Finally Come

Chapter 328

Chapter 328 You Are The Crazy Person! [Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 328 You are the one who is crazy! [Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

The golden shadow slowly seemed to dim, but Odin didn’t move at all.

Long Key frowned and looked a little strange. Although he wanted to return to his full soul state, this catalysis was absolutely unstoppable. Once it stopped and the previous efforts were all abandoned, there would be any changes to the Gedo Statue, even though it was just a physical body. But once you break free, who knows what will happen.

“The order confirmation comes from an incomplete mental body. Change to the second option, confirm, and execute.”

Just when Long Key was a little unhappy, Odin’s eyes flashed with gold.

“Damn, what an incomplete mental body!”

Seeing Odin coming to the golem, the light on his body slowly surging, this Odin has always been indifferent to himself, it really made Long Yao a little upset and irritable, but fortunately he carried out his orders.

Long Key walked to the golden figure and slightly stretched out his hands towards the golden light.

The golden shadow was as bright as the sun, and the light continued to grow stronger. Finally, it approached the dragon key bit by bit, and slowly, it was absorbed by the dragon key bit by bit like a cannibalization.

At this time, Long Key was enveloped by the golden ocean, and it didn’t take long for the light to dim, and a smile appeared at the corner of Long Key’s mouth.

Looking closely at the current Dragon Key, although it has not changed much from before, the soul is intact. Only by looking carefully can you find that the look and attitude are somewhat different from the previous ones.

The soul represents the character. Although it is the same person, the character of the previous dragon key is not complete, just like the eldest lady, the current dragon key will never have that look, even if there is, it will never be. Like before, it’s so natural.

As for why there is a beautiful girl’s heart hidden in the incomplete soul, it is necessary to ask why Long Key’s character is so fucking.

“Odin, can you catalyze it?”

Odin and he also have the ability to time, or Odin is also part of his spirit.

“I’m very sorry, the time ability can’t be shaken, the time ability is increasing, and it is impossible to make any changes to the golden fruit.”

Odin increased the power of time while talking to Long Yao.

“Sure enough…wait…you…what did you just say?!”

Long Key nodded clearly. Since his time ability can’t be achieved, Odin is also in his expectation, then it is not a question of time ability. Suddenly, thinking of Odin’s words, Long Key is like He looked at Odin like a ghost.

“In the power catalysis, the resistance from the golden fruit is beyond estimation.”

“It’s not this sentence….. You just… did you… say sorry to me?! Didn’t my ears hear me wrong?!”

“This is natural humility. After all, you are my contractor.”

Odin nodded and said of course, his expression was so natural.

Long Yao’s face turned dark, what’s going on? How did this guy become so polite? !

Damn, before, no matter what, I looked like I didn’t care about others, and I looked at my expression with arrogance and indifference, why all of a sudden…

Is there something wrong with my head? impossible! It’s definitely not a problem with my brain.”Xue Yan! Xue Yan! Come out!”

“Huh?! What’s wrong with Xiao Yueyue?”

“Odin is crazy?! Take a look, is there any problem with his spirit!”

Long Yao shouted like a pig, and after a while, Xue Yan’s voice came out.

Long Key was also anxious at this time, Odin was one of his indispensable powers, even… even the sound of Xiaoyueyue was directly filtered out.


“Stupid! I’m not crazy!”

“Huh?! Let me see… Is he okay?”

Xueyan felt Odin for a while, and after a while, Xueyan didn’t feel anything unusual about Odin, so she looked at Long Key strangely.

“How could it be…. He is absolutely! He is! Crazy!”

Long Yao looked at Odin with his eyes firmly, and said slowly and surely one by one.

“Hey, idiot master…you can’t talk nonsense… he is your mental body, he is crazy, you are definitely not normal, you are not normal, then I am definitely not normal!”

Regarding Xueyan’s logic… Long Yao felt a headache. He found that he must not compete with this so-called woman, nor should he look at it from a normal perspective, otherwise it would only lower his IQ.


Long Yao looked at Odin hesitantly. This Odin is very important. He will always accompany him in the future. To some extent, it is even more important than this catalyzed golden fruit.

He seemed to feel the look in Long Yao’s eyes. Odin turned around and saw that Long Yao was looking at him strangely. Naturally, Odin didn’t know what Long Yao and Xueyan said, and looked at Long Yao and nodded kindly. Odin has no expression, Long Yao knows…At this moment, Odin must be smiling and looking at himself…

This proud fucking guy would look at himself with a gentle smile, Long Key looked at Odin now, suddenly felt that the other party was so innocent.

“I said… isn’t he very good… how do you see that people are crazy?”

Xueyan was quite curious about this, this Odin behaved too normal.

“He just… talked to me very, very politely… and said sorry…”

Long Yao’s expression was a little weird, and his eyes glanced towards Odin.

“You!…You are still upset with you and kindly politeness?! I think it is you who is crazy, right?!”

Xue Yan was stunned, and then her face turned dark. Damn, I don’t want to talk about you, do you think my mother is very idle! Called my old lady out for this disappearance? ! Others treat you well, and you always feel that others must be holding some conspiracy, I just look like panic.

“Oh… you don’t know… This guy has always been dragged like a king, two hundred and five. You don’t have your eyes to look at you when you talk to him. Talking to him is unreasonable. Reasonable, sometimes I really want to smoke him!

Apologize? You’re welcome, shit! Is this a character that can be expressed from this guy? ! ”

Long Key’s expression is also strange. When he thinks of Odin’s strange character before, he sometimes really thinks, is this really his knight?

Who is the knight of whose?…Who is there to serve whom…?

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