Finally Come

Chapter 309

Chapter 309 Early Talks【Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 309 Early Talks [Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

“It doesn’t matter, you solve the rest by yourself…”

Long Yao’s face turned dark, what kind of food he has kept…

Long Yao’s sudden heartlessness also made Jin a little uncomfortable…

Why are you doing this eldest lady… Just now you were still a local tyrant, how can this suddenly resemble an iron cock…

But these words are also muttered in my heart…

In the end, Kim still left…. He was going to keep accounts…

That’s right… it’s on Yin’s account. Who doesn’t know that the two of them are brothers. He has been busy sending letters these days, but looking like this, it seems that the silver who is with the young lady has gained a lot. I heard that many people around Daming gave gifts to Miss.

But the eldest lady gave all these things to Yin and let Yin take care of it…

Brother…Of course we are in trouble, yours is mine.. uh… mine is mine..

When Jin left, Yin naturally wouldn’t think of these things, but curiously walked towards the entrance of the village with Long Key’s footsteps.

The entrance to the village….. The Third Tsuchikage arrived first in two days.

Although it is a meeting, there will not be many ninjas from various countries, at least when they arrive at Rain Shinobi Village, but how many ninjas are lurking near Kawa no Kuni is unknown.

The terms of the meeting stipulate that no more than three people can be brought.

Obviously, it means you can only bring a few shadow guards.

Third Tsuchikage looked at the Rain Shinobi Village in front of him and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “When was the last time I came here? How many years? Alas… I didn’t expect such a big change. It has become a big village.”

“Master Tsuchikage, the threat of Rain Shinobi Village is too great…”

Behind Ohnoki, the three people are all dressed in red and brown intersecting Tuyin village costumes. Even Anbu is not performing any assassination missions, nor can they wear Anbu costumes, and what they are talking about is a deliberate escape. The loess put down by the dragon key.

“The times have changed. Kawa no Kuni, Rain Shinobi Village is now one, different from us, it is completely one. I am very curious about this new leader, and actually repelled the one who defeated Hanzō of the Salamander. Ninja…”

Ohnoki touched his beard, he knew Hanzo’s strength, so he was surprised.

“Master Tsuchikage, please come in.”

In front of the gate of Rain Shinobi Village, there are just a few ninjas standing at the gate. Tuyin Village is different from other villages. The chief’s office is also in the center. If there is anything wrong with the gate, a group of Anbu will arrive directly. At the door.

The arrival of several ninjas from other villages made the ninjas who were guarding a little at a loss. At this moment, a few silhouettes flashed, and the Rain Shinobi Village ninja headed by was the former Anbu ninja, Akai.

“Anbu? Didn’t you expect your ninjas in Rain Shinobi Village to react very quickly…Will you go in…but we are not the only ones here…”

“Over there, where have you been watching for so long, shouldn’t it be time to come out.”

Onoki was a little surprised at the sudden appearance of Rain Shinobi Village Anbu, this Rain Shinobi Village is really not as simple as it seems….

Then he looked at a place in the woods and said casually.”Hehe, Master Tsuchikage is getting older, but his strength hasn’t regressed much…”

On one side of the woods, the grass moved. The gray dress and the brown hair of the tailed beasts were very refined, but they revealed this compelling aura.

“Who…who am I supposed to be? I thought it was someone who was hiding from the side and peeping. I didn’t expect it to be Master Fengying… Why did Master Fengying come so early?”

Onoki snorted and looked at Feng Ying mockingly.

To say that during the Second Ninja World War, it was your Third Kazekage idiot, and it broke things. Even now, Onoki still has a lot of grievances about it.

Just like with Oh Yemu’s words, the three of Huang Tu also looked at Feng Ying with a smile, and the meaning in their eyes was unclear.


This action directly caused several ninjas of the Shadow Guard of Shayin Village to draw out their weapons.

“Want to do it again? It happened to be called Baki over there… The last battle was not over…”

Huang Tu sneered, and several ninjas in Tuyin Village also drew their weapons…

“Master Fengying.”

Baki from Shayin Village, half-hidden, he recognized his yellow face. He is a calm person, not as impulsive as the others.

Fourth Kazekage looked cold, and then the coldness disappeared, and he shook his head.

Upon seeing this, several ninjas in Shayin Village put away their weapons.

“Master Tsuchikage, why are you here so early? Since you have the same purpose, then this is not your Tuyin Village or my Sandy Village. Even if we want to do something, we should ask the owner’s opinion?”

Feng Ying’s face was very flat, but her heart was clear and plain.

When Tsuchikage spoke like this, he understood, but he was also very curious, so he cooperated with Tsuchikage.

They just want to see the difference in Rain Shinobi Village’s attitude towards their two villages.

Tsuchikage’s heart jumped…

Sure enough, the guys who can be in the movie are not so easy to deal with. I thought this Fourth Kazekage was relatively young, and didn’t know much about these things, so it seems that it is not the case.

Whether it was Fengying or Tsuchikage, he turned his gaze to Akai who stood silently.

Hearing this, Akai remembered what the eldest had ordered. Although hesitated, he said slowly: “Tsuchikage-sama, Fengkage-sama. After all, this is Rain Shinobi Village.. If you want to call…”

“Hehe, I will give you Rain Shinobi Village a face…”

“Master Tsuchikage, it seems that the owner here doesn’t like making noise…”

Feng Ying Tsuchikage understood in their hearts that Rain Shinobi Village had no secret conditions for the two villages and was relieved… As for fighting? It’s just a temptation…

“No… the two of you misunderstood what I meant… The eldest lady said you can fight if you want, but you can’t fight in Rain Shinobi Village, you can fight in the wasteland.

However, the construction of the land damaged by the battle requires double compensation Rain Shinobi Village.

Also, if there are dead ninjas on both sides, Rain Shinobi Village will not give burial. Of course, the two of you can negotiate a good price with me now.

However, the cost of burial is relatively high. As for those who survived the war, Rain Shinobi Village can treat the wounded, but this cost… is also a bit high…” ..

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