Finally Come

Chapter 258

Chapter 258 Wishful Golden Cudgel【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 258 Ruyi Golden Cudgel Flowers Evaluation]

“Hey, Sarutobi, this guy…”

The sudden and inexplicable situation caused the Sarutobi to turn his head behind him after a slight daze, and looked at Sarutobi with a bit of bitterness.

“Space ability, Ape Demon, please help me.”

Sarutobi reluctantly answered Saru’s question.

When the Saru King heard it, he nodded and said bitterly: “I didn’t expect it to be space, Lord Tobirama, or Minato, they are all incredible ninjas.”

With the appearance of the Saru Demon King, the figure of Tianshindo was not far away. This Saru Demon, with great power, was indeed a little difficult to handle after it became the cooperation of the wishful golden hoop and Sarutobi.

But because of this, it is even more necessary to stop here.

The real red space was named after the power of the space inherited from the dragon key.

Ability is just like a name. There is a blood-red patch in the space, which is essentially different from Fourth Generation and Pupil Art.

His space is neither connecting himself with another space, nor is it like Minato, which locks a certain space as a target.

The real red space is somewhat like a turbulent flow of time and space at that time.

Since it cannot aim at a fixed point, nor can it connect to different spaces, the ability of the true red space does not have the ability to split like the pupil technique, nor is it like Minato, which can quickly shuttle between multiple locations.

However, he also has two other differences, as well as advantages and abilities that the other two do not have.

Let’s put it this way, in the real red space, in the previous Dragon Key’s space ability, there were some skills to inhale the opponent, and finally in the space, the opponent’s Chakra control would disappear, change its position, and recombine its Chakra arrangement.

Finally, it is relatively simple to do this in the space to return this technique to the opponent in its entirety and change the order of its Chakra. Of course, this also requires a great ninjutsu comprehension ability.

It can be said that a lot of Chakra has been saved.

Secondly, although it can’t teleport as fast as Flying Thunder God does, it’s different from Pupil Art. Real Red Space can also move quickly, but not as many times as Flying Thunder God.

The real red space can also seal the opponent into a different space. This is an ability that Flying Thunder God does not have. It is different from the different space of the pupil technique. The real red space is like a turbulent flow of time and space. It can be said that it is Dead.

However, the conditions for activation and Chakra’s requirements are very demanding. If it is not used at the right time, it may be avoided by the opponent, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Power is always an endless thing. This sentence is also used here. The stronger you become, the ability will change involuntarily. What kind of ability does the real red space have? Then, it still needs to be in the future. Development.

Not to mention the ability of the real red space, just say that the situation of the occupied area after the summoning of the monkey demon has slightly changed.

“Secret technique, shadow bondage.”

The shadow technique of the Nara clan is a family secret technique.

This technique itself is a ninjutsu that requires a high IQ to be fully utilized. The premise of the shadow technique is that the surface area of ​​the shadow remains unchanged, and the main effect is to restrain and control the enemy.

Although it seems to have limited functions, it is possible to use the shadow technique to achieve ever-changing effects by coordinating the deformation of the shadow and the change of the light source and the agile thinking.

The first is deformation. The thinning of the shadow can confuse the enemy, extend the attack range, and attack multiple people.

And the ability of shadow art is constantly evolving, from imitation art that is limited to the surface of the object, to the head binding art that can attach to the body and kill people, to the shadow gap that can break through the surface restrictions and materialize attacks. It can be said that it is used to restrain the shadow of others. The evolution of art is a process of unceasingly breaking away from the shackles.

The materialization may seem simple, but from the absence of any lethal imitation to the hand that can kill, the shadow can be said to have a certain degree of physical power.The illusion that relies on mental power attack is mainly to destroy the opponent’s nerves, and the original non-destructive shadows will extend the attack range of the Nara clan ninjas, and it is virtually equivalent to lengthening the hands and feet of the Nara ninjas.

Lujiu is the patriarch of the Nara group. Speaking of his family’s secret skills, naturally, it’s needless to say that the shadow speed of other ninjas in the family is much slower than that of him, and this speed determines the ability and combat. Time is the key to victory.

It was too late and then it was fast, just a moment of effort, the black shadow was like a spike, rushing from behind Lujiu to the position of the gods.

“The skills of the Nara clan, really troublesome ability.”

Tianshendao’s brows were slightly cramped, and Shadow Technique was used more often when feinting or cooperating with other ninjutsu.

And this time, there is no doubt that it is a feint.

Although the surrounding Konoha Shinobi did not act, Tenshindo was sensitive to the changes in Third Generation and Dingza and Uiichi.

Are you testing whether Shenluo Tianzheng can rebound…

Then…by surprise…


The red light behind it flashed, and it quickly leaped behind Lu Jiu…

In the cuffs, the black stick suddenly appeared, held it in his right hand, and pierced Lu Jiu’s neck tightly.


The pupils of Tianshendao shrank, and he saw that Lu Jiu showed no fear at all, but also showed a strange smile.


Doppelganger… or, double-body Technique, when…

“Mind Transformation Technique!”

“Expansion Jutsu…”

It’s a success! The other Konoha ninjas may not understand, but the other two as Ino–Shika–Chō, and Lujiu’s cooperation have long reached an Ultimate place…

“You guys, quickly deploy the barrier and cooperate with the feint attack.”

Looking at the Konoha Shinobi who still had some unknown reasons, some of them understood, and some were still stunned. Sarutobi immediately called out loudly.

“Ape Demon!”

“Understood! Change!”


Ruyi Golden Hoop, Saruma and Sarutobi’s ninjutsu in cooperation with each other.

The surrounding Konoha Shinobi were not far from Tenjindo, placing a lot of detonating charms, and some ninjas directly released various shurikens and escape techniques to head for Tenjindo.

The eyes of Tianshendao closed slightly.

Ruyi Golden Cudgel, the ability of the space just now was used by me on purpose. The stone statue uses the hard enchantment Technique of the Golden Cudgel to bind me here…

Can’t be restrained here…

“Shen Luo Tianzheng!”

Just when everyone thought they were about to succeed, the four words of the spirit of a rainbow came from the mouth of Tianshendao. ..

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