Finally Come

Chapter 321

Chapter 321 Meeting Room【Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-first Meetings 4【Ask a monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

“Isn’t it a human? Is it a tiger?”

Raikage was obviously still a little bit brooding about that incident.

“No, it’s not because of the external appearance, but the strength of this man. I was almost fighting in the past. As far as I know, the tiger made by Thunder was made by that man, and after he came out, Only the previous technique has already tortured us for the most part, and the strength of this man, even Lord Third Kazekage, Sha Tie, was defeated after a few moves.”

“How many tricks?”

Raikage’s eyes were so wide that he couldn’t get bigger. He probably knew the strength of Third Kazekage. He had seen the horror of Shatie once, and Third Kazekage was defeated by a few tricks, so wouldn’t he be the same?

“Feng Ying, are you serious?”

Tsuchikage didn’t care about these things, after all, it had nothing to do with their Tuyin Village, but the sudden appearance of such a character really made people uneasy.

“Do you think I’m joking.”

Feng Ying’s face is also not good-looking, how can this kind of thing be joking.

“I believe Master Fengying did not exaggerate, because of this incident, we Konoha have also encountered it once, and I believe it may be the same person.”

“Has Master Hokage encountered it?”

Fengying looked at Sarutobi curiously. If he encountered it, Sarutobi’s ability to withstand it would be a bit greater. He was just on the sidelines and the sequelae would be so great. If it was the person involved, the pressure would be unimaginable.

“It’s not me, I believe you should be impressed with White Fang.”

“White Fang…I believe everyone who participated in World War II…you will never forget this name in your life…”

“White Fang should have been defeated by that person, and it was a momentary matter.”

“For a moment?!”

Sarutobi’s gaze was solemn. Although he didn’t chase him that time, the appearance of White Fang afterwards was also unbelievable for him.


Kakashi thought that he had forgotten these things, but these things were deeply engraved in his heart like a nightmare. The thoughts that he thought of forgetting were just a reason to comfort him.

Once it appears, how can people forget these past moments.

“In addition, I want to say that I believe you all have heard about the Nine Tails incident in our village. We know your concerns about this matter from some special people in the village.”

Sarutobi continued.

The faces of the special crowd are different, but there is a slight embarrassment. The so-called special crowd is something like a spy. After encountering that kind of incident, Konoha wanted to see if there was a chance to attack. Konoha.

After the so-called shadow’s face was compared to the book, the embarrassment was attributed to embarrassment, but no one felt it was embarrassing, but all of a sudden, the expressions on their faces became a matter of course, which made Sarutobi’s face even darker.

“As far as we know, the mysterious man who killed Mr. Hanzo was also a red cloud suit with a black background.”Sarutobi looked at Longyue. He believed that Rain Shinobi Village must be very determined on this matter.

But he was wrong, Xiao, Long Key, these two things are actually one, but Long Key laughed in his heart, but on the surface he nodded.

“The ninja who killed Hanzo… will he be the same as the one before?”

Raikage thought for a while, killing Hanzo, this strength is undoubted, if it is not the same then, it would be a little scary.

“I’m not sure if it’s the same, maybe that’s it?”

Long Yao pretended to think, but also expressed his thoughts with doubts and uncertainties.

The so-called true, false, false, false, true, true, at this time, is to give some true, and then talk about some false, anyway, you don’t know whether it is true or false.

“This organization, how much do you know about it, I hope you don’t hide it privately, just tell it all.”

Sarutobi said intently that this organization seemed to hate Konoha, specifically targeting Konoha, which made him feel the most threatening.

Mizukage Raikage Tsuchikage did not hear the appearance of the fashion work, Feng Ying also didn’t care very much. It’s something to us, I blame you Konoha for unlucky, wanting to pull the water out of the water.

Seeing this, Sarutobi almost didn’t go up and slap them a few times.

Looking back at Jiraiya, Jiraiya came back to his senses and understood what Sarutobi meant. He stepped forward and said slowly: “Then, let’s talk about the information we know first.”

“As far as we know, the members of the organization are composed of S-level rebels and extremely powerful single-player combat capabilities.

The first to contact, the ninja named Hokuto code that I encountered before World War II, unexpectedly appeared at that time, our Konoha Ino–Shika–Chō team was defeating the intelligence forces of Sand Shinobi and Tuyin. ”

Having said this, Fengying’s and Tsuchikage’s faces twitched at the same time.

Jiraiya saw it and continued: “Later, Konoha’s vanguard and Ino–Shika–Chō were defeated by this Beidou.”

A troop and Ino–Shika–Chō were defeated? Didn’t we know that there were such people in World War II?

Zhong Ying thought secretly, but couldn’t figure out who it was.


“Next, I contacted this ninja. Following my intention, I thought it was the ninja on the side of Master Tsuchikage and Master Fukage, but after contacting it, I realized that it was not. It seemed to be an underground hired killer. I thought I wooed this person to deal with Sand Shinobi and Tuyin, but I didn’t expect that this person was already organized and took important things. I played against it. In the end, this person seemed to have something to do, please retreat.”

Sarutobi has always been brooding about this matter, something must be a very important thing, but he can’t investigate it.

And the faces of Tsuchikage and Fengying are ugly again, damn it, don’t you say that we really don’t know that there was such a strange thing in World War II, it seems that we must put Konoha a little in the future, or underestimate the wood Ye’s mouth is gone, and everyone is eager..

“And this person’s name, I believe you should have heard of Ohnogi. His name is Kakuzu. Speaking of the profession of ninja, he is still the predecessor of all of us.”

“Kakuzu? You mean the Kakuzu in Obi Shinobu?”

Oh Yemu was taken aback for a moment, and then he was a little bit weird.

“What Kakuzu… I have never heard of it.”

Raikage was so careless. He shouted so that he wanted Hokage and Tsuchikage to finish talking at once, instead of being so surprised.

As a fighting freak, he wants to know the information of the strong than anyone else. ..

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