Finally Come

Chapter 257

Chapter 257 True Red Space【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 257: True Red Space [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Shenluo Tianzheng is the ability of the Six Paths Tianshen Tao in reincarnation.

It can be said that the size of strength has a more fundamental relationship with one’s own strength, and the larger the scope, the more Chakra is needed.

The larger the range, the smaller the strength will generally be, and the strength itself, Tenshindo can also control the magnitude.

Six Paths reincarnation, but the real combat power is only the Celestial Dao. If the mission is completed, Ashura Dao Odin will naturally be there. The remaining ones, although they have been strengthened by the dragon key and system, but the combat effectiveness is compared to Nagato, Tenshindo and Ashura are still far apart.

“So spoiled and frivolous, it seems that I don’t need me to kill you. It won’t take long for you to return to your own destruction.”



“Take him away…”

The arrogant tone of Tenshindo immediately made Inuyang-kun crazy again, but Konoha Jōnin on the side slashed him directly on the neck, knocking him out.

With a sigh, he asked other ninjas to take him away.

Konoha’s ninja slowly receded a bit, and Tenshindo did not stop this. The departure of these people did not help the organization of Nine Tails at all. These painless attacks would only increase the anger of Nine Tails. .


Lujiu came to Sarutobi’s side…

“Well, please give me an order, I believe in your wisdom…”

“It’s really hard for me, Hiruzen-sama.”

Lu Jiu smiled bitterly and shook his head. Although he was very observant at this moment, he could only see a little bit.

“The opponent’s spatial ability is said to be the most troublesome one. If the opponent wants to leave, it is difficult for us to stop it, at least until Minato arrives. The mysterious ability just now seems to be repulsive.

It can be seen from the land around his center that what worries me the most is whether the other party has any other abilities.

There are also the above two abilities, and there is no way to deal with it for the time being.

However, judging from the fact that the other party stopped us, we shouldn’t use space ninjutsu to escape. ”

Lujiu pondered slightly, sorted out the thoughts in his head, and explained to the ninjas of Hokage and Konoha who were left behind…

Without saying a word, everyone in Konoha felt that their hearts became heavier.

Sarutobi is also more serious as he listens, and he is very satisfied to be able to understand this in such a short period of time.

He nodded and said, “No matter what, we are Konoha’s ninjas, and we will not lose to the invaders.”

Sarutobi’s words reached the ears of Tenshinto without fail, but he didn’t worry too much. Behind him was Nine Tails. The destruction of Nine Tails was still going on, and Sarutobi’s ninjas of Konoha were in front of him. To be honest, to fight against Sarutobi Hiruzen and Ino–Shika–Chō and other Jōnin with his own strength, he still has some spare energy. Like Long Key, he has not yet fully integrated and adapted. Even though this situation is better Dragon Key is much better.

And now Dragon Key should still be fighting Fourth Generation, all Tenshindo has to do is to contain the Konoha group in front of them.

At this time, he is not a simple puppet, but also has his own thoughts, just like the outer body and the three corpses, but all the starting points are from the order of the dragon key and the consideration for his body.

It really doesn’t work…

Tenshindo paid attention to the Nine Tails behind him, and he fought with Nine Tails…

Before long, one-third of the progress will be almost completed…Before this, I must do my best to guarantee it.There are many people on the opposite side, so if you want to be surprised, you must be very fast!

This is extremely advantageous to me who has spatial ability!

“True Red Space.”

In the blink of an eye, Tianshen Dao jumped behind him, and at the same time, a red space hole behind him was torn apart.

While Tenshindo was escaping into it, a red hole suddenly appeared on the side of Third Generation, and the figure of Tenshindo rushed out of it.

The black iron rods in his hands flew quickly towards the people of Konoha one after another.

“Block him…”

I have long understood that the opponent has space ability, but the space ability is also different. I didn’t expect the opponent to move so quickly, not inferior to the speed of the yellow flash.

“Ding seat!”

“Bomb tank!”

Not to mention the deer shouting for a long time, Ding Zuo had already completed his technique at the time of that call, and his body instantly became a little swollen, and he quickly rolled in the direction of the gods.

“Ding ding ding ding ding…”

The black iron rod and Konoha’s weapons were rubbing against each other without stopping.

Tianshendao frowned, his body jumped slightly, and he jumped to the top of the meatball tank, just when he wanted to do something.

I saw Kuunai popping up on the meatball chariot, swiftly coming towards me.

But Hai Yi with the blonde hair on his side was preparing to make a seal.

The expression of Tianshen Dao condensed, and with a slight wave of his hand, he sucked the shuriken into the space, and once again waved it directly in the direction of Hiichi.

Hai Yi didn’t mean to stop at all. He saw the black lines on the ground slowly escaping from Lu Jiu’s body. The black lines rushed directly into the air, and the tips of the lines were like sharp swords. The kunai that came one by one bounced to the ground.

Tianshendao looked over and saw Lu Jiu half squatting on the ground with a seal on his hand, and he looked at himself calmly at this time.

“As expected of Ino–Shika–Chō, there is absolutely no need for verbal cooperation.”

“Universal Pull.”

Tenshindo’s right hand opened, and it was a grasp in the direction of Haiichi.

Seeing Haiyi suddenly stopped in horror, Jieyin…

“Haiyi?! What’s wrong?”

“my body…”

Before I finished speaking, I saw Hai Yi’s body floating in the air and headed straight towards the direction of the gods.

“Summoning Technique, Ape Demon King.”

With a bang, I saw that above the scene, a stronger gorilla and other animal appeared behind the smoke.

Then he changed to a leap towards Tenjindo. Even though it was so far away, it seemed like a step. The Saru Demon King’s figure reached the direction of Tenjindo, ready to give Tenjindo a fatal punch.

Seeing this movement drove the flow in the air, Tenshindo understood how powerful this punch was.

After thinking for a while, he gave up the control of the Universal Pull and immediately activated the real red space. The space behind it burst, and the figure escaped in again.

Then, in the dumb gaze of the Saru Demon King, he appeared on the other side. ..

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