Finally Come

Chapter 320

Chapter 320 Talks Three【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 320 Talks 3【Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

“Then, the above is the basic treaty between our villages. I believe you don’t have any opinions. If you believe in the diplomacy of the villages, you will exchange envoys after returning to the village.”

The so-called basic treaties of various countries are established on the basis of the five major ninja villages, and the five shadows, but the Rain Shinobi Village of the dragon key has also been included. I have to say that this is a hint. Everyone feels it. clear.

The details are different. For example, Konoha and Kirigakure also want to sign a series of deeper relationship plans. Then, these things cannot be negotiated here. This is a separate matter between the two villages. The meeting this time has nothing to do with it.

That’s what Sarutobi said, and everyone else knew it in their hearts, without any doubt.

“If you didn’t do this long ago, nothing would be left. It seems that this time the talks are almost over.”

Indeed, the basic things are almost finished, and some details, the secret agreement between the two villages, no one wants to say it in such a place, let everyone know.

Raikage seemed to have the intention to leave.

“Master Raikage, don’t worry, what I want to say next is the top priority, which is especially important for all our villages.”

Seeing Raikage’s appearance, Sarutobi also knew that the other party had the intention to leave, and hurriedly stopped it. The next thing to say is indeed very important to him.

“I don’t know how much everyone knows about Akatsuki.”

“Akatsuki?” “I don’t seem to have heard of it.”


Long Yao’s attention slowly turned around, knowing that Konoha would definitely mention Akatsuki this time, but it was a matter of order.

“The big boss with red clouds on the black background, the members of the organization wear special rings.”

“Wait Hokage, do you mean clothes with red clouds on black background?”

Red clouds on black, red clouds on black…

The fourth Kazekage was thinking of these four words in his mind. His thoughts seemed to think of the period of World War II. At a certain place, he and the passing Third Kazekage had encountered people from this organization.

At that time… this news was banned by the Third Kazekage at the time.

“Master Fengying knows about this organization?”

Sarutobi was taken aback. In other words, there did not seem to be too much movement in other villages, so he didn’t think other shadows knew about this organization.

Feng Ying nodded, took a deep breath, looked at other people’s curious and thoughtful eyes and slowly said: “That’s the time of World War II. That’s what happened when I followed the predecessor Feng Ying to perform a mission. It’s a little ridiculous to say about the matter. After that incident, Master Fengying became the laughingstock of the Shinobi world. You don’t know the inside story. In my opinion, Master Fengying is really wronged.”

“Feng Ying… what you said… it shouldn’t be…”Onoki showed a thoughtful look, and then the look in his eyes became a little strange. He could probably guess that Fengying was talking about that thing. Third Kazekage screamed in the Ninja World. If he wanted to be a laughingstock, there was only one thing.

Feng Ying nodded with a wry smile when she saw Tsuchikage, “It’s that matter. I didn’t want to talk about it. The Feng Ying-sama at the time also classified this matter as a confidential matter. However, it seems that this matter is not that way. Simple, if there is no other way, I don’t want to say it, after all, this is the shame of our Shayin Village.”

“Feng Ying.. You are not talking about that tiger..”

Raikage looked at Fengying strangely and then looked at Tsuchikage’s son with a weird look. Loess, Loess also had a weird expression. He and Raikage had also heard of passing by in the meeting room at the time.

“I said, Fengying, this incident is the key to reversing the situation in World War II. At that time, Kirigakure and Konoha had a long laugh.”

“Cough cough cough… Master Mizukage said and laughed…”

It’s interesting. Mizukage got a sense of spirit as soon as I heard it. This incident is really funny. It was originally an alliance between Konoha and Mist Shinobi, who was at a disadvantage. It was because this incident finally turned the tide of the battle, but Mizukage is so straightforward. Bai, it made Sarutobi a little embarrassed.

“Let’s not say, you naturally don’t know, are you really not curious at all, why did Master Fengying lead the Shadow Guard to be dispatched in that critical period?”

“We investigated afterwards, but there was no sign of it.”

Sarutobi spoke honestly about his behavior at the time, but in everyone’s opinion, it was reasonable. After all, it was a very normal thing to investigate the enemy at that time, especially it was still so unreasonable.

“Master Hokage, this is a matter of course, because the people who went out to kill, all those who knew the matter were silent about this matter, the task performed by Master Fengying at that time… was to bring our S-level rebellion to Ninchi in Shayin Village. The mission to kill Sasori in the sand!”

Everyone felt a trace of murderous aura, but it wasn’t against any of them, and the source of the murderous aura was the wind shadow sitting concentrating on it.

“Wait, Sasori of the red sand, he is not your Shayin Village…”

“Proud? Master Tsuchikage… Sasori had already rebelled…”

“At that critical moment… No wonder Fengying is going to be dispatched personally. If it were me, it would certainly be the case, but it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Akatsuki…”

Tsuchikage nodded his head to express his understanding. He felt that there was too much concealment and inside information about the Third Kazekage.

“If I was right, was Sasori wearing a black dress with red clouds at the time? Master Fengkage.”

At this time, Long Key came to such a sentence at the right time..

Feng Ying was taken aback when he heard the words, took a deep look at Long Key, and sighed: “His Royal Highness is right. Sasori was wearing that suit at the time. According to what we know, Sasori’s code name is Jade girl. But we don’t know what this code means.”

Hearing Feng Ying and others thinking about the title of Jade Girl, Long Yao felt a little funny in his heart, think about it, think about it, even if you want to break your head, you won’t guess…

This… Fuck… is just a code name! That’s it!

“What I want to say is not just that. If it’s just a Sasori of the red sand, how could Master Fengkage and the Shadow Guards fail…

This is because, at that time, another person came…a…I’m not sure if he is counted as a person…”

Feng Ying’s breath was a bit uncomfortable. At that time, he was still young, so after experiencing that kind of power, he felt a sense of fear and horror for the unnatural golden light. ..

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