Finally Come

Chapter 329

Chapter 329 On the Importance of the Integrity of the Soul【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 329 On the Importance of the Integrity of the Soul [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

For Odin’s character and ability, Long Yao is actually quite satisfied, but if that character is the same for himself, then Long Yao feels a bit fucked.

You can be arrogant, you can be indifferent, you can also look down on people, but you are my contract knight, and you are the same to your own family, especially the object of loyalty, which is not very comfortable.

Sometimes Long Yao was talking to Odin, and after speaking for a long time, the other party would say a word, even without saying a word afterwards, it was not sure whether he listened to Long Yao or not.

Xue Yan also felt strange to Long Yao’s complaint. Long Yao didn’t need to talk nonsense about this matter, and Xiao Yueyue’s attitude should not seem to be fake.

“When did he change the pervert degree?”

“It seems…it seems to be…just now…”

Long Yao thought for a while, and it was indeed. Just now, his attitude suddenly changed by 360 degrees.

“What did you just do to him?!”

Xue Yan looked at Long Key with a smile, it seemed that the two men had done something unspeakable.

“Hey hey hey… Don’t think so weird, okay? What he said is my spirit separated… myself and myself… it’s a bit…

I just… just brought the soul together again… wait a minute… could it be said…”

Long Yao seems to have thought of something…

“Well… it seems like this…”

Long Yao nodded, seeming to understand…

Odin is a part of his spiritual separation and manifestation. Naturally, he also commanded allegiance to his dragon key, but before, his identity was Miss Longyue, and the soul was not complete. Odin’s intelligence was not as good as imagined. Have a free will.

This also caused Odin’s brain to have a certain degree of discrimination for the identity and words of Miss Long Yao.

You say that the eldest lady is Dragon Key… This must be true, but the soul and spirit are not complete. Odin is arrogant, right, but he will never have such emotions for his master.

A person who is not a complete soul contractor, Odin will not do anything betrayal, but in a strict sense, the eldest lady is not Odin’s master, but the order of the Dragon Key is still binding. .

Odin naturally had that attitude towards Dragon Key.

However, Long Key was a complete body at this time, both in spirit and soul. When Odin saw his contractor, his attitude naturally changed even more.


After thinking about this, Long Key couldn’t help cursing. No wonder, when he spoke before, Odin inexplicably said something from an incomplete spiritual body. Now I think about it.

“Xueyan, what’s going on with the golem, why has the power of time stopped catalyzing.”

“Huh? Odin…”

“Well… leave that guy alone…”

“Oh oh….”Long Yao pouted helplessly. It was a bit shameful, so it’s better not to say, the integrity of the soul is still very important.

“Lack of a core carrier…”

Xueyan’s work efficiency is very fast, but it didn’t take long for Xueyan to see the core.

“What core carrier? Is this kind of thing needed?”

Long Yao was stunned, he didn’t expect such a thing to happen again.

“If you just need the power of the fruit of the sacred tree, then the carrier is not needed. However, after you absorb it, you will get the derived power of Ten Tails. At that time, it may become as aggressive as Ten Tails. With the wild habits of beasts, he may not be able to control himself.

Now that the power catalysis has reached a critical point, the next choice is up to you. ”

“What?! Why haven’t I heard of this kind of thing? No wonder Ten Tails is so irritable, I don’t want to become as neurotic as Ōtsutsuki辉 Yoruichi…”

Long Yao’s face turned dark… then he thought of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Sister Kaguya was originally a good girl who loved life, but after gaining the power of the fruit of the sacred tree, her personality gradually changed, and his dragon key did not want to become like this.

“Let’s talk about the carrier…”

Long Yao chose the second one without even thinking about it.

“Well, I need something with the same powerful power as the core, but this kind of thing is really rare and can be said to be a very precious resource. As far as I know, this world does not seem to have such a thing. ..”


“Asshole! Then don’t say it! You don’t know how cruel it is to give others hope to destroy this hope!”

In Long Key’s sea of ​​consciousness, Long Key was roaring in place, and the object of the roar was a golden light, and a vague figure could be seen vaguely.

The figure is very slender, and it is absolutely not wrong to be a woman.

“Ala, there is no in this world, wouldn’t there be in other worlds, don’t worry, Xiaoyueyue~”

Xueyan felt a little funny looking at Long Yao’s madness, and couldn’t help teasing Long Yao.

“Hey.. It’s the next world.. I left Hokage a long time ago.. Didn’t you say that you can’t come back… Then what’s the use of that thing… Without that thing, plan? If you don’t complete it, you won’t be able to improve your strength. What if you are killed by the tracker who doesn’t know when to come back! There is still something to be done in the next world!”

Long Yao squatted down and covered his cheeks with his hands…actually…very cute…

“Huh! You underestimated me… how to say I am also the strongest person in the entire epoch from that…”


“Ahem… omit the latter… you all know… Anyway, I can let you go to other worlds.. However, the rules of this kind of travel and your coming to Hokage are completely It is different, and there are many restrictions, and there are also great risks!”

What Xue Yan wanted to say behind, Long Yao had listened to it many times before, and I felt tired of talking about it after hearing that kind of Xue Yan…

But I can go to other worlds!

This is a method. The Hokage world does not mean that other worlds do not have it. As for the risks.

Maybe Long Key is going smoothly now, but the tracker who doesn’t know which world he is constantly wandering in is always piercing Long Key’s heart like a needle, reminding him that if he doesn’t become strong, he will be a The end of death. ..

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