Finally Come

Chapter 273

Chapter 273 The Name of Zero Burial【Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 273 The name of the zero burial [seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

(This chapter is a supplementary chapter, Feiyan’s festival is different from Long Key, I am still there)

(Long Key: What do you mean? Bastard, why am I gone?)

(Feiyan: Suddenly I think it’s good to have been the heroine, the protagonist is a woman, or else, it’s been like this…Eh… isn’t this Dragon Key…)

(Long Key: Hey, the morals are suddenly missing, so troublesome, ah? Master Feiyan, what did you say, I didn’t say anything just now.)

(Feiyan: Very good, next time I invite you to eat spicy strips!)

Rain Shinobi Village, a peaceful village, at least at this time.

Until today, a few people with big red clouds on a black background stood on the top of the mountain and walked slowly with the breeze.

“Should we go in frontally?”

Kisame looked around. Although it is not one of the five largest ninja villages, Rain Shinobi Village is actually pretty good.

This is different from other villages. Due to the year-round rainfall, there are pipes that circulate rainwater everywhere. The buildings are different from those in Muye Tuyin Village. They are all made of cement, and each house looks a little towering.

Nagato pointed his finger at the ninjas in front of Rain Shinobi Village: “There is no defense after the war, really stupid ninjas! That’s how you can be conquered!”

“Without death, forgetting the pain, you can only enjoy life in peace, mortals, there is no value in living in this world, there is no trace of pursuit.”

“They will be the pavement for the adults, and I will crush all the enemies of the adults!”

Kisame opened his mouth and looked at Nagato strangely, but in the end he didn’t say what he wanted to say.

Xiao Nan looked plain and touched the flower on his head. It was a golden flower, which was given to him by Long Key.

Key, your enemy is my enemy…

It definitely seems to be accustomed to Nagato, and I underestimated that the second disease was committed again, but he didn’t say much, and looked around for himself.

Nagato saw that no one was paying attention to him. He only felt that except for Xiao Nan, his thoughts and consciousness were still too low. Also, not everyone could be elected as the messenger of God.

Nagato walked over first.

“You are….”

The ninja hadn’t finished speaking yet, Nagato flew quickly to another ninja with a shuriken, and directly broke the questioning ninja at the same time.

“Then, I will leave first…”

Jue Yinyin smiled, and went directly underground without a trace.

Nagato nodded and looked at Kisame and Xiao Nan.

“Nantou walked to the left, Baihu cleared to the right, cleared the ninjas on the road, reduced my pressure, and left the rest to me.”

“Be careful yourself.”

Xiao Nan took a caring look at Nagato, and the pieces of paper disappeared.

Kisame looked at this scene thoughtfully. The relationship between this white tiger and Ling Fu was unusual. When his wife was backing, Ling Fu seemed to care about Bai Hu very much.

Hearing from that guy Hai, he seems to have grown up together, brother-sister love…Zero Burial will also have such a love…

“Nantou, there are any questions.”

Looking at Kisame who hadn’t left and stayed where he seemed to be toward something, Nagato asked.Kisame smiled cruelly: “I just want to ask, do you need to know the location of Hanzo at Zero Burial? I was Anbu before, so I can make people talk. I’m a housekeeper.”

Kisame naturally wouldn’t say what he was thinking about, but what Kisame wanted to ask now is what Kisame wanted to ask. Since they are in the same organization, it is natural to pay attention to each other. Most importantly, organizational competition is indeed very fierce. It is definitely beneficial and harmless to befriend Nagato.

“My lord once told me, Nandou, you are the perfect ninja. I am very happy to be an organization with you. I have considered this aspect and I will solve it myself.”

Nagato looked at Kisame appreciatively, this kind of thinking for the organization can easily win his favor.

“Hahaha, your honor is too good, that’s all about the responsibility. Since you have already thought of it, then I will clean up the ninjas over there.”

Kisame smiled modestly, Long Key’s appreciation, for someone like Kisame, there is nothing more happier than this. After speaking, he put Samehada on his shoulders and left directly.

Looking at the figure of Kisame when he was young, Nagato’s originally happy expression disappeared, and his eyes looked coldly at the village in front of him.

“Hanzo… would you think of this day… the man you were about to kill back then, the hatred of the face… must be paid for by blood!”

Nagato may not have thought of it until he died. Although Mi Yan’s death was not done by Long Key, Long Key had already foreseen Mi Yan’s death, but would you want Long Key to save this person…

That is absolutely impossible. In Long Yao’s eyes, Mi Yan is nothing more than a support point for Nagato’s awakening… The meaning of his existence is death…

The death of the guard at the door cannot be concealed for long, then, before that…

You have to find Hanzo first, or…

Nagato sneered.

After a lot of destruction, he believed that Hanzo would definitely come out…

Sneak in secretly, and then secretly kill?

No, this is not Nagato’s style, and, if you want to kill Hanzo without any movement like this, even if it is him, it is impossible to do…

Maybe… only Master Key can do it…

Nagato flashed, and went to another place. The ninja immediately became alert when he saw it, and slowly put his right hand in his pocket, ready to use the detonating talisman Kunai at any time.

But suddenly Nagato’s figure disappeared, and he appeared behind the ninja abruptly, and his palm was already pressed on the ninja’s heavenly spirit cover.

Nagato closed his eyes, and then shook his hand, pulling out the man’s soul.

“It should be said that you are lucky or Hanzo is still a trash, and you can’t avoid letting an ordinary ninja know where you are. Do you think no one can kill him… It’s really arrogant…”

The information on the ninja’s head is very simple and clear. Hanzo is in the office in the center of Rain Shinobi Village. This is something that all ninjas know.

Perhaps the title of demigod gave Hanzo too much confidence.


With a sudden scream, Nagato saw a female civilian see what was happening in the corner, and then ran quickly while shouting that the ninja had been killed.

When Nagato saw it, he didn’t pay attention. If he couldn’t deal with women and civilians, do you think Nagato is going to be such a person.

The shouts of women will make many people notice here, and will attract more ninjas, who are always going to kill, so avoid looking for them one by one…

If you kill too much, Hanzo will naturally come out.

Soon, I saw a small group of ninjas coming over.

The leader looked at the corpse of the Rain Shinobi Village ninja next to the elders, frowned, and looked around.

“A person? An intruder?”

“Although I don’t know the reason, but I’ll catch it with my hands.”

one person? The elders thought it was a bit funny…a person…not to mention that he did not come alone, but what if he came alone.

So, let’s make some movement first… ..

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