s frown and suddenly thought of something interesting. He smeared a conspiracy smile from the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Danzo pretending to be surprised.

Danzo was taken aback, frowned, and shook his head.

What’s the important thing?

Long Yao then looked at the elders who were also somewhat unclear and said, “Don’t you guys know? Didn’t Master Hokage say it?”

The other executives shook their heads blankly and looked at Long Yao.


“That’s nothing…some trivial things…”

The eldest lady first pretended to have figured out something, clenched her right hand and patted the left and right palms heavily, then smiled awkwardly, and said words that made everyone’s faces twitchy.

Trivial matter?

Are you kidding us? If it is a trivial matter, is it a strange reaction for you to do this kind of action?

And the expression that pretended to be ignorant just now, thought we didn’t see it, hello, girl.

“Master Hokage, don’t know what you want to say.”

The patriarch of Hyuga can’t sit still at this time. Since the Uchiha family’s influence slowly faded, their Hyuga clan has vaguely become Konoha’s first big clan.

If it’s okay in normal times, when the newly-rising Rain Shinobi Village comes to visit after the war, there is definitely something unusual in it.

But Mr. Hokage, you don’t say anything, do you want to eat alone without telling everyone?

“not good.”

Sarutobi cried out in his heart that it was bad, and he felt something was wrong just after Long Key made those movements.

Seeing Danzo’s eyes getting colder and colder, and the expressions of the elders getting more and more weird, Sarutobi turned his head and looked at Long Key again.

The ‘good ally’ Yukage who found them Konoha was looking at him encouragingly, showing an expression of rest assured that I would not say anything.

And this scene happened to be seen by everyone.Now Sarutobi feels that the whole person is not good.

Sarutobi looked at Long Key with a black line. You are really talking about it. Is there anything you can’t say?

The elders of Konoha who saw Dragon Moon for the first time didn’t know, but Sarutobi completely felt that the eldest lady of Rain Shinobi Village seemed to be inconsistent with the personality of the last time!

conspiracy! There is definitely a conspiracy!

“Ahem, it’s nothing. In the last meeting, His Royal Highness proposed the Jōnin Competition in the Ninja World. All the six villages of ours initially agreed. Then the outstanding Jōnin in the Ninja World will participate in this competition and choose from them. The most potential and strongest Jōnin.”

What he discussed with Long Yao was nothing more than Jōnin’s competition meeting, and because Long Key had said it was not clear at the time, Sarutobi didn’t announce it to the village. Didn’t the other movies do the same! asshole!

But now Sarutobi’s explanation seems to be a little late, and Sarutobi himself knows this, and he also knows in his heart that this is brought about by the action of the eldest lady who is looking at him gracefully and innocently.

“What?! Sarutobi?! Why didn’t you talk about this kind of thing earlier?”

Danzo was dumbfounded when he heard it, then he stood up and yelled at Sarutobi.

This fuck is a trivial matter? !

Not only Danzo, but the other patriarchs were first stunned, then turned into dissatisfaction, and then finally ecstatic.

With a sensitive vision, they immediately felt the true meaning of this competition and the benefits it brought.


If what is the support of a family, it is cohesion, not just the family, the village, and the country. Then what is the biggest source of cohesion?

Yes, that is glory.

Not only does it strengthen the family’s position in the Ninja world, but also, people will become motivated and have a sense of pursuit. In this way, unconsciously, the growth of strength is inevitable.

“Other than that, is there nothing else?”

After the ecstasy, Uchiha Fugaku, the head of the Uchiha clan, calmed down, and was the first to think of other things.

“No, your Royal Highness came over this time, compared to what has already been thought of, or what has been encountered.”

Sarutobi shook his head.

Normally, Uchiha Fugaku nodded politely, but secretly became vigilant.

This can’t be the only thing.

This is his thought. Just now Long Key made it so that he decided not to believe that there was only one thing at this time. Although the Jōnin competition is also very important, it is definitely not the only thing. There must be other things. I’m hiding something.

Did you deliberately hide it from us Uchiha?

Uchiha Fugaku’s heart became cold.

His words woke everyone up like a stick, and other people soon thought of these questions.

The patriarch of the Hyuga clan only thought that it was similar to that of the Uchiha clan.

Was it hidden from our Hyuga clan? Sarutobi didn’t expect so much, because he couldn’t think of such subtle behavior.

Only Long Key sneered. When Uchiha Fugaku asked him that sentence, he knew that he had succeeded.

Konoha, how can you make them hug in peacetime? Although you know that you are very fighting, let me add fire.

It is worth pondering that what Long Key is most worried about is that someone will not think of this. Fortunately, Long Key is worried. Konoha still has a lot of smart people. No, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan has a good IQ.

“Hokage-sama is right. The plan of the conference has indeed been a big success. This time I just want to explain some problems.

The first question is that the competition will be held in Rain Shinobi Village two years later. “..

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