Finally Come

Chapter 269

Chapter 269 The Last Glory【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 269 The Last Glory [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]


A cry of exclamation came out here.

Every second, there may be a ninja’s life lost here.

“Ah, I’m fine.”

At this time, Minato is a little bit ashamed, not just him, but the people around him are in front of the most powerful Nine Tails among the beasts. Where can they be better?


With a sudden shout, Minato listened, looking in which direction with some joy and some fear.

Kakashi, it’s finally here…

Minato was pleased to see his child, but was a little scared that maybe in the future, he will never have the opportunity to watch him grow step by step as the father of this child.


Minato flashed over, looking at Naruto, who was already asleep in his arms, Minato’s heart was deeply moved.

“Where is Orochimaru?”

Jiraiya’s head turned left and turned right and didn’t seem to see Orochimaru, and said to Kakashi with some worry.

Kakashi’s expression jumped, and he hurriedly said: “On the way here, I seem to have encountered an enemy again. Where might Orochimaru-sama still fight? Let me come first.”

With that said, Jiraiya suddenly became anxious…

Minato on the side was also worried, and Sarutobi, who was fighting with Nine Tails in front of him, was shocked.

Are there any enemies?

It seems that Orochimaru’s choice in the past was correct. Otherwise, if Minato’s child is taken as a hostage, it will be the most troublesome.

Looking at Jiraiya’s anxious face, the corpses of Konoha Shinobi all around, Sarutobi and Konoha Shinobi who are fighting hard in front of Nine Tails, Minato seems to have made some determination in his heart.

“Kakashi, stand here and protect Naruto, and all the ninjas around stay away from here! Sarutobi-sama, leave the rest to me.

Teacher Jiraiya, please go and help Senior Orochimaru. ”

Having seen the fighting power of the dragon key and Tenjindo before, Minato knew the strength of Orochimaru, but he was still a little worried.


Jiraiya didn’t understand what Minato said.

Sarutobi in the front also retreated to Minato’s side, looking at Minato suspiciously.

They knew in their hearts that Minato was not the kind of big talker. Since he said it, there must be some way. Then, trust him, just step back first.

Minato looked at Sarutobi and Jiraiya solemnly: “Leave it all to me.”

Jiraiya patted Minato on the shoulder and said, “Be careful.”

Smelling Kakashi’s general direction, he quickly left here.

Sarutobi shouted loudly to the surroundings: “All ninjas stay away from this area!”

After all, the surrounding Konoha Shinobi retreated slowly and orderly.

Minato saw Naruto with a dignified expression and smiled at Naruto and said, “It’s Dad who is sorry for you. From now on, you must listen to your mother…Be good, don’t cause trouble, and get along with friends around you from an early age. ….”


“Minato, what do you want to do?!”

Looking at the faint tears in Minato’s eyes, Sarutobi and Kakashi both yelled. This… is clearly saying a last word.


Suddenly, a familiar voice trembled Minato’s body and mind.


Minato saw the person who is most afraid to see now…”Who allowed you to do this! Who allowed it!”

Watching Mayuri walk towards him step by step, Minato’s face was a little guilty.

Sarutobi saw it slowly and said, “Mayuri, actually…”

“you shut up!”

Mayuri suddenly turned to look at Sarutobi viciously and said.

Sarutobi frowned.

It’s not that the other party doesn’t respect themselves, but…

The hatred in Mayuri’s eyes, although somewhat hidden, was still discovered by him.

When Mayuri spoke to Sarutobi like this, Minato was also taken aback.

When he was about to say something, Mayuri interrupted him, “You are going to die?! Are you going to die?! I finally became a wife, and finally became a mother…now…now…”

Every time Mayuri says a word, Minato’s body trembles once…

Seeing this, Kakashi on the side was silent and speechless.

“Mayuri…this is what I have to do as Hokage…and I am very sorry for you and Naruto…but…”

Minato’s words are full of love and care, as well as guilt.

After hearing this, Mayuri looked at the corpses of the surrounding ninjas, without a trace of sympathy in his eyes, but at this time, no one noticed these things.

“Since you are dying… Then, I will be with you… Without my help, your chances of success may be much smaller.”

Mayuri seemed to say without emotion.


Minato seemed to be choked on what he said, but couldn’t say what he wanted to say.

Without waiting for Minato to say anything, Mayuri had already rushed towards Nine Tails, and the chain behind him rushed out of his body, tying Nine Tails who wanted to leave here tightly.

Minato saw him, his expression was taken aback, and he set off immediately…

He understands that there is no way out…

“Enchantment Technique!”

Mayuri yelled, and a huge light blue barrier separated the surrounding area.

“Minato…you don’t want to use…”

Sarutobi seemed to think of something and looked at Minato seriously.

Minato nodded and said, “Nine Tails’ Chakra is unlimited. If this continues, we will lose. There is no way…”

“You leave here… Naruto…”

After that, Minato brought Naruto to Mayuri’s side.

“Summoning Technique!”

An Eight Trigrams stand was called out, and Minato carefully put Naruto on it.


Although Mayuri hated Konoha, seeing Naruto, as a mother, his heart immediately softened.

“Mom I’m sorry…”

“Forbidden Technique! The ghouls are all sealed!”

Minato roared, the whole person’s aura changed, and an illusory white figure appeared behind him. After appearing, he looked at Minato and Nine Tails in front of him in confusion.

“Minato, remember, everything I did today was not for Konoha…just…just for you…”


Minato stared blankly at what Mayuri said, but he couldn’t react.

He didn’t understand what Mayuri said…

Before, he felt a little weird…

Seeing Mayuri keep tears, but his eyes are so determined, Minato feels that there seems to be something wrong with him… but he can’t think of…

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