Finally Come

Chapter 310

Chapter 310 Reception【Seeking a monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 310 Reception【Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

(Perhaps because… suddenly the four changes, I can’t write it all at once, but try to get used to it, update more, try to keep the bottom of the two chapters.)

Akai’s words caused Fengying and Tsuchikage to be stunned…

“You guys… the leader… asked you to say that?”

Feng Ying looked at Akai with a weird expression.

Akai’s heart was a little nervous… He didn’t think it was appropriate to say that, how could he say that… But it was so commanded, at the moment he only nodded helplessly…

Fengkage and Tsuchikage turned black at the same time, and even the ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village turned their heads…

Don’t get angry…what if you irritate these two big guys…

“A bit expensive… how expensive is it?”

Tsuchikage was a little curious, and Feng Ying’s face immediately became ugly when he asked these words.

are you crazy? Are you still ready to fight?

The few people in Huangtu also looked at each other, this Tsuchikage…I’m really ready to buy a coffin for myself…

When Tsuchikage asked, he regretted it, but he couldn’t change his words at this time. It really seemed that he was a bit mentally retarded, so he looked at Fengying and said, “The welfare of our Tuyin Village is the highest one. I will die for you. Buy the coffin, free the cemetery, and don’t have to pay for your family.”

Feng Ying’s face became awkward again, what do you mean?

It means that the welfare of our Shayin Village is very poor, and we don’t care if we die?

Seeing some envy in the eyes of several of her subordinates, Feng Ying really wanted to go up and slap them.

idiot! Can’t you see that this is artificial? So many people have died on the battlefield, can everyone reimburse you for their death expenses? Even if you are a landlord, there is no surplus…

“Hehe, how much money, our Shayin Village is not bad…”

Feng Ying felt that she seemed to be lowered a lot by the IQ pulled by Tsuchikage…

There is something wrong… and I’m not going to fight, here is the preparation of the coffin. Is it true that I am the only one who thinks the scene is a bit weird.

Akai hesitated and said: “This… is divided into four grades. The lowest one is ordinary, with a coffin space of one hundred thousand. The corpse can be transported back to the ninja’s village, but the travel expenses will be calculated separately. .A little bit again…”

“Wait…how much did you say?”

Tsuchikage’s face flushed, and he roared out…

“Grab the money?”

Fengying’s face changed…

As for the other Anbu… they all looked very strange looking at their own shadows…

Why… As for being so excited, isn’t it really going to buy? As for that.

As for the new owner of Rain Shinobi Village, Feng Ying and Tsuchikage finally discovered that they are definitely a financial fan, but looking at the posture of Rain Shinobi Village, it is not like a lack of money, pure financial fan?

However, who would dislike his own money?

Just when Akai felt that he couldn’t change the situation of the Master at all, he even forgot that he was here to welcome the two into Rain Shinobi Village.

Fortunately, behind him, the mutation happened.

“Space Ninjutsu!”Tsuchikage and Fengying glanced at each other, both of them were surprised in each other’s eyes.

The space was constantly twisting in the air, and before long, two figures appeared.

“Master Fengying, Master Tsuchikage, Shayin Village and Tuyin Village are both big villages, so why bother about these little money?”

Long Yao looked at the shadows of the two villages in front of him with a strange smile.

The girl who appeared surprised them for a while.

The news is true. Before they saw it with their own eyes, they still didn’t believe that such a young girl had such strength.

However, Fengying and Tsuchikage had already placed Long Key’s seat in a relatively high position due to the spatial ability they had just played.

Space ability, after Fourth Hokage’s death, no one else in the ninja world seemed to have it anymore.

Of course, only the people of Konoha’s Nine Tails incident know that there is a terrorist named Tenshindo who also has space capabilities, but how can Konoha and other villages explain this matter in detail.

The most important thing… If Konoha’s people know that the only two spatial ninja powers in the ninja world are Dragon Key alone, and they don’t know how they will react.

Although amazed, the first words of the girl’s appearance made Feng Ying and Tsuchikage’s faces a little unsightly…

For two days, Oyemu looked up and down at Long Key for a long, long time.

He admitted that no matter the external strength and ability of this girl is still too young, these are undoubtedly powerful capital.

Finally, Feng Ying also noticed that there was a person standing behind Long Key. Not only was this person’s aura not inferior to that of the ninja who passed the letter, but the aura between the two seemed to be somewhat similar.

“Master Yuying has a good reputation… If you want to talk about money… I think the current Rain Shinobi Village seems to be much richer than our Tuyin Village.”

Liang Tianping squinted his eyes. After watching for a long time, he finally sighed slightly, smiling at Long Yao and said.

Rain shadow?

Feng Ying’s heart jumped, what does Ying mean, he knew that Feng Ying knew that his experience was not as good as Tsuchikage, but he knew the truth.

Yuying, looking at the development trend of Rain Shinobi Village, it is really possible if it is not overwhelmed by the Great Ninja Village in a few years.

But now… Yukage may just be polite…

Or to put it this way, Tsuchikage, the old bastard, wants to befriend Rain Shinobi Village. The meaning of this is that on the way you become a rain shadow, our Tuyin Village is a good friend. Don’t hesitate to talk if you have any difficulties.

Feng Ying thought for a while, maybe he also knew that he and Tsuchikage this old boy might not think exactly the same, but he guessed the general idea of ​​Tsuchikage.

“I’m here early, so I won’t disturb Her Royal Highness. I’m really sorry, but Sand Shinobi may become a good ally with Your Royal Highness in the future.”

Feng Ying nodded, her attitude was very sincere.

Tsuchikage saw that his face was dark. Although he spoke with good intentions just now, Feng Ying did not call Dragon Key a shadow, but his attitude was so low. Moreover, the identity of the princess was noble and real. identity of.

This bastard Fengying, does it mean that he can only make a fake…

As for why the two arrived early, this really has a very clear purpose.

Chuanzhiguo is sandwiched in the middle of the three villages.

The country of fire, the country of wind, and the country of earth.

The nearest location is the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth.

A seemingly powerful neighbor was born. The identity of this neighbor does not seem to be as simple as a ninja. No matter which identity of the other party, and strong strength, it means that Fengkage and Tsuchikage can no longer be the owner of this Rain Shinobi Village. Hanzō of the Salamander treated it that way before doing it.

Moreover, as soon as this new owner took office, suddenly there were some more powerful…

For example, the blond…and the silver-haired one in front of you. All of these gave Tsuchikage and Fengying a strategic reorientation of Rain Shinobi Village. ..

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