Finally Come

Chapter 272

Chapter 272 Absolute Ethics [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 272 Jue’s Ethics [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

(I didn’t want to explain anything, but the power went out a few days ago, so the change was interrupted for two days. So, the change will be made up. Also, thanks to Limao Yuzan for rewarding 1888, the monthly pass of the night watchman, because of the reward. , I will add one more chapter while making up, well, take your time)

Jue’s face didn’t want to be normal, and he looked serious at this time. Both Black Zetsu and White Zetsu were staring at a slate in front of him.


The Black Zetsu man showed a relaxed look, and White Zetsu on the side also smiled and nodded.

Just when he thought something major was about to happen, he absolutely lay on the stone slab, motionless.

After a minute… there was absolutely no movement at all.

Ten minutes later… still the same.

Half an hour later…wait!

Finally, there was something wrong with Jue’s body, and he saw a snoring sound slowly coming out of his nose.

Actually… at this time… fell asleep…


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance, making Jue Jue’s whole person clever, and he immediately started to do it.

“Who!? I’m crazy, it’s rare to take a break…”

White Zetsu seems to be a man who is getting up… so soon he started to curse.

Black Zetsu woke up a little, looked in the direction of that side, and said in a deep voice, “It should be from the zero funeral. It seems that it has reached the final stage so soon, what a pity.”

“Damn, I knew it was the second-degree patient, except for him, who can make such a big movement.”

White Zetsu squinted his eyes. Regarding Nagato, although no other member of Akatsuki dared to say that in front of him, because Nagato will definitely talk to you about what seems unusual to everyone. In the end, he will be merciless. Hands on.

However, in private, Tongyi is called the second disease patient, but not everyone knows it. The first name is Jue, and then Sasori and Kakuzu.

Black Zetsu looked at the sky, it was noon… Slowly he said, “Are we really good like this, Shiro, don’t you think we are ashamed of doing this, but they are fighting hard.” what.”

When White Zetsu heard it, his face turned dark. You said this as if taking a break. This is what I meant by myself. Then he said: “We know the inside story. Since we know the result, why should we spend so much time? This time we were exploring the terrain. By the way, you just said it’s a pity, what a pity?”

Black Zetsu was taken aback, and then said, “Ah, I think there is too little rest time…”

After speaking, Black Zetsu thought that White Zetsu would despise him. Who knows, White Zetsu showed a deep approval look on his face, and looked at Black Zetsu and nodded.

When Black Zetsu saw it, he nodded with a sigh…

Ah, so these two people are really…


There was another shaking sound of the earthquake mountain, which was much louder than before.

White Zetsu just wanted to start cursing, then he seemed to see something and smiled mysteriously.

Black Zetsu frowned, followed White Zetsu’s gaze, and smiled, saying, “Planetary Devastation, even this one has been used. It seems that Zero Burial wants to retaliate against Hanzo with the greatest degree of deterrence, let us You can also pass.”

“I think….”


“Should you take a break?”

Black Zetsu lowered his head but thought.

“What ideological struggle are you doing…”

White Zetsu thought speechlessly, is it just going and not going? It’s a big deal..

“No, I’m just thinking about how long to rest…”


Asshole, this guy didn’t even think about it, did he…Absolutely your morals! ? Where are you? !

“Oh…I don’t know what’s going on, we didn’t seem to be like this before…”

Black Zetsu sighed.

White Zetsu listened thoughtfully, and finally seemed to think of something slowly and said: “Who said no, we were originally good subordinates who worked hard and worked hard for the organization, working day and night, wanting to keep Xiao Xiao The glory of Xiao, Xiao’s thought spread to the whole world, and finally, let everyone understand that Xiao’s greatness, Xiao’s thought, we are bright… We are… uh…”

“How can I change so many words…”

White Zetsu was suddenly panicked…

Black Zetsu nodded in agreement when he heard the front, but at the back…the more they talked, the more mysterious they said….Speaking of the back…it’s like a magic stick…

“Since I followed Master Key… the morals of the two of me…” Black Zetsu sighed.

“Is it?”

“Yeah…” White Zetsu nodded.

The two sighed, and blamed all the crimes on Long Yao’s head.

Then Jue’s body suddenly became clever…

“Nigger… was you talking just now…” White Zetsu questioned.

“It’s not me…this voice…it seems to be…” Black Zetsu seemed to think of something terrible.

“Absolutely… Is it fun to play here…”

A strange and familiar voice came from behind Jue…

Black Zetsu White Zetsu changed his face at the same time, and turned his head stiffly one by one.

But I saw a young girl with black silk like a waterfall with hair reaching waist. She was dressed in a pure white outfit with a white gold pattern on the outside. She looked very charming, even though she was fifteen or six years old. At his age, but there is a sense of charm on his face that is not at this age.

There is also that kind of domineering aura, which is inconsistent with appearance.

This is not the most important thing, I can definitely feel it, the girl in front of me has a good appearance and voice, it looks like a person… and knows some inside stories…

I’m absolutely sure who the girl in front of me is…

So he turned his head and smiled and said, “Master Key… Konoha’s affairs must be going well, you are quite in good spirits. Have you eaten your meal… Haven’t eaten, I’ll invite the adults to come with you… ”

Jue this was a shameless answer, which immediately made Long Yao’s face black.

What is this stuff?

“What you just said…”

“No, no, we are mainly discussing zero burial, and this is the countermeasure under discussion.”

He shook his head quickly, because he wouldn’t admit it to death at this time.

When Long Yao heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched again, so shameless and who learned it from…

Actually, who I learned from…It really goes without saying…Really…Sister Long Yao…

“Have you discussed it yet?”

“All right.”

Absolutely stunned and replied.

“Why are you still here, don’t you go!”

At this time, Long Key was already Long Yue. Although he had some imagination, he was a young girl after all. The temperament of the young lady’s unique eldest made him a little nervous.

After nodding quickly, he left here.


Long Yao put his hands on his chest, this small breast just set off his arms, and his head lifted slightly.

Sister Long Yao, did you make it? There are as many Tsundere as you like this.

(The picture in the chapter is from Longyao Sister Girls’ Generation) ..

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