Finally Come

Chapter 283

Chapter 283 The Story of Ou Tzu Sama [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 283 The Story of Ou Tzu Sama [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

************Ou Chiu Sama means eldest lady **************

Hanzo died, Kisame and Konan didn’t feel much, but Nagato slightly felt something wrong. Hanzo was still alive just now, how could it suddenly be like this.

However, he didn’t think too much about this kind of problem, which seemed to him to be a small problem. For him, Hanzo was dead, and that was enough.

Who knows, this question is the most important thing.

Konan and Kisame agreed that it was Nagato who killed Hanzo, so they didn’t care.

“Miss, you are finally back, what should we do next.”

An Anbu slowly walked out of Hanzo’s death, and with a sad heart, he was going to Longyue’s “Miss” to ask about the next thing.

But just as he approached, suddenly two tall figures in front of him blocked his vision, and he saw the yellow-haired and silver-haired man blocking him with such a diameter. The aura from these two bodies made him feel shocked.

After swallowing, he stood in silence and said what he wanted to say.

“Oh?…you…I remember…it seems…it seems to be called Chi or something…”

“Akai…My name is Akai. Missy still remembers me.”

Looking at Long Yao with a small hand on his chin, raising his head to meditate on something, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this cute look. The eldest lady was like this, and this habit has not changed for so many years.

Akai felt that Long Key seemed to remember him, and immediately replied happily.

“Yes, yes! Just surprised (Akai)…”

“Uh…Miss, you really haven’t changed at all…”

Akai smiled bitterly, although this Miss Longyue was not very long in Rain Shinobi Village at that time, only more than half a year, but it left a deep impression on everyone back then.

Such a focused person is hard to forget.

“Miss! It’s really Missy, hahaha, Akai, Missy used to call you that way… I knew it was Missy! Only Missy can be so beautiful!”

“Oh.. So that’s how Akai-senpai got his nickname, I said.”

The older generation of ninjas in other people also laughed. Many years ago, they laughed at Akai because of this.

However, some young people also understood the origin of this nickname, and the happy atmosphere for a while made the previous grief less.

“Senior, who is this… beautiful sister?”

A female ninja in the crowd asked curiously a ninja who seemed to know.

The ninja saw everyone around him looking at him.

The people of Nagato who were not far away also frowned, and did not rush to attack. Before understanding the situation, everything was hard to say, and they were also secretly listening.

When the ninja saw this, he said, “It’s normal for you to say this. You don’t know it is normal. After all, it has been nine years since the last time the eldest lady left? It seems to be ten years. Almost, it’s been so long anyway.”

“At the time of World War II, the eldest lady came to Rain Shinobi Village. The eldest lady was our granddaughter of Hanzo-sama! Later Hanzo-sama was playing against Konoha’s three ninjas, which is now the legendary Konoha Sannin!”

“Sannin in the legend of Konoha?! I know! I know.”

A ninja said excitedly, no one in Konoha Sannin’s ninja world knows.

Hearing Sannin’s name, both Nagato and Xiao Nan thought of Jiraiya, and they looked at each other, both of which were somewhat inexplicable.

Maybe it was thinking of the not easy time before.

“Shut up, don’t interrupt me, do you still want to listen.”The senior scolded unhappily. Long Yue, who was not far away, seemed to be thinking about something, and the Anbus were discussing something with each other. When the other ninjas saw that there seemed to be nothing wrong, they listened with peace of mind.

The interrupted ninja smiled embarrassedly, expressing apologies.

The ninja who looked like a senior snorted triumphantly, and then said: “This is not the point, do you know that when Konoha Sannin was about to be killed by Hanzo-sama, he said that it was too late, and the lady suddenly appeared. On the battlefield!”

“Ah! Missy was still very young then…”

“Miss is not hurt, right?!”

“The eldest lady won’t be taken away?!”

“Idiot, if something happened to the eldest lady, how could it happen now!”

Since Hanzo was rescued at a critical time, even though Hanzo died in the end, and seemed to be Hanzo’s granddaughter, everyone had a very good impression of Longyue’s’Miss Elder’, and they were naturally concerned at this time.

“You idiots! Don’t interrupt!”


When everyone saw Senior, they seemed to be angry, and they all quieted down secretly.

“Ahem, it’s normal for you to care about Missy, but at that time, there was Master Hanzo by his side.”


“I see…”

Everyone nodded their heads knowingly, with Han hiding beside it, it was naturally safe.

“And don’t underestimate the eldest lady. Although the eldest lady was still young, she was already a ninja. At that time, World War II saved me once! Not only me, there may be others who were also rescued. Ever?”

“Yes, at that time, I was attacked by someone, and fighting with the enemy was at a time when my life was hanging by a thread. The eldest lady appeared and saved me once.”

“Oh, so did I. If it weren’t for the eldest lady to heal me at the time, maybe she would have died long ago.”

The words of that ninja seemed to have a resonance effect, and some ninjas of the older generation thought of the things of the year secretly, and were embarrassed.

“Okay…Okay…so awesome!”

There are stars in the eyes of the female ninjas, and they have regarded Dragon Key as their idol.

And the young male ninjas seemed to have some throbbing in their hearts.


The male ninjas exclaimed in their hearts.

All the male ninjas regard Longyue as the kind of goddess in their hearts, and the goddess is like this, and there are many men who are married.

The goddess is not love, but an object of protection, a kind of love, which seems to be somewhat different from the meaning expressed by the modern goddess.

“Afterwards, guess what?”

The ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village shook their heads.

Everyone seemed to be affected by the ninja’s words, even the three of Nan Nan and Nagato Kisame who were standing not far away couldn’t help but be curious.

This ninja seemed really wronged when he was a ninja.

It’s really hard for him not to tell the story with such a good eloquence.

Some of the things I said today led to the fact that some merchants and some bards in Rain Shinobi Village wrote some poems and stories specifically about Miss Longyue.

This led to a big sale in the entire Ninja world, which allowed the merchants of Rain Shinobi Village to make a fortune, and also greatly increased Rain Shinobi Village’s source of funds.

But these are all things to do. ..

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