Finally Come

Chapter 270

Chapter 270 Eight Sign Seal【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 270 Eight Sign Seal【Seeking monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

“Fourth Hokage! What do you want to do!”

Seeing the appearance of the ghoul seal, as a demon fox, he was very alert to danger. He felt his own danger and kept roaring.

“However, I have always loved you, never changed… I’m sorry Minato…”

Just when Minato was a little sluggish, Mayuri suddenly cried and said to Minato.

When Minato saw it, his surprised expression slowly turned into a deep love.

“I’m the one who should say sorry. You gave me the family, and you gave me the opportunity to be a father… What else can I say to Naruto… I don’t have much time… ”

Mayuri smiled and nodded.

“Is it this kid?! Just take him…”

Nine Tails’ eyes flashed, he probably knew what Minato was going to do.

However, he was not reconciled!

He was unwilling to be in a lowly human body again!

Become a human use object again!

He is great Nine Tails! The strongest tail beast!

The more resembling, the greater the anger in Nine Tails’ heart, and the sharp claws stab at the young Naruto quickly.




In the distance, Sarutobi and Kakashi saw Nine Tails’ sharp claws penetrate deeply into Minato and Mayuri that were blocking Naruto’s body.

“seal up!”

“Fourth Hokage!!!”

The seal on the failed Nine Tails was strengthened by Mayuri, and he couldn’t help roaring.

Mayuri moved his head closer to Naruto slowly, and looked at Naruto with a smile.

“Naruto, don’t be picky eaters, eat more and grow up quickly.”

“Remember to take a bath every day and take a bath to warm up.”

“Also, don’t stay up late, get sleep.”

“Remember to make friends. You don’t have to have many friends, just a few truly trustworthy friends.”

“Also, although my mother is very bad at it, you have to study your homework and ninjutsu.

But everyone is good at it and not good at it. Even if you encounter difficulties in learning, you don’t have to be too disappointed. At school, we must respect teachers and seniors. ”

“Ah, there is another important thing. Regarding the three prohibitions of ninjas, especially money borrowing, we must be cautious, and the income from the mission must be saved well.”

“You have to wait until you are 20 years old to drink. Excessive drinking is harmful to your body, so be careful.”

“The key issue in the Three Prohibitions is women. Mothers don’t understand that they are women. In short, there are only women and men in this world.

Although you will be interested in women, remember, don’t be seduced by strange women, look for women like mothers. ”

“Also, when it comes to the Three Forbiddens, please be more careful, Mr. Jiraiya.”

“Naruto, you will encounter many painful and sad things next. You must maintain yourself firmly and have your dreams. And, you must have the confidence to realize your dreams.”

“There’s still more…”Mayuri wanted to say something, but she couldn’t cry anymore.

“In fact, there are more things I want to teach you, and I want to stay with you all the time.”

“Mom loves you!”

“Sorry, Minato is the only one talking about me.”

Mayuri turned to look at Minato apologetically.

Minato smiled and shook his head, watching Naruto gently say: “What Dad wants to say is the same as your nagging mother.”

Then he looked at Kakashi who had fainted in the distance, smiled, and then the look in Sarutobi’s eyes was too obvious.

Sarutobi nodded solemnly.

Minato smiled reassuringly.

“Eight Sign Seal!!!”

I saw Nine Tails body as if the soul was out of the body, and the body was sucked into Naruto’s abdomen bit by bit.

Kakashi just saw this scene when he got up, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn’t say a word.


In this sentence, Mayuri’s tone was very plain, simply plain and terrifying.

But Minato and the others have no chance to ask…

“That’s it again… this way… also good…”

Nine Tails being sucked in…seems to have figured out something…anyway, it calms down…

(Actually, at this location, Feiyan is still a bit touched to be honest, the original Feiyan actually didn’t read that much. I feel that Kishimoto is really a bit brainwashed, and if he was taken in, he would kill Akatsuki in the novel. .. I really lost it…

After all, the protagonist is the villain. Who is right or wrong in the Hokage world, no one can tell this, so it makes people feel a little bit pitiful here.

Feiyan’s style, everyone should know a little bit by now. The feeling of light novels in the past is gone, funny, I have added less, right?

Therefore, this is a villain, but it is not a dark one. The villain is powerful, and the identity should naturally be as luxurious as everyone who has filled the membership.

Resolutely, there will be no NTR, Virgin, these plots, if anyone likes to watch the protagonist, the good guy, the vindicator, and Feiyan, let’s talk about it here. Please leave first. Even if you see the current readers, they will definitely It is to support Feiyan.

Feiyan really solemnly thank you here.

Thank you for not abandoning Feiyan’s update, thank you for not abandoning this book, and thank you for your continued support.

Let’s spoiler it, it’s just an inconsequential thing. If, I mean if, if you write a new book or a new world in the future, if you join the plot of what kind of church, what is fighting for justice and light.

Don’t worry, everyone, it must be the protagonist’s purpose and lurking.

This is just my thinking and style, not that it will definitely appear.

Say nothing, go ahead. )

Rain Shinobi Village….

Still in that place, Long Yao’s ‘sister’ was still sitting quietly on the rock. When the rain passed by Long Yao’s body, it seemed to be blocked by something and slipped to other places.

Long Yao’s body appearance was only fifteen or sixteen years old. He was slender, with big eyes, and his skin was as snowy. A dark cloud of hair stood straight behind his head.

I don’t know when, a long sword with dark golden shading appeared in my hand. It was the clouds of the sky. While touching the sword, I looked forward with a smile. It was so delicate and vulgar, spotless, like a figure in the sky. .


The two shuttle figures that came suddenly appeared behind Long Key, but Long Key did not turn his head back, and said indifferently: “Since you are here, then, leave here. From now on, you two Life has also begun to change.”

The two who came here looked like young people, about twenty years old, and looked very imaginative. One had yellow hair and the other had silver hair. They were brothers at first sight. They were really gold and silver.

But the two blood inheritance boundaries had been merged, and they were only waiting to be developed slowly, and they were anxious to respond to Dragon Key’s order and used the fastest speed of the two to come here.

“I will follow the master, even if death turns into a dead soul, we shall follow forever.” ..

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