Finally Come

Chapter 282

Chapter 282 Unexpected Death【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 282: Unexpected death [seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

(Yeah! I saw the tip! I’m so happy, so I decided to update more, thank you, but it’s only a few days, and there will be more tips in the future~)

Hope for Rain Shinobi Village?

Seeing that Anbu ninja named Akai seemed unwilling to say anything, everyone was curious and watched the changing seats in the field intently.

In short, it seems that the hope of Rain Shinobi Village has come.

In the eyes of everyone, the space above Hanzo was spinning faster and faster. After a while, three figures appeared.

Two tall young people, one with yellow hair and the other with silver hair, have a gold character tattooed on the right arm of one of the blonde hair, while the other silver-haired has a silver character tattooed on the left arm.

The muscles of the two of them look very exaggerated, and there doesn’t seem to be too much expression on their faces, but this also gives people a rough and nasty feeling.

And there was one long hair fluttering, with an unknown material tied to it, but at first glance it was clear that it was a thin golden ribbon that was expensive.

The golden ribbon ties the hair of this girl who seems to be only about fifteen or sixteen years old. Although it is random, it gives people a fresh and natural feeling.

The young girl wore a large white background with a golden pattern, but inside was a gorgeous white outfit, which looked gorgeous and noble, but at the same time concise and capable.

The appearance of the girl directly intoxicated all the Rain Shinobi Village ninjas present, not only the male ninjas, but some female ninjas in Rain Shinobi Village were also intoxicated by it.

The appearance of the girl, the girl’s skin, the girl’s look, the girl’s eyes, the girl’s breasts of just the right size, and the girl’s smile, which makes people totally unable to think about other things.

Surprised with Rain Shinobi Village on the other side of the girl’s beauty, the three of Nagato’s eyes were about to come out.

Unlike Rain Shinobi Village, although they were shocked by the girl’s appearance, it was not because of the girl’s beauty.

It’s because the girl looks a bit like a person, someone they respect.

“Hey…Zero Burial…”

“I saw…”

Kisame and Nagato were the first to hang up this person and Dragon Key, but after thinking about it carefully, they felt wrong.

“It’s not the key, you better look carefully, this is a woman, a real woman, and, although a little like, this person is definitely not the key.”

Xiao Nan watched for a long time and said his thoughts affirmatively.

Long Yao heard the genuine woman… he felt a click in his heart. It seemed that something was broken, but he held up and said nothing.

“And the two people next to her, I have never met.”

Konan’s words seemed to calm the minds of Kisame and Nagato.

who is she?

Konan Nagato Kisame and the three have a deep question about the girl who appeared.

After Long Key appeared, he changed his previous attitude and looked at the three of Nagato with surprised and curious eyes. It was because of this look that the three of Nagato completely rejected the identity of Long Key.

It’s finally this moment….

Is it finally going to start….

Long Yao’s heart was a little bit emotional, some inexplicable mood.

Turning his gaze to Hanzo under him, a trace of grief suddenly appeared in his gaze.

Of course it was pretend, but apart from the two people behind the gold and silver, who would know?

When Hanzo saw the girl, he was startled in horror.How could it be her? !

There is nothing wrong with it. Although so many years have passed, he will never forget this look that has tortured him for so long.

Then I discovered that the three big red clouds on the opposite side didn’t even know him? How can it be? ! This is the sister of your leader, how could you not know?

Seeing the slender and white hand getting closer and closer to him, Hanzo suddenly felt that there was a very big conspiracy.

All of them are pawns, all of them! Even the three people on the opposite side are among them.

“Is there no breath anymore, I will avenge you.”

The girl said loudly with a pained expression.


“How come… Hanzo-sama!!!”

Hearing the voice of the girl, the surrounding Rain Shinobi Village ninjas felt that they had lost hope, all of them knelt on the ground and burst into tears.

Many of them were watched by Hanzo and grew up. Many of their parents were dead. If Hanzo hadn’t been supporting Rain Shinobi Village, they would not have lived anymore.

Several veteran ninjas also turned pale. They didn’t think this girl would lie, they probably knew the girl’s identity.

It was also silent in the same place, and a sorrow seemed to radiate here.

Hanzo looked at the girl who was close to him with his eyes wide open. He was not dead yet. He clearly saw that the girl’s eyes were looking directly at him. He exhausted all his energy and wanted to say something.

However, he found that he could still say a word or two in a daze, but now his body seems to be imprisoned, and he can’t make any movements, let alone a voice.

The ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village are far away, so naturally you can’t see Hanzo’s anxious and desperate look.

Hanzo found that even though the girl in front of her had a look of grief, she even shed tears, perhaps she was too close.

He clearly saw the murderous intent in the girl’s eyes, the gloat, the deep indifference, and Hanzo felt a chill, a chill in his heart.

“Go to hell, Hanzo.”

Although there was no sound, the girl’s hand slowly touched his body, but he saw the movement of the other’s lips, so Hanzo understood the girl’s words.

Hanzo felt that the life in his body was slowly losing, and the blood seemed to be left more eagerly.

Hanzo had imagined what would happen after he died.

At the juncture of this crisis, there are many ninjas of the older generation present. After his death, this girl’s strength and identity will definitely become the new master of Rain Shinobi Village.

If it is, it’s fine if she’s not from that organization, and if she’s sincere, it’s fine, but Hanzo understands that Rain Shinobi Village may not be outdated by the opponent’s pawn.

Since the other’s brother is the leader of that organization, Rain Shinobi Village will have no peace in the future.

What the hell is my death! ! ! ! ! !

Hanzo was roaring in his heart, but at this time, he had no ability, and even the ability to think was almost gone.


Nagato, Nagato…

You were deceived after all, and you were also deceived…

All of us, this world, everything is just the chess piece, the chess piece that can be discarded at will…

Hanzo’s eyes slowly closed, but the last thing he saw was the smile that couldn’t be hidden in the girl’s eyes.

In the end, Hanzo’s body and mind didn’t react at all.

Even if Hanzo died and didn’t understand, the two brothers and sisters were just one person. ..

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